Lets here it! I wanna know what kicked you guys into gear!



  • DanielleFayeS
    DanielleFayeS Posts: 1,981 Member
    I didn't like how I looked in my most recent vacation photos.

    And I took up scuba diving and though I thought I had a good basic level of fitness - met all the minimums, good walking endurance, things like that - it became quickly obvious that I was nowhere near strong enough to do it well. So I'm trying to really build muscle.
  • garystrickland357
    garystrickland357 Posts: 598 Member
    Najacita wrote: »
    knotgood77 wrote: »
    Looking to continue enjoying the BBQ I make, without continuing to buy pants with a bigger waistline.....so far so good!

    I'd be curious about the recipes you have. My husband is a major Egghead - has two Big Green Eggs.

    Hey! I'm an egghead too!
  • VallieeeBabe
    VallieeeBabe Posts: 29 Member
    Well after being sick and held back last year 2017 with a broken ankle and complications with that having 2 surgeries and my ankle somehow got infected. Started to feel better and started walking on the tread climber. Lost 5lbs in a week. Right when I was feeling good I end up getting pneumonia and being hospitalized for 2 weeks. So wasn’t very easy to be active. I just ended up comfort eating and I didn’t care. The food was good lol. I was also on a whole bunch of medications and antibiotics including steroids which made me have a huge appetite. Then a few months after the pneumonia I ended up breaking out in hives all over my body it was pretty bad! I couldn’t take it! I’m not allergic to anything so I had no idea what it could be. My hair was falling out in strands also. I was terrified. Went to the doctor of course they just said I have an allergic reaction to something and to just try and figure out what it is. Got more steroids and Zyrtec didn’t help for the first couple of days then kicked in. But still hives would appear but not as bad as before. So I know I shouldn’t use google to figure it what’s wrong with me but I did lol and with my symptoms it was showing diabetes, thyroid disease, etc.. so from there on out I just knew I had to start eating healthy and getting more active or I’ll end up living in the hospital from complications of being over weight. I’m only 20yrs old I want to live a fun healthy life. Be a healthy adult. So 2018 is my year! To get healthy and get my life back on track! Struggling with food, but I’m getting better with my choices. Super motivated. Lost some weight not as fast as I want but losing the weight I’m happy.
    Sorry for the long post/rant... just want to put my story out there. Never know if it might help someone or just a story for someone to read. Lol
  • Relbmik88
    Relbmik88 Posts: 3 Member
    I started because my lifestyle was leading me to an early grave. I smoked a pack of cigarettes a day, didn't care about what I ate just as long as I ate and hardly ever exercised. Everything from a close friend dying to breathing heavily just thinking about going up stairs motivated me to change. In 2016 I weighed 285 pounds and I'm happy to report I am currently 197 with only two pounds left to go!
  • Gretaholden1
    Gretaholden1 Posts: 18 Member
    I just got sick of being fat. I have an ample chest and it felt like I was choaking if I laid on my back. So I decided to go on a diet. I am not good at slow weight loss and I don't recommend it for others, but for me it works. I am under a doctors supervision and eat 1000 calories a day. I have back issues so I can't always be active so the only way to consistently lose weight is with a lower calorie intake. My doctor watched me struggle with a sliding scale up and down and approved of the diet I am on. I only weigh once a month and that is when I go to my monthly doctors office visit. My fitness pal does not like the way I log my weight loss or meals and it keeps resetting my streak even though I log in every day. I keep getting messages to reset my calorie intake and it is very discouraging to have my streak start over through no fault of my own. I am disappointed in My Fitness Pal for these reasons, even though my weigh loss has been successful every month losing between 18 and the lowest 9 lbs per month. This month was 11 lbs.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    My journey started two years ago with a pair of pants. I was down to my last pair and they ripped, so I headed to Avenue because at 355 pounds, it was the only store left where clothing fit me (it's a plus-size dept store). Grabbed a size 24 pants to try on and NOPE- too tight, couldn't even get them past my knees! Tried on a size 26, and they were still tight. If I sucked in my stomach and maybe a little Crisco, I could just barely zip them closed. Probably could fit more comfortably into a size 28, but then that would have placed me in the "Super plus size section"... HECK NO! Not going on this body! I could not believe I had gone up TWO sizes of pants! TWO!!! WTF!!! Time to make a change! I'm over it! I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired! I'm done with going up in clothing sizes and constantly being in and out of the doctor's office... time to do something about it!

    So, I took the tight size 26 pants home and was determined to make them fit my way- starting that night, I placed myself on a diet and began (slowly) making healthy changes. No more soda- that was the first thing to go because I drank too much soda. I "microchallenged" myself to substitute soda for a healthier alternative at one meal. It worked like a charm and soon after I didn't even want it anymore. I craved healthier stuff. Same thing with fast/junk food. Soon after that I began exercising. Again, I "microchallenged" myself to do something exercise/activity-wise. In this case YouTube beginner yoga videos because I was afraid if I went to the gym people would make fun of me. Yoga turned into "that was great, I'm gonna do this every day!", which turned into "it's beautiful outside, I'm going for a walk!" which turned into "I think I'll walk at the park today" which led to joining a gym. I love it, I haven't looked back! I am now more physically fit and active than ever before in my life.

    With all of these changes that I made, I have lost 120 pounds grand total (and I'm STILL counting! Yeah that's right I'm still going!) I weigh 235 lbs, I fit into a size 16 pants comfortably, I only go to the doctor's for my annual checkup when I absolutely have to, and I can make it up multiple flights of stairs without wanting to pass out and die. I went from being a morbidly obese couch potato to fit and healthy gym rat. I love my life and it keeps getting better!


    I love love your story, but I am a wee bit jealous that you're at 235 lb and your bod looks almost exactly like me at 170 lb! hehe
  • raccoonbhm
    raccoonbhm Posts: 5 Member
    I had a friend who was going to get bariatric surgery. I was really against her doing it because she was not going to be committed to the diet and exercise change part and just thought that changing the size of her stomach would solve her weight problem. I looked at my own weight and realized that i was never as heavy as i was right now. Every woman in my family fights obesity. My mother was overweight, had a series of strokes and spent the rest of her life in a wheelchair and eventually dementia, nursing home, then death. I was not going to let that happen to me. I went to my university's weight management program and have not looked back. i do fall off track but have been logging since last July. I feel better, have more energy and even my husband can notice the weight loss. I still have 30#s to go, but I am committed to stay on this as a lifestyle change.
  • Sumbdy2luv
    Sumbdy2luv Posts: 2 Member
    I lost 100 lbs after attending performing arts school for 4 years, and dancing my butt off (literally) every day. haha My last semester however was mostly the sitting at your desk type of courses, and I lost half of my active lifestyle. I recently started working full time at an office job so I'm always sitting and snacking to pass the time and alleviate the stress. I've also reached the comfortable point in my new relationship where we mostly go out to eat at the latest hot spot whenever we can, and cap off most nights staying in watching Netflix. In the past 10 months I've gained back 12 lbs. I'm always tired, and my body is sluggish and always sore from the lack of movement it's used to. The last straw was this morning when I tried on the blouse I interviewed in 9 months ago...and it didn't fit.
  • AusAshMommy
    AusAshMommy Posts: 845 Member
    Back in 2016 I had a Biometric screening done at work and was told my Cholesterol levels were high
    A visit to the Dr's for a physical confirmed this
    I was 35 and there was no way I was going to do that. Started slowly at home, a friend pointed me here and I began counting calories and lost 50lbs (SW: 205 - FW: 155). My goal was a size 12 jeans and when I hit a 10 I was thrilled!
    Then life happened and I gained back 35 lbs and hit 190 again - saw that at the Dr's when I got the flu and almost cried right there if I hadn't felt like crud. I also looked in my closet and nothing fit! I didn't want to go shopping, nor could I afford to...
    It took another month and some change before I felt somewhat normal enough to begin again...so here I am!
    I have depression/anxiety and have weeks (like this week) where I have zero motivation, and other weeks (like last week) where I am on the ball. It's an up and down game, but one I am playing slowly.
  • ShaeSweetness
    ShaeSweetness Posts: 61 Member
    My journey started two years ago with a pair of pants. I was down to my last pair and they ripped, so I headed to Avenue because at 355 pounds, it was the only store left where clothing fit me (it's a plus-size dept store). Grabbed a size 24 pants to try on and NOPE- too tight, couldn't even get them past my knees! Tried on a size 26, and they were still tight. If I sucked in my stomach and maybe a little Crisco, I could just barely zip them closed. Probably could fit more comfortably into a size 28, but then that would have placed me in the "Super plus size section"... HECK NO! Not going on this body! I could not believe I had gone up TWO sizes of pants! TWO!!! WTF!!! Time to make a change! I'm over it! I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired! I'm done with going up in clothing sizes and constantly being in and out of the doctor's office... time to do something about it!

    So, I took the tight size 26 pants home and was determined to make them fit my way- starting that night, I placed myself on a diet and began (slowly) making healthy changes. No more soda- that was the first thing to go because I drank too much soda. I "microchallenged" myself to substitute soda for a healthier alternative at one meal. It worked like a charm and soon after I didn't even want it anymore. I craved healthier stuff. Same thing with fast/junk food. Soon after that I began exercising. Again, I "microchallenged" myself to do something exercise/activity-wise. In this case YouTube beginner yoga videos because I was afraid if I went to the gym people would make fun of me. Yoga turned into "that was great, I'm gonna do this every day!", which turned into "it's beautiful outside, I'm going for a walk!" which turned into "I think I'll walk at the park today" which led to joining a gym. I love it, I haven't looked back! I am now more physically fit and active than ever before in my life.

    With all of these changes that I made, I have lost 120 pounds grand total (and I'm STILL counting! Yeah that's right I'm still going!) I weigh 235 lbs, I fit into a size 16 pants comfortably, I only go to the doctor's for my annual checkup when I absolutely have to, and I can make it up multiple flights of stairs without wanting to pass out and die. I went from being a morbidly obese couch potato to fit and healthy gym rat. I love my life and it keeps getting better!


    Amazing story!! Soda was my biggest addicted. 14 days without soda!! I found some light pink lemonade, its been my substitue whenever i crave something other than water. Good job!!