Heart Rate Monitor

I know this has been posted a million times but I never really paid attention. Can you please recommend an HRM? Are any brands known to be better than others? Price range?

Would anyone like to buy me one for my birthday? It's in a little over 2 weeks, inbox me and I'll send you my address.....lol. :laugh:


  • prettysmart
    I am a garmin girl allll the way.

    They are an industry leader in GPS technology, they figured out the data points that athletes want to have feedback on, and they have a variety of price points. I have owned several of them and have given them as gifts.

    A garmin is much more than just a heart rate monitor though. If you bike or run they are a great tool. I would highly recommend getting a heart rate monitor becuase the calorie count that the exercises provide here from MFP are very far off....

    I think you can possibly get a basic model for $150 - ish and could spend all the way up to $600..... different features in each model of course.
  • holli_walker
    holli_walker Posts: 109 Member
    Have a polar ft4 and LOVE it. I has different view options while working out that helps keep me going. Also super easy to set up and use. For cost I think it is now under 90. Worth every single penny :) hope this helps! By the way happy early birthday :)
  • rikisue206
    rikisue206 Posts: 99 Member
    I personally prefer a HRM that has a chest strap. I have a New Balance that was recommended from others on here and I got it off of Ebay for 40$. I have had it for 2 months and I love it!. I have also seen the Polar recommended highly.
  • Packerfan23
    Packerfan23 Posts: 225 Member
    I have a Polar FT7 and I love it. It is around $95-$110...I know that there are less expensive models, but I am pretty much a Polar gal. My husband does have a Garmin for his bike, but does not used it for other exercising, he also has a Polar FT7.
  • jaygirl3
    jaygirl3 Posts: 320 Member
    polar ft7
  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    We bought my hubby an FT7 (Polar). Check out Amazon.com for cheaper ones. But realize, that, they'll be around $100 for a real good, accurate HRM. Make sure you get them NEW on Amazon- none of this wierd re-packaged stuff. That's kinda fishy to me!

    But honestly, I got mine last July (An FT4 which is pink, and I'm sure a color you'd prefer not to sport) but anyways, I love it, and can't excersice without it! It's great to program it to your height, weight, etc.

    Anyways, good luck! Most sporting good stores sell them too. But I reccommend Polar.com as well.
  • kimmerc1331
    kimmerc1331 Posts: 40 Member
    I have a polar ft40 and just bought my mom a polar ft7 from amazon for $77.00!! Both have a chest strap. I think I would have purchased the ft7 if i had to do it again. The FT40 has a fitness test on it for more accurate calorie burn, but not worth the extra money in my opinion. The polar website has a comparison feature that may help you. Good Luck! My workouts have totally improved since getting the HRM.