
Jadu786 Posts: 141 Member
I was talking to my manager and telling her how I feel it's cold in the office and she said that she's feeling very hot. She is vegetarian, so I was telling her that my brother always teases me that if you ate more meat you wouldn't be cold all the time. I think she heard it as if you had more meat on you - you wouldn't be cold all the time. So she goes yea the thinner I am the more cold I am, but I'm not feeling cold now a days! (she had a baby last year , and may still have pregnancy weight to lose - not sure). I was too tounge tied to say anything, but I don't want her to think I was commenting on her weight!! :( She's a great manager and person, and honestly I think she's in great shape! She has 4 kids and has maintained herself well. I am feeling bad because I hate it when people comment on my weight. She left for the day like 5 minutes after we talked (usual time) but I am feeling really bad. Should I say anything or just hope she forgets about it because she was distracted by work? Geez, I wish I hadn't been chatty cathy for no reason!


  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I’ve had several conversations that afterwards I over thought like this. I’ve found it’s best to forget about it and just continue on like nothing ever happened. It gets awkward for both parties if it gets brought up again, IMO.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    I'd touch base and be sure there are not hurt feelings. It's either nothing, or it will fester.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I would talk with her about it. When you see her tomorrow, just tell her you were thinking about the conversation afterward and were worried that perhaps what you were trying to say came across wrong and that you wanted to be clear because you appreciate and value her as your manager. Then go from there. If she took it wrong, you can clear it up, and if she didn't, you will reduce your feeling of guilt.
  • Jadu786
    Jadu786 Posts: 141 Member
    Maybe it won't be a good thing to bring anything up - I feel it will just make things more awkward, and it's not like I look like any super model myself so its whatever. Hopefully she forgets about it by Monday... I should learn to not talk so much!
  • Jadu786
    Jadu786 Posts: 141 Member
    Actually I talked to her on text after that and everything was okay ... maybe I was worried for nothing
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    It's better to check if you're worried, I think.