Hello everyone. New to mfp and advice/support/inspiration is


I am in the process of losing 100+ pounds. I wanted to get a few ideas/advice from those of you that are familiar with this or know of someone who is. I am unsure of the amount of calories I should be consuming per day so that I can lose weight safely but still see enough results to keep me motivated. I have set my first goal at 60 pounds by mid Dec. Is this possible? I am all in or nothing kinda person when it comes to this so I will not be doing any cheat days. I was also thinking of doing a week of detox(fruits,veggies, water, beans, no sugar, no bread, brown rice, oatmeal, egg whites-types of food). Any advice or suggestions are truly appreciated. Thanks in advance!


  • muitobem
    muitobem Posts: 436 Member
    Cut out all sugars and white processed foods..eat whole grains even for your pasta and rice...eat more protein
  • woja9640
    woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
    It is VERY possible. I am an all or nothing kinda girl as well and have not had a SINGLE cheat day since I started. The first week or two were kinda of heard to get used to but I did it. Your calorie goal is set by My Fitness Pal when you tell it your stats (height, current weight, age, sex) and how much you want to lose over a given time.

    My stats when I started this weight loss odyssey on February 2nd of this year:

    Height - 4' 6"
    Weight - 170 (or there abouts)
    BMI - 39.6

    Measurements: Neck 15, waist 39, hips 47

    MFP gave me a limit of 1200 calories per day plus an exercise calories I earned.

    When I started I was unemployed and worked out at least 3-4 times a week, and if I didn't work out, I walked. I have been watching my calories and serving sizes. Not only that but I have pretty much cut out beef, except for a couple times a month. I am eating healthier and eating more turkey, chicken, pork and fish to get my protein. I have also been drinking at least 6-8 glasses of water a day.

    I used to have a HUGE butt, a prominent pouch below my belly button, big butt and big rolls on my back.

    My current stats as of today:

    Employed in a medical office
    Height - 4' 6"
    Weight – 137.6
    BMI – 33.2

    Measurements: Neck 13, waist 35, hips 41

    This is all thanks to eating healthier, joining this site and exercising.

    My exercise routine has since become this:

    During the week – 1 20 minute walk during my lunch hour and 30-60 min of Pilates at night after work. For lunch I eat a single “Smart Ones”, “Healthy Choice” or “Lean Cuisine” meal along with munching on either some nuts, fruits or veggies. For desserts if I am craving something sweet I have a 100 calorie snack pack version of cupcakes or cookies.

    Weekends - I go to the gym for 60-75 min and do both cardio and weight training.

    Since I have lost so much weight I feel soooooo much better. I lost the dark circles under my eyes, and I noticed today that my abdomen is even. No buldging in certain areas. In fact I now look very similar to the way I did as a Freshman in ….. HIGH SCHOOL 15 years ago. I still can't believe that I am just over the half way point to my goal! I was looking at my old pictures and realized I physically look how I did in high school. I also went shopping the other day and bought a shirt by converse which was labelled a size "SMALL"!

    Here's my before and after picture:


    For some reason My Fitness Pal just works. It is a tool which helps keeps us motivated, and gives us a support system outside of our friends and family. Sometimes we need the support from people who we may never meet but are in the same boat. I have actually been able to get 2 of my coworkers to join My Fitness Pal.

    Here's the link to my blog where you can find all the tricks and tips as well as some good recipes that I use http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/woja9640
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    When you first start losing weight it will fall off fast but after a month or too it will slow up. I personally think that losing 60 lbs in 4 months is a realistic goal you should plan to lose about 2 lbs each week. I hope things go well for you and feel free to add me if you would like. I wish you all the best.
  • carlxo21
    carlxo21 Posts: 143 Member
    You should set your calorie goal based on your height, age, weight, and lifestyle type. If I were you I'd probably do 1800 to start with and see how you do. I am on a 1200 cal diet but I am 21 and only need to lose 30 lbs. If you cut down calories too drastically you could freak your body out. I think you COULD lose 60 lbs by december, but it would be hard work. When you have a lot of weight to lose, the first bit comes off pretty easy and fast. I would aim for maybe around 45. But you should do whatever you feel comfortable with. Some foods that I have found beneficial to me are tuna, egg whites, oatmeal, and any of those fiber one, weight watchers, skinny cow, 100 calorie things. Great way to help your cravings without destroying your progress. You might want to see a doctor to get some advice and maybe a plan. I wouldn't want you to push too hard or overwork yourself. Best of luck and feel free to add me!!
  • 143Talen
    143Talen Posts: 14
  • 143Talen
    143Talen Posts: 14
    You should set your calorie goal based on your height, age, weight, and lifestyle type. If I were you I'd probably do 1800 to start with and see how you do. I am on a 1200 cal diet but I am 21 and only need to lose 30 lbs. If you cut down calories too drastically you could freak your body out. I think you COULD lose 60 lbs by december, but it would be hard work. When you have a lot of weight to lose, the first bit comes off pretty easy and fast. I would aim for maybe around 45. But you should do whatever you feel comfortable with. Some foods that I have found beneficial to me are tuna, egg whites, oatmeal, and any of those fiber one, weight watchers, skinny cow, 100 calorie things. Great way to help your cravings without destroying your progress. You might want to see a doctor to get some advice and maybe a plan. I wouldn't want you to push too hard or overwork yourself. Best of luck and feel free to add me!!

    Thank you! I think you are right about the calories. If I start out at 1800 calories once I get to the point where my weightloss slows down I could do the 1500-1600 until it jump starts again. Thanks again for taking the time to respond.
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