Low carb diet

Hello! I am new to the low carb world and I have been doing great lately!( about 50 grams of carbs max a day) I'm proud of my results but do I deserve a cheat day (as they say) or should I just stick with it. Any advice is helpful! Looking to lose another 10 lbs still!


  • mandiegold941
    mandiegold941 Posts: 67 Member
    I am pretty new to it as well. It does work that's for sure.
  • perez5628
    perez5628 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you, instead of "cheating " The other day I found a substitute for mash potatoes and ate mash cauliflower instead. So I think I'll stick to that plan!
  • midgemills1969
    midgemills1969 Posts: 2 Member
    I liked mashed cauliflower yum
  • perez5628
    perez5628 Posts: 5 Member
    That's exactly what I'm doing 1200 calories a day, and it has been rewarding with 1 lb a week the past 3 weeks. I'd love to see 2 lbs! I will try this carb refeed and hope it helps! I have been having a hard time staying full lately, not sure if that's related to less of carbs. Thank you, that was so motivating!
  • altairego21
    altairego21 Posts: 52 Member
    so by limiting your carbs to about 50 g while eating 1300 calories you lost weight?
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Depends on your definition of cheat. My little brothers birthday was last Sunday, I had birthday cake, I ate Keto as usual all day and carried on eating keto as usual after. It's just cake, I may have dipped out of ketosis but give it a day I'll be back in it again. No biggy.

    If you make it a bigger issue than it really is, you're likely to de-rail. Once in a while it's fine, as long as you don't go all out crazy. There is also a thing called Carb-cycling where people will have a carb-dense day, I think most people who do it lift-weights or do intensive training. So if you can't live without your sunday roast, or pizza Fridays then look into that. At the end of the day as long as you stick to your calorie limit, you're on the right track.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    so by limiting your carbs to about 50 g while eating 1300 calories you lost weight?

    eating 1300 cals is why they lost weight. carbs has nohing to do with it. i eat 1350 cals and lose 2 lb/ week and have lost 100. i do not limit carbs
  • sytchequeen
    sytchequeen Posts: 526 Member
    do you want a cheat day? That's the only thing you need to ask. Is there something you miss so badly you want an occasional indulgence?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    edited April 2018
    OP, if you find this lifestyle too restrictive, just realize that you should be eating in a manor that is sustainable. The approach I do is focus on protein and work on whole foods. I don't have many limits outside of that. But controlling calories is what is important. So is exercise.