girls whos height is 5'0 - 5'1



  • Add me too! I'm 5'1. We short girls gotta stick together! ;)
  • lgwmab
    lgwmab Posts: 274 Member
    I'm 5'2", or so I say, and the dtr did too, but i was wearing shoes, so I guess I'mmore like 5'1", 162 at last weight, anyone can add me, the more support we have the better.
  • b3ltran
    b3ltran Posts: 1
    Hello, I saw your post, I also use fitnesspal now to maintain my weight but used it for a long time to lose weight. I am also 5'0 I used to weight exactly like yourself 144, with hard work and patience I am down now to 110. So if you are trying to lose weight hang in there and good luck. Be positive and if you have any questions let me know. When I first started my diet about 8 months ago I also got encouragement from a girl that had a post on yahoo. Well I guess I just wanted to say, that hope you reach your goal.:)
  • I'm 5'1 and a half! I currently weigh 170 (blegh!).. slowly but surely working on it.. first I'm trying to teach myself to get out of starvation mode! I'd love some more fun sized friends!
  • BrookieS81
    BrookieS81 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi. I am 5'1 and 1/2 and I currently weigh about 148lbs. I'm new to posting here and I have been doing MFP for about 1 week. Feel free to add me too, I need friends and motivation!
  • Add me too I'm just getting into this site and need motivation and overall encouragement to know it can be done!

    It can be done! It takes a lot of work and dedication but it can be done. I have lost 26 lbs. so far :)
  • I'm 5' and 134 lbs right now. You can add me if you like!
  • Sandy9586
    Sandy9586 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 5 feet. I was 219 and now I weigh in at 112. :]
  • adrimtz
    adrimtz Posts: 3
    i'm 5 even and 205. gah! first time i typed that out for the world to see! 36 days on here, down 6 pounds and wanting all the support i can get!!
  • wozzy38
    wozzy38 Posts: 137 Member
    I'm 5 feet....176 pds.. good luck everyone! I'm here if anyone needs extra motivation...I'll need it too!
  • deaterrae
    deaterrae Posts: 25 Member
    Can 5'1.75" 130 lbs join, too? Soon, my mom's going to get back on this site - she's 4'11.5'.
  • I'm 5' 3/4" and at 136. :)
  • Feel free to add me! I'm 5'0 on a GOOD day Lol :)
  • andison
    andison Posts: 22 Member
    I love how we all add the extra 1/4-3/4" to our height. Every little bit counts LOL.

    I joined here in March and have now just started getting serious about my diet. So far, so good.
    I am doing Metabolic research center diet and recording my food here.

    Need some motivation for exercise! We have P90X and I'm really scared about starting. Don't know if my body is cut out for doing that type of workout. Thinking Jillian Michaels might be easier ;)
  • ljbarna
    ljbarna Posts: 9 Member
    How about a 4" 10" girl?? Yep I'm a tiny one! Feel free to add me!
  • 5'1 and weigh 149ish. I'll be your friend!! :D
  • TiffMax
    TiffMax Posts: 70
    5'1 here and currently 154lbs. Working hard on shedding that thru healthy eating with adding lots of raw foods to my everyday and also excercizing and learning the c25k.
  • del3t3
    del3t3 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 5' and currently 112.5 lbs, trying to get down to 95.
  • I'm 4'11" and 220lbs can I join???
  • 5'1'', 141 lbs. goal weight 107. Feel free to add me!