Weight loss surgery

It is NOT the easy way out!! And it's not always about the weight loss. I had so many medical issues that have been healed from having the Gastric sleeve done. I used to be on about 15 medications a day!! That includes Diabetic meds, BP, cholesterol and the list goes on. Now I'm down to 1 medication!! Just one!! And guess what it's for.... Heartburn!! Maybe diet and exercise would've done the same... Eventually... But would I have lived that long?? That's the question!! People need to stop seeing wls as cosmetic!! It's saving lives


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Many people who lose weight without weight loss surgery also find they have reduced health issues or reliance on medications. It's a common consequence of weight loss.
  • Missy14y
    Missy14y Posts: 10 Member
    My point is that the surgery saves lives also not just a cosmetic procedure but thanks for the obvious input
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    Missy14y wrote: »
    My point is that the surgery saves lives also not just a cosmetic procedure but thanks for the obvious input

    You are right, it can be a life saving measure. No doubt. But it also can cause a lot of problems which are irreversible.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Have there been threads on here recently where posters are criticizing WLS? Because this is the second debate thread recently angrily telling people WLS isn't the easy way out, but I rarely ever see anyone here suggest that. So I'm curious who these posts are talking too?

    I think it should be a last resort, as any surgery risks complications, and I think it needs to be undertaken along with dealing with the underlying issues that led to weight gain in the first place. But for some people it is the best path, and I would never consider surgery "easy"!