Should I eat less that 1200 calories?

So I've been using MFP for over 2 months now and I've been doing great so far. I've lost 15 pounds in 2 months! I still have around 30 more pounds I would like to lose but I'm not sure how many calories I should be consuming as I lose weight? I've been eating 1200 calories from the beginning but when I calculated my TDEE and the amount of calories I should be consuming to lose weight on different calculators online, using my starting weight, they showed that I should be eating around 1300 calories to lose weight. So my question is since I've been eating 1200 calories for over 2 months now, as I keep on losing weight, should I reduce my calorie intake in order to keep losing weight and not go into plateau? Btw I'm a 20 year old female, 5'7, 151 pounds.


  • Lesscookies12
    Lesscookies12 Posts: 140 Member
    Set yourself to lose 0.5 pounds good luck!
  • CarvedTones
    CarvedTones Posts: 2,340 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    Definitely slow down your rate of loss.. set MFP to lose 0.5-1lb (max) per week.

    Are you doing any exercise? You want to eat at least some of those back if you are.

    Also is there a reason you are aiming for the exact bottom of a healthy weight for your height?

    Aiming for the lowest weight seems poppular around here

    I don't know about that; a lot of us aim to get at or below the highest healthy weight - a BMI under 25 and some aim lower, but I rarely see anyone aim for below 20. BMI says you are healthy down to 18.5 but I would argue that few people are at their healthiest below a BMI of 20.
  • melissa6771
    melissa6771 Posts: 894 Member
    edited April 2018
    sardelsa wrote: »
    Definitely slow down your rate of loss.. set MFP to lose 0.5-1lb (max) per week.

    Are you doing any exercise? You want to eat at least some of those back if you are.

    Also is there a reason you are aiming for the exact bottom of a healthy weight for your height?

    Aiming for the lowest weight seems poppular around here

    I've noticed this a lot lately too. Specifically women who are 5'7" which stands out to me because that is my height. I've seen a lot weighing or Making their goal 120-130 tops. I can't even imagine going that low, granted I lift weights, but I am aiming for 155, possibly 150.

    OP, eat the 1300 that it told you to eat at the minimum, plus exercise/activity calories. .5-1 pound a week is more than enough as you are already at a healthy weight for your height. What is your goal? To be very thin? Are you not happy with your shape? Is losing more going to get you where you want to be? These are things to take into account.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    vesi455 wrote: »
    Thank you to everyone who replied. I will set my goal to 0.5 to 1 lb per week like you're advising me to do. As far as exercising goes... I did find a 45 minute workout on YouTube that I did 4 times in one week but that was 2 weeks ago and I did feel bad that I gave up on it. Also sometimes I'm too busy or tired to workout :neutral: I really don't like exercising but I know how important it is so I'm definitely going to do the 45 minute workout again, starting this week. And about the weight, losing 30 more pounds isn't set in stone. If I lose 20 more pounds and I feel good and like the way I look I will definitely stop losing weight and start maintaing it :smile:

    The most important thing about any workout is that it has to be something you don't hate, so you will keep doing it for the rest of your life. It sounds like you sort of hate this one, so it may not be the best plan for you. Are there any physical activities you really enjoy? Walking outside, swimming, cycling, running, sports, dancing? Also, depending on what you are doing and how hard you are doing it, 45 minutes at a time may not be necessary for you. A 10 minute workout you will do and stick to it is better than a 45 minute one you dread and never do.

    Try to get in cardio at least 3 times a week and strength training at least 2 times a week, for your health and to earn a few more calories, but you can do anything you enjoy to achieve that.
    CMNVA Posts: 733 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    Definitely slow down your rate of loss.. set MFP to lose 0.5-1lb (max) per week.

    Are you doing any exercise? You want to eat at least some of those back if you are.

    Also is there a reason you are aiming for the exact bottom of a healthy weight for your height?

    Aiming for the lowest weight seems poppular around here

    I've noticed this a lot lately too. Specifically women who are 5'7" which stands out to me because that is my height. I've seen a lot weighing or Making their goal 120-130 tops. I can't even imagine going that low, granted I lift weights, but I am aiming for 155, possibly 150.

    OP, eat the 1300 that it told you to eat at the minimum, plus exercise/activity calories. .5-1 pound a week is more than enough as you are already at a healthy weight for your height. What is your goal? To be very thin? Are you not happy with your shape? Is losing more going to get you where you want to be? These are things to take into account.

    I'm 5'7" and 150 lbs right now. That is too heavy for me (although I don't look like a large person by any means). I'm 54 years old and for most of my life at 5'7" I naturally weighed (without trying) anywhere between 125 and 141 lbs. That crept up to closer to 160 lbs as I got older and more sedentary. I've never been a muscular person and have a very small frame. I'm happy enough at about 145 lbs, but I actually look best at the 130-140 range.
  • getskinny1973
    getskinny1973 Posts: 73 Member
    vesi455 wrote: »
    Thank you to everyone who replied. I will set my goal to 0.5 to 1 lb per week like you're advising me to do. As far as exercising goes... I did find a 45 minute workout on YouTube that I did 4 times in one week but that was 2 weeks ago and I did feel bad that I gave up on it. Also sometimes I'm too busy or tired to workout :neutral: I really don't like exercising but I know how important it is so I'm definitely going to do the 45 minute workout again, starting this week. And about the weight, losing 30 more pounds isn't set in stone. If I lose 20 more pounds and I feel good and like the way I look I will definitely stop losing weight and start maintaing it :smile:

    You might find your energy improves once you adjust your goals and you are eating a bit more.