
  • janaj88
    janaj88 Posts: 23
    Good Wednesday to you! Usually I love Wednesdays.....but this is the last weekend before school starts. :sad: Better put on my big girl panties (Lord knows I have them!) and get over it.

    No Jessa, I did not get any pants. It was 110 degrees yesterday and I decided to not drag 3 kids shopping. I looked online at Catherine's. For some reason, they did not have and 3x petite pants listed. I like the perfect price knit ones. I need to make a Costco run this weekend so I may wait to go to the store then. I have looked at Romans a few times. I have never ordered. I laugh at their models, too. Good luck with the open house.

    Have you tried the Hungry Girl website? I have a couple of cookbooks. There is also a tv show. I like it because is only make a couple of servings (enough for the non picky eaters or enough for me to have leftovers). I get a daily email with a recipe, calorie swap, etc....

    Brandy, I have already been thinking about the inservice lunches, breakfasts and summer birthday celebration. I think I will skip a few and come home and have lunch with my kids. I do love the fellowship with the people I have not seen in three months. Hope your reflux is better. What kind of purse?
  • Hello Everyone!!! I have posted my ideas for this week but noone but one of u ladies have gotten back to me so if u guys want this can just be a week of our own goals to see if we can do it alone but we will still have this forum to talk to each other and ask questions. If u want u can think about the ideas i gave and we can start on sat as our new week let me know I started this group for motivation and to set a group goals so the people that couldnt get into groups could have one so i dont know what happened its like everyone has fallen away from the goal Everyone take care and i will check back later to see if anyone has left any ideas on how to go on Good Luck in ur goals and life :ohwell: :yawn: :sad:
    This makes our weeks from now on starting on wednesday. So instead of having a weigh in day u just need to weigh in one day a week ur choice when k...HEre goes

    Wednesday: under our calories
    wall pushups 50 ( can find demo on on fitness section )
    Thursday: under carbs
    reverse crunches ( also on I love this one lol)
    Friday: under sodium
    wall squats 50
    Saturday: under calories
    lying leg curls 50
    Sunday: under sodium
    dolphin pose 50
    Monday: under carbs
    front lunges 50
    Tuesday: under calories
    wall pushups 50
    ALSO Everyday we are to at least get 9 servings of water in a Serving is eight oz. AND to get 25 Minutes of some type of cardio
    in like dancing walking gazelle treadmill heavy cleaning anything u can think of to make ur heart get pumping.
    LET me know in a pm and i will keep track of the points and at the end of the week we will either have a prize or added points to that person. WE also can make a rest day if u want just tell me what day and we will take a vote so its fair.
    Points are as follows 10 points for doing the everyday thing like water and cardio each then 15 points for each of the daily stuff.
    Please be honest to urself and us Maybe make ur exercise and food diarys public also that might help to keep u on track it has helped me WELL HERE WE GO HOPE TO HAVE EVERYONE ON BOARD !!!!!!!!!!:drinker: :flowerforyou: :happy:
  • I like the new exercise schedule. I think it will work good. I have been getting some off of other groups but since we are going to have them I won't have to do that anymore. I was wonder too...where did all the people go? I'm not a hard core posted but I do like to check in occasially. I had my grandson this past weekend and lost and 2 lbs. Big difference if caring for a 3 month old infant when your in your 20's than when you are 50. lol. Wore me out. I like our group. I'm ready to carry on this journey with everyone here that is participating.
  • Everyone have a wonderful evening.
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    I like the schedule but I don't know what all those exercises are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And, I have to add!!! Argh...I'm sooooo not good with numbers!!! But, I will try!!!! msstillion, thanks for planning this for us. I don't get here everyday to post but I'm behind us all the way!!

    Jana, have you ordered online with Woman Within. It's like a sister to Roamans.....but the prices aren't as high and the clothes are more...well.....not as fancy.....more practical, maybe. I usually order from Woman Within and not Roamans. They have some of the same identical items but Romans is more expensive. I hate having to order online but that is all I've been able to do for several years. I'm soo looking forward to being able to go into Walmart or Sears and buy something that fits!!!

    I'm a school teacher too and have one more week off. I started this during the summer so am a little anxious about how I'm going to transition into work. I will have to plan lunches more and take to work but being around food and people more might be a challenge...and, then again, it might now. We shall see......

    Good luck to everyone and hope you all have a great Thursday!!
  • majrkwon1961 I know what u mean about taken care of little ones as u get older its hard work. lol and congrats on the weightloss Yeah!!!!! I have no clue where everyone went I have even joined another group i really like it and got some of the ideas there so i hope we can continue to get to know each other on this journey, Good luck !!!!!!

    crzyone- I understand about schedules im going to school and i am a cna and i have three kids thank goodness they go back to school soon and Thank you for being a teacher that takes a special person, I also hate to shop for clothes anymore but that is why well one of the reasons that we are here right lol We can do this and for the exercises i found them on go to fitness and go through the lists or type it in at top and it will take u to another page just click on the demo one and it shows u how to do it safely i really like that site

    Good Luck girls and ill check in tomorrow !!!!!!!!
  • janaj88
    janaj88 Posts: 23
    I am in. I will need to look up the exercises. Do I need to PM my totals everyday? Not a problem now, but when school starts I will not be on as much. Thank you for organizing this. I appreciate you.....and everyone else that is making themselves better.

    See you tomorrow.

  • I totally understand schedules so if u want to give me totals u can i understand so much and i apppreicate u teachers more then ever since i have had kids its a hard job
  • brandymk
    brandymk Posts: 33 Member
    I'm in! Not fond of points but that's okay, I'll give it a try!! Thanks for organizing this!
  • brandymk
    brandymk Posts: 33 Member
    Good Wednesday to you! Usually I love Wednesdays.....but this is the last weekend before school starts. :sad: Better put on my big girl panties (Lord knows I have them!) and get over it.

    No Jessa, I did not get any pants. It was 110 degrees yesterday and I decided to not drag 3 kids shopping. I looked online at Catherine's. For some reason, they did not have and 3x petite pants listed. I like the perfect price knit ones. I need to make a Costco run this weekend so I may wait to go to the store then. I have looked at Romans a few times. I have never ordered. I laugh at their models, too. Good luck with the open house.

    Have you tried the Hungry Girl website? I have a couple of cookbooks. There is also a tv show. I like it because is only make a couple of servings (enough for the non picky eaters or enough for me to have leftovers). I get a daily email with a recipe, calorie swap, etc....

    Brandy, I have already been thinking about the inservice lunches, breakfasts and summer birthday celebration. I think I will skip a few and come home and have lunch with my kids. I do love the fellowship with the people I have not seen in three months. Hope your reflux is better. What kind of purse?

    Reflux is better. I've really been fighting a cold and I think it's just not helping the issue. I am ussally not stressed for school but this year I'm on a new team and a new grade level....been teaching 4th for 8 years! And to top it off our school has been remodeled....great! I know! But I've been told we only have this WEEKEND to move back into rooms that are not complete yet. I dispise working weekends. Annnnndddddd my daughter is going to kinder this a different district than I am in! It's all's life and if this is the most I have to deal with then I'm pretty damn lucky.

    On a fitness note...I was under my caleries today.....barely. I didn't get all of my water :( and i got stuck on cokes again when I was on vacation....trying to wean off of them again! I figured I gained back everything I lost but in reality I only gained a pound.!.!.! I'm motivated again and ready to start the new daily goals!

    Ps....the purse was a relic but I'm not really into brand names so I don't know if it's good or not. I just know it still cost way more than I ussually spend even though it was on clearance (at koles). I do most of my shopping (which I hate!) at avenue. I really really do not like romeans (I know I spelled this wrong).
  • janaj88
    janaj88 Posts: 23
    brandymk sounds like you have a lot of changes this year. My youngest went to kindergarten last year. This year she will be on my hall. I am not sure that is going to be a good thing. What grade are you teaching? Hope your move in goes well. I am going to school this weekend. I have a new principal. Hope that goes well. I have a team leader meeting tomorrow with her. I am a little nervous.

    One pound gain over a vacation sounds pretty good to me. You must have done good with your portion control.

    I love Kohls. I cannot fit in their plus size clothes the (shirts are way too short), but I buy everything else there. My husband just laughs at me when I tell him much I save. Few things make me as happy as pulling of the circular sticker and finding an extra 30% off sticker.
  • kierra28
    kierra28 Posts: 68 Member
    This makes our weeks from now on starting on wednesday. So instead of having a weigh in day u just need to weigh in one day a week ur choice when k...HEre goes

    Wednesday: under our calories
    wall pushups 50 ( can find demo on on fitness section )
    Thursday: under carbs
    reverse crunches ( also on I love this one lol)
    Friday: under sodium
    wall squats 50
    Saturday: under calories
    lying leg curls 50
    Sunday: under sodium
    dolphin pose 50
    Monday: under carbs
    front lunges 50
    Tuesday: under calories
    wall pushups 50
    ALSO Everyday we are to at least get 9 servings of water in a Serving is eight oz. AND to get 25 Minutes of some type of cardio
    in like dancing walking gazelle treadmill heavy cleaning anything u can think of to make ur heart get pumping.
    LET me know in a pm and i will keep track of the points and at the end of the week we will either have a prize or added points to that person. WE also can make a rest day if u want just tell me what day and we will take a vote so its fair.
    Points are as follows 10 points for doing the everyday thing like water and cardio each then 15 points for each of the daily stuff.
    Please be honest to urself and us Maybe make ur exercise and food diarys public also that might help to keep u on track it has helped me WELL HERE WE GO HOPE TO HAVE EVERYONE ON BOARD !!!!!!!!!!:drinker: :flowerforyou: :happy:

    I checked those exercises over at sparkspeople site...they don't seem that difficult or scary. would love to try. Do we just Pm you or write down here also? Btw Wednesday is gone for I will start with Thursday :)
  • Hi everyone, totally insane day yesterday. Had my weekly weigh in up at the hospital, I'm down another 2lbs which is encouraging. Of course got home just in time to switch vehicles and go to open house, got home from that just in time to toss the baby in his crib to nap and sit down with the husband for video game time. Made the kids dinner in between raids and we cooked a healthy meal for us afterwards. Managed to get all 3 kids in their rooms by 8:30 and finally got a chance to sit down and work on my quilt.

    majikwon1961 - I know you'd think that all the folks who were so enthused would at least make it past week 1, have a feeling there are a few who read but don't post. LoL did the baby at least let you get some sleep?
  • Ok i totally feel bad I forgot everyones names my memory is so bad forgive me can u repeat ur names please anyway I have had a bad day I havent ate bad except pop (diet pepsi) and barly doing the exercise i got like 25 minute in couldnt do no more i feel sick of my stomach and my leg is hurting and im tired.
    brandtmk- Glad u r feeling better i have acid reflux to i have meds to take everyday or i get bad and cant sleep or eat its bad i know
    dont worry about the pop we have all been there i use to drink regular pepsi then went to diet my dietian said that i could have it
    in moderation. if u dont want to do the points right now till we all get alittle use to the routine we dont have to we can take a vote.
    keirra28- Welcome we are glad to have new team members u can do the ck ins anyway u want alot may just want to come on here
    so they just have to check into one site for the day when they work and have busy schedules its totally up to u I look
    forward to getting to know u and go through this journey with you. Good Luck
    janaj88- Its only one pound that is actually good for being on vacation u can bounce back from that just get back into the groove
    we all have them ups and downs we didnt get this way in a day or by one pound lol so its going to take more days and
    more pounds for us to get where we want to be thats why we are here to help each other and to better our lifes i didnt
    know kohls had plus size clothes i have to check it out what sizes do they have
    ladyjessa2- i did get ur pm and i think they are good ideas maybe post them here and see what everyone thinks k

    To all of the ladys Good luck and remember WE CAN DO THIS ONE DAY AT A TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I got my 9 serving of water in today. I have really struggled with getting my water intake in. I've had a hard time getting my water drank. I drink a pot of coffee every morning I wish that count. I walked my dogs this morning seperatly for about 35 to 40 minutes.. They are big dogs and they can be hard to handle at times. Did some situp and things like that for about 20 minutes. I want to get more time in than that. Have a good one.
  • brandymk
    brandymk Posts: 33 Member
    I got all of my water in yesterday and some movement. I was under my carb and calerie goals!!!!! I hope everyone has a great day today! It's moving day for me!!!!!! (gotta move my classroom) WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!! Lots of moving!
  • Down 6 lbs today! Im limited with what I can do, in regards to wall pushups and pushups, etc because of my shoulder surgeries and all but I do my own door exercises that are appropriate for me! :)

    A little nervous that my MFP caloric intake suggestion has dropped from 1390 to 1320 even though in the last 3 weeks i've only eaten over that amount (1320) 2 or 3 times. just more pressure! shew! I can do this... I can do this!!! I can walk this week, lol... last week Jillian Michael's kicked my butt... luckily she wasn't here in real life because I think i'da had to kill her. I turned her off for a week (lol) after day 2 of 20 mins of her in a row I couldn't barely get on and off the potty! LOL Thank goodness for a bike and elliptical! :)
  • kierra28
    kierra28 Posts: 68 Member
    My report:

    under carbs ----Check!
    reverse crunches----did some reverse crunches (10 I guess)
    9 glass water---- Check!
    25+ minutes of cardio---- Check!(way over it)

    under sodium ---- Did not make it :( It is the toughest part to control in my diet.
    wall squats 50---- Don't have energy for the given exercise :(
    9 glass water---- Check!
    25+ minutes of cardio---- Check!(way over it)

    I am trying to maintain 60 minutes of cardio exercise for another challenge (plus I enjoy Zumba ;) ) and that is why I am struggling with the given exercises :/ Will do squats perhaps in the morning (probably will be Fri night for most of you guys)
  • janaj88
    janaj88 Posts: 23
    Happy Friday! This year is flying by. We finally got rain yesterday. It was wonderful. Finally broke the 40 days in a row of 100 plus weather. I can see fall on the horizon. I look forward to waking outside, again.

    I was bad and had Dr. Pepper today. I ordered it again without thinking. Instead of sending it back, I drank it....just one...but I should have sent it back. I counted it. Why are they so good????? Diet Dr. Pepper is not the same.

    I am staying under my calories, I did the wall push-ups. The last few were hard. The reverse crunches looked as bad as the regular crunches. My kids thought it was funny. I will attempt wall squats the dark.

    I tried to do Wii Fit and Just Dance today. My kids do not get that I am trying to exercise. I tried to do "Just Sweat" on the Just Dance, but it only had one player. Trying to keep my heart rate up doing Wii Fit while taking turns is not good, either. Guess I will have to do it after they go to bed.

    How is everyone counting the wall push-up, crunches and squats? I have no idea how many calories?

    Have a blessed weekend.

    Crazynay96 you are doing great. You are going to have so much fun at Disney World skinny.