What's a good beginner and realistic goal?

My goal is to loose weight. I'm currently 140lb. Want to come down to around 120lb. Is that even possible? Should I start with loosing 500g per week or less? Any tips or success stories?


  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,022 Member
    How tall are you? Male or female?
    Assuming that 120 lbs is an appropriate goal for you, when you only have 20 lbs to lose, losing 500 g per week (which is a little over a pound) is faster than would generally be recommended. (That said, you might lose that much early on because of water loss on top of body mass loss, and that would be OK.)
  • Jenniferakajacel311
    Jenniferakajacel311 Posts: 160 Member
    Welcome and I'm certain there is good advice on these boards. You might search something like "losing 20 lbs" or "losing 500 g per week". As far as possibility, anything is possible :) I always suggest being realistic taking in account health, age, body build and genetics. Perhaps asking your doctor would be a good place to start, too.
  • mshidfar2018
    mshidfar2018 Posts: 12 Member
    make a 500 calorie deficit and be continuous with it (it can be lower than 500 if you are not in hurry), lift some weight , eat enough protein (around 2 gram per kg) eat enough complex carbohydrates (whole meal) ,avoid plain sugar and unhealthy fat ,do some cardio like brisk walking , sleep enough (at least 8 hours a day) ,practise estimating food caliries
  • leighanne911
    leighanne911 Posts: 3 Member
    Honestly, I'm happy with losing anything over 500g per week. 1kg is my ideal goal but I'm content if I've lost half a kilo each week.