How important is the number on the scale to you?



  • stacybaker707
    stacybaker707 Posts: 126 Member
    I care! I was weighing everyday, now I am only weighing on Thursdays and Sundays for two different MFP challenges. It is nice to be able to see bigger losses vs tiny everyday losses. I know I am sticking well within my calories and been to the gym at least 5X week.
  • xmissxamyx
    xmissxamyx Posts: 70 Member
    It's fairly important to me as part of my morning routine after I wake up on my way to the loo I weigh myself then go to the loo and weigh myself again 3 times each time to make sure the number is the same. Lately it's been giving me the s**ts because that little s.o.b hasn't gone down in a while! and I recently moved my scales to a different spot and on that spot I weighed 4kgs less then in other spot i was 6kg heavier! so that did my head in a bit wondering how right/wrong the number is.

    It's been doing my head in a far bit lately because when I look in the mirror I honestly think I look slimmer but the number on the scales hasn't changed, which annoys me because I'd like some kind of proof what I'm doing it actually working
  • Smallville127
    Smallville127 Posts: 51 Member
    xmissxamyx wrote: »
    It's fairly important to me as part of my morning routine after I wake up on my way to the loo I weigh myself then go to the loo and weigh myself again 3 times each time to make sure the number is the same. Lately it's been giving me the s**ts because that little s.o.b hasn't gone down in a while! and I recently moved my scales to a different spot and on that spot I weighed 4kgs less then in other spot i was 6kg heavier! so that did my head in a bit wondering how right/wrong the number is.

    It's been doing my head in a far bit lately because when I look in the mirror I honestly think I look slimmer but the number on the scales hasn't changed, which annoys me because I'd like some kind of proof what I'm doing it actually working

    I moved mine to a sweet spot and my blinking husband keeps moving it!! Ha ha butt head
  • ceiswyn
    ceiswyn Posts: 2,256 Member
    Weighing myself every day is how I learn my body’s reactions and trends. I mean, I still get a bit spooked by my TOM-related water retention, but not as spooked as I’d be if I jumped on the scales once a week and was suddenly 5lb up!

    I’ve learned, for example, that other than TOM issues my weight is freakishly stable (I once weighed the exact same amount, to the decimal point, for a week). Which is nice, because it means I’m largely seeing signal rather than noise, and get to celebrate every single pound loss :)
  • Colorfan
    Colorfan Posts: 230 Member
    Im currently trying to lose weight, so the number is pretty important to me. I try to not get discouraged when I gain, though. Im pretty aware of how my body's weight changes with how much I eat and drink. And when I do have an up, as long as I didnt splurge on calories, I usually know a big drop is coming. But if I did splurge, then the increased weight is my punishment for eating more than I should have. Keeps me motivated.
  • sytchequeen
    sytchequeen Posts: 526 Member
    it used to be important. Now it's a useful guideline.
  • flow2512
    flow2512 Posts: 74 Member
    I weigh myself every few days, I don’t record what I’ve lost per week, as people get fixated on not losing the same each week, so I just weigh in 6 times a month and as long as the number is down slightly, I’m happy.
  • teranga79
    teranga79 Posts: 202 Member
    I weigh every day. Some days it's just background info, some days it seems to take on huge importance and really shapes my mood for the day. I'm trying to have a bit more perspective about it all but do find that as I'm approaching maintenance I'm getting a bit freaked out. I know how to lose these 21 lbs (I've done it before!) - the part I really struggle with is not ending up back here again in another year or so.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    i weigh every day, log it once a week.

    far more important are measurements, how clothes are fitting and non scale victories.
  • h1udd
    h1udd Posts: 623 Member
    Its very important to me ..... and I hate that it is .. I am maintaining, I weigh everyday and I know what causes the fluctuations up AND down ... yet everytime it is up it ruins the moment, suddenly I feel fat, I look in the mirror and I am not as defined, my gut sticks out I see double chins and man boobs ??? ..... its crazy .... this is what months of having an arbitrary number on the scale as a goal has done to me .... kind of hoping if I stay in maintanence long enough it will wear off, because quite frankly I am looking good, I have definition, my shoulders are getting bigger, my boobs are not .. hell I can even do the titty dance .... but that number on the scale ... its directly attached to my mood !
  • Running_and_Coffee
    Running_and_Coffee Posts: 811 Member
    Can’t tell a matters. And because it matters, I’ve stayed within a 10 lb range my entire adult life. So I think the effort to get there has been worth it.
  • cbstewart88
    cbstewart88 Posts: 453 Member
    If I feel strong, healthy, fit, energetic, happy, motivated and at peace in my own skin - those things trump the scale. If my clothes fit, I look good in photos and feel sexy - those things also trump the scale. But once in a while I just check in with the scale. Want to make sure I'm not delusional - LOL....
  • lauracups
    lauracups Posts: 533 Member
    The number is very important to me. I lost and kept off over 50lbs but at one point it was 67lbs. There is a number that I refuse to get over, so I reset my progress to zero and started over to get the regain off plus an additional 5 to 7. Admittedly I struggle with my self worth being tied to what I weigh, though my brain tells me I'm still a person even if I'm overweight the years of negative affirmations resurface.
  • justjara123
    justjara123 Posts: 63 Member
    edited May 2018
    I track my weight but I have a range that I don’t get bothered by since it fluctuates pretty often. I’m not, at the moment, trying to lose or gain weight though, so it’s just other way of checking in on my general health and fitness. I take measurements and go by how my clothes fit me mostly.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,069 Member
    The number on one particular day is of no importance to me, as long as the overall trend is doing what I want for weight loss or maintenance (whatever I am aiming for at the time) then I am happy. For the first year of my weight loss, it was more important, now I prefer to focus on fitness goals.
  • cryonic_273
    cryonic_273 Posts: 81 Member
    I weight every day first thing in the morning. Individual days dont bother me but the trends are what i watch.
  • dunkind45
    dunkind45 Posts: 110 Member
    Pretty important and I am bracing for the day I see the number below 200. I haven't been under 200 since the middle of high school and I am looking forward to getting back to the old numbers.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    It's important at the moment. With 70lbs+ to lose, I'm no where near maintenance so the way clothes fit is far far from my concern. Going down a dress size is a good feeling, but scale measurements are the only way to see if I'm going in the right direction on a weekly basis.
  • tammie614
    tammie614 Posts: 48 Member
    sadly, it's important to me too. i weight myself every morning (due to a habit a friend of mine used to do when she was doing the Dr. Ian Fat Smash Diet...argh). i weight in after i wake up and use the restroom, naked of course LOL. it's important however i know it doesn't tell the whole story and i need to break away from it. while the scale shows a "number" it doesn't reflect how lean i am getting or the size of the clothes i wear *shurg* . the number is important as my goal weight is , sadly, a number. i'm excited to see how my body comp is at that weight though.

    33 more lbs. to go! *fist pump*