Starting to run?

I would really love to "learn" how to run for many reasons. It's a great workout, great way to tone legs, and would be an amazing stress reliever. The only problem? I know I look like an idiot when I run because I am not use to it. I breathe like I'm having an asthma attack (even though I don't have asthma) and my sides begin to cramp up so much I feel as though I'm going to pull a muscle. What I'd love to know is a good way to get over all this. I'd love to be able to start running somewhere where nobody is around but I live in a small town with one gym and two parks with paths to run. This means that everyone that lives here also goes to one of these three areas to run/jog/walk. I know that if I want to do this I'll have to go somewhere public but I want to first know how to not look like a person dyeing from asthma while I do it...Any helpful suggestions are welcome :smile:


  • KBomar2
    KBomar2 Posts: 157 Member
    When I started running I did 2 things. Bought an iPod so I could listen to music instead of my breathing and did a run walk combo. I would run for 30 seconds then walk for a minute and as it got easier gradually lengthened my running time and decreased my walking time. I also told my self that if anyone was looking at me they were just sad they hadn't gotten off their butt to run.
    You can do it and eventually it does get easier!
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    When it comes to running people will always say C25K, and they're right.

    When I started the worst part was knowing people could see me struggling. Well there's just no getting around that. But popping in some ear buds and staring at the ground and focusing on my own thing quickly took my mind off it.

    It only took me about a week of focusing on my breathing to get a good rhythm down. After that it just sort of happens naturally. If It's getting too hard to breathe I slow down. I wish I had trained myself to breathe properly from day one instead of spending nearly a month just trying to survive.

    I saw a guy at the track once wearing a shirt that said "I may be slow but I'm lapping everybody that's sitting on the couch". That has always stuck with me.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I love running.
    It takes about two weeks to get really into it. DON"T OVERDUE IT AT FIRST.
    Plan on getting up to 2 miles a day, 5 days a week.
    Get good shoes, get supportive clothing.
  • hsh0927
    hsh0927 Posts: 259 Member
    What was the best breathing rhythm that you found? I think that not having one really is my biggest problem...If I learn to breathe properly I'd get more oxygen to my muscles and they probably wouldn't cramp (as much lol).
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    What was the best breathing rhythm that you found? I think that not having one really is my biggest problem...If I learn to breathe properly I'd get more oxygen to my muscles and they probably wouldn't cramp (as much lol).

    I breathe in through my nose for two steps, and out my mouth for two steps. I do this while staring at my feet and try to do it so my tummy expands. Not my chest. Of course I run on a track with painted lines so staring at the ground is easy. Just a glance up every couple seconds and I don't run into anything. I still have a hard time keeping a consistent pace. I tend to try to do everything as fast as I can. So the two step thing works good for my breathing and speed control.

    I haven't had those side pains since I was a kid so I can't relate. I read somewhere that you can fix those by exhaling through pursed lips out one side of your mouth. But I don't remember which side. It has something to do with your diaphragm,.... I think.
  • hsh0927
    hsh0927 Posts: 259 Member
    What was the best breathing rhythm that you found? I think that not having one really is my biggest problem...If I learn to breathe properly I'd get more oxygen to my muscles and they probably wouldn't cramp (as much lol).

    I breathe in through my nose for two steps, and out my mouth for two steps. I do this while staring at my feet and try to do it so my tummy expands. Not my chest. Of course I run on a track with painted lines so staring at the ground is easy. Just a glance up every couple seconds and I don't run into anything. I still have a hard time keeping a consistent pace. I tend to try to do everything as fast as I can. So the two step thing works good for my breathing and speed control.

    I haven't had those side pains since I was a kid so I can't relate. I read somewhere that you can fix those by exhaling through pursed lips out one side of your mouth. But I don't remember which side. It has something to do with your diaphragm,.... I think.

    Thanks (: I run on a curvy, hilly path by a lake with about other people walking, running, and biking on it as well so it is a little harder to look down but I'll def try the breathing. I actually just got done with a quick walk/run...2miles in 30 isn't too bad, right? Lol.

    I also tried the other trick about walking then running for a certian amount of up to 90 seconds of running (sounds lame but oh well lol). Thank you to the person that gave me that tip as well.

    All the advice is MUCH appreciated!! Thanks to all of you!!! =D
  • liberaltendencies
    liberaltendencies Posts: 150 Member
    C25k app for iPhone is LIFE CHANGING! I'm doing things I never thought I could.
  • LaraRN
    LaraRN Posts: 128 Member
    If i can do it - ANYBODY can. I was a hot mess when I first started trying to run, not only would I hold my breath while I was running (i have no idea why), I would also end up with shin splints after every run. I agree with KBomar, I stared by making mini goals like "i'm gonna run until i get to that stop sign/fire hidrant/parked car, etc. I would get to that goal and then walk, then start running again with another goal in mind, etc., etc. Now I love running and I actually ran a 5K last September and I'm planning on doing it again this year.

    I learned to avoid shin splints with specific stretches and a good pair of shoes :o)

    Good luck to you! and BTW, can you take a drive to the next town over until you get the hang of it LOL!
  • Mitchlou84
    Mitchlou84 Posts: 135
    C25k app for iPhone is LIFE CHANGING! I'm doing things I never thought I could.

    Me too! I went from struggling to do the 60 seconds last September to doing my first 10k recently!
  • hsh0927
    hsh0927 Posts: 259 Member
    If i can do it - ANYBODY can. I was a hot mess when I first started trying to run, not only would I hold my breath while I was running (i have no idea why), I would also end up with shin splints after every run. I agree with KBomar, I stared by making mini goals like "i'm gonna run until i get to that stop sign/fire hidrant/parked car, etc. I would get to that goal and then walk, then start running again with another goal in mind, etc., etc. Now I love running and I actually ran a 5K last September and I'm planning on doing it again this year.

    I learned to avoid shin splints with specific stretches and a good pair of shoes :o)

    Good luck to you! and BTW, can you take a drive to the next town over until you get the hang of it LOL!

    Thanks (: I also tried setting small goals and even the little bit that I did today made me feel great! I never thought I'd be the kind of person that enjoys healthy food, excersizing, or running/jogging and I'm falling in love with all of it after only 3 weeks =D
  • hsh0927
    hsh0927 Posts: 259 Member
    C25k app for iPhone is LIFE CHANGING! I'm doing things I never thought I could.

    Me too! I went from struggling to do the 60 seconds last September to doing my first 10k recently!

    I don't have an iPhone...or any smart phone but I've seen people mention this app before...what is it??
  • jadi97
    jadi97 Posts: 26
    Here is the link, but basically it starts you off with walking for 90 sec and running for 60 sec and gradually builds you up. I have never been a runner in my life and it is working so far. I was worried i wouldnt be able to hang in there on the first stage, but so far so good!