So Hard but have to do it.

Ari_Gold Posts: 59 Member
My name is Ari and I'm 35. I always was an average weight at about 170lb. Skinny with alittle fat in certain areas but I was full of energy and full of life. Then I went thru a crazy divorce and became very depressed and would pretty much eat and eat and eat and not really do anything but sit on the sofa or infront of the computer and just eat all day and night. I didn't work I just segregated myself from the world and ate like crazy. I blew thru my entire savings by not working and spending crazy money on junk food. In a matter of 3 months I blew up to a bit over 255lbs. I looked fat and felt like crap everytime I looked in the mirror. The worst part was it was getting harder to do activities that I used to be able to do very easily. I hated feeling that way. I hated feeling fat, lazy, depressed and most of all I hated that people would tell me that they can't believe how much weight I gained in such a short period. That motivated me to stop being depressed and start doing something so I tried to eat less and not eat at night at all. No more late night binging. I also started to go out with friends to boost my mood so I'm not home alone and depressed. That really helped but soon back fired when I realized I couldn't even get a girl to look at me cause I was fat unlike the fit and muscular friends I hung out with. That really took its toll on me and I started eating again at night but now I added drinking alcohol into the mix. I was getting drunk every night and eating all sorts of fast food late at night. The final straw came when I met a female at a bar and ended up going back to her place to do the deed but I had trouble taking my shirt off. I felt fat. I felt embarrassed. I never felt that way ever in my life infront of someone. The next day I came home and emptied my fridge and went shopping and bought a bunch of chicken, broccoli, tuna, and stuff to make salads. I ate a small salad with no dressing or croutons for lunch and a small portion of chicken and broccoli for dinner everynight for a week. I didn't see any change in my weight but believe it or not I did not feel like I was starving myself. I wasn't hungry, I was full all the time maybe cause I drank water all day and night also. After a week of dieting I joined the gym near my house and got to work. At first I could barely do 15 minutes on the treadmill but everyday I added 15 minutes till I got to an hour a day on the treadmill. I would go to the gym everyday. I would go right after work after a hard 8 hour day of construction and still do an hour on the treadmill. Finally I noticed a difference. I felt like I was loosing weight and it looked like it too. It has now been 4 months since I started this journey and I am down to 202lbs. I lost over 50lbs. My workout now includes 1 hour on the treadmill walking and running mixed. 30 minutes on the step climber and 30 minutes on the bicycle and I lift weights to build some muscle mass. I feel great and see the results but Its so hard. I am my own motivation. I dont have anyone supporting me. Not matter what I am determined and I keep killin it everyday. I hope that one day I will have the body that I want but for now I will just keep working on it till that day.

Thank you for reading


  • CeCe_2018
    CeCe_2018 Posts: 3 Member
    You’re already smashing it! Keep going x
  • shazland
    shazland Posts: 63 Member
    Good on you mate, keep up the good work :-)
  • kakaovanilya
    kakaovanilya Posts: 647 Member
    Hi and welcome. Seems like you are doing great!
  • Jrey36
    Jrey36 Posts: 22 Member glad are doing much better ... You Are going in the right path:)
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Great progress Ari! I feel many of us don't have anyone else motivating us so you are not alone. That is what is great about this site - you have other like minded individuals to support and get support from. :smile:
  • Ari_Gold
    Ari_Gold Posts: 59 Member
    Thank you. I appreciate you all
  • kaiwitzberger826
    kaiwitzberger826 Posts: 7 Member
    “Be the change you want to see.”
  • Ari_Gold
    Ari_Gold Posts: 59 Member
    Thank you
  • BriG1015
    BriG1015 Posts: 7 Member
    That’s amazing Ari! I understand what it can be like trying to be intimate with someone and not feeling confident in your body. But more than anything, you are doing this for you and you are doing an amazing job! Keep up the great work and I can’t wait to see your progress!
  • Ari_Gold
    Ari_Gold Posts: 59 Member
    Thank You
  • ksharrell48
    ksharrell48 Posts: 170 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story, Ari; it sounds like you've found a good path for yourself to regain health and confidence again. I could relate to so much of your story; keep up the great work!
  • Wow! You’re doing great! Keep going. :)
  • phyllb
    phyllb Posts: 735 Member
    Thanks for sharing. I am an emotional eater too. Looking forward to following your success. I am day 3 travking
  • Ari_Gold
    Ari_Gold Posts: 59 Member
  • EifionCockram
    EifionCockram Posts: 122 Member
    Dude, that is totally awesome in changing your life around. I know how it feels when you get depressed and just have no energy or umph to do anything let alone getting out of the house. Way to go brother and keep it up, you can do it
  • Ari_Gold
    Ari_Gold Posts: 59 Member
  • sld121416
    sld121416 Posts: 6 Member
    That's amazing work! You should be proud of how far you've come!
  • Ari_Gold
    Ari_Gold Posts: 59 Member
    Thank you
  • Ari_Gold
    Ari_Gold Posts: 59 Member
    Thank you