Low Metabolic Rate - Anyone?

After being plateaued for 5 weeks, increasing activity considerably and journaling every morsel, I opted to have my metabolic rate tested at the suggestion of my family doctor. He did routine blood work (all normal aside from being slight anemic). Upon testing I've learned a few things that I've never really seen much mention on here in the "Help I've Plateaued" posts.

I have been on a strict clean eating diet. I consume1100-1400 calories per day. Never more than 1400 and I'm usually in the middle of the range I set. I've logged every bite. After 3 weeks of clean eating I lost 15 pounds. Which was insane. It tells you how much I ate prior to starting. Once I finished 3 weeks the scale never moved again. The last loss was 5 weeks ago and it was around a pound in a week. It goes up a half pound down a half pound etc. I'm stuck. 3 weeks ago I incorporated zumba 4 times a week. Walking more, hiking and I've even attended a couple weight training classes. Scale never moved. No change in my clothes. Nothing.

This morning I went for the metabolic testing. It incorporates your lifestyle, activity and you breathe into this little machine for 10 minutes. My maintenance calorie goal came back at 1350. This means I do nothing and I maintain my weight at 1350 calories a day. In efforts to lose 1/2 to a pound per week, it suggested I consume less than 1000 calories per day. The wellness coach did not encourage that. She simply told me to eat more protein, substitute 2 meals with replacement shakes and up the weight lifting. Muscle needs more calories than fat to exist. So it will be super slow. It will take time. I need to be patient and build muscle. Continue my lifestyle changes and keep on trucking....

Anyone care to share their experiences with this?

Starting Weight 200.2
Current Weight 184.4
Goal Weight 145ish


  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    Hmmmm I'm not too familiar with metabolic testing and it's accuracy but that is surprisingly low.

    What's your height and age?

    Have you been tracking your solid foods with a digital kitchen scale, and your liquids with measuring cups?
  • tess5036
    tess5036 Posts: 942 Member
    edited May 2018
    According to all the estimates I also have a low BMR,
    and also a low.TDEE not because I'm unusual, but because I am 52 and only 5'1". My way of loosing weight is to increase the deficit with exercise. I regularly do at least an hour, often more, of heavy cardio (HIIT, BodyCombat, etc) and then only eat a portion of the calories back. I also use weights and lift, which I think has helped.

    BTW, if it was calculated your basic requirement was what you did before any exercise, you will have a higher TDEE
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,752 Member
    edited May 2018
    RMR is effectively what your body burns lying in bed all day doing nothing - consider it close to your bmr. You don't do that though...you move around, you get 7k steps as well. This adds to your calorie requirements.

    I'd say 1350 is pretty normal...
  • mistyloveslife
    mistyloveslife Posts: 111 Member
    Thanks everyone for the tips. I should point out that I'm 5'4" and 38 years old. I am not defeated. I am just trying to understand all of this so I can be successful. I was in the best shape of my life prior to my injury (stated above). I felt defeated after that and spent a lot of time couch sitting. I declared that 2018 would be the year I reclaim my life. Whether it takes a month or all year, I am committed to it. I appreciate everyone taking the time to reply.

    SilentPanda, your words were extremely helpful. It's encouraging to know I'm probably not far off since your assumptions were close to my stats. I'm gonna keep at it. It can only get better from here.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 33,971 Member
    You can raise your RMR slightly by weight training.

    Alternately, to get more food, exercise more. I mean it is what it is - eat the right number of calories and get some exercise. That's what we all have to do when we need or want to lose weight.
  • Momakanga
    Momakanga Posts: 122 Member
    I hear you!

    Two years ago my maintenance calories were 1800 when I was 120 pounds. Now I maintain at 130 pounds 1350 calories. Same exercise, same calorie tracking. The difference is I was out of control hypothyroid (Graves Disease) and now I am medicated. It is all calories in calories out- but the rate of burn can change radically depending on what is going on in your body. Ya just gotta find your formula.