This is going to be the last time...

This is going to be the last time I start yet again to try to lose weight again...tired of yo-yoing up and down with weight and fitness. 10kgs to go. Let this be the last time I have to lose the last 10!


  • tirowow12385
    tirowow12385 Posts: 698 Member
    Last time I got mad for yoyoing, I lost 60 pounds, every time I get tempted to binge, I remembered gaining weight and it pissed me off, now I'm chilling. B)
  • michaelwyatt8262
    michaelwyatt8262 Posts: 17 Member
    Proud of you and rooting did you. Just remember his is a lifestyle change not a diet. The goal is build a healthy relationship with food. So make sure you don’t restrict too hard and get burn out. And to consistently over eat either. Just find that healthy middle.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    10kgs isn't too much but because its those final lbs/kgs it's going to be slow so be prepared. Stick to logging everything you eat consistently and accurately and bit by bit you will get there.
    Don't give up ok. :smile:
  • TomFit18
    TomFit18 Posts: 2,585 Member
    Awesome....Welcome to MFP
  • Dscampy52
    Dscampy52 Posts: 2 Member
    Here i go......again, lost 22 on weight watchers a few years ago, 27 back on. I am 65 yrs, young, active, but weight doesnt move.not a big eater, make wrong choices, never eat dinner, just not hungry again after lunch.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    If this is going to be the last time you have to lose weight, I think you have to accept two things: You can't try - you have to do. Weightloss happens when you eat less and move more, and there is no way around that. And you can't stop - when you reach goal weight, you'll be doing practically the same as you're doing now - and not even getting the satisfaction of seeing a drop on the scale. With such a small amount to lose, you'll lose so slowly that you have to be very patient - so consider this dress rehearsal for maintenance, and figure out which habits you want to stick to for the rest of your life.