Cheat Day!!!



  • ITUSGirl51
    ITUSGirl51 Posts: 192 Member
    Not a fan of cheating because it makes food bad. I really believe learning to live life and enjoy food in moderation is the key to keeping the weight off.

    If you have a special event where you will enjoy more food, enjoy yourself at the event, don’t stuff yourself but start back watching your calories with the next meal or be done for the day. In my opinion a full day pig out will make you feel bad and undo all your hard work.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I have high calorie days on weekends, I don't consider them cheat days but refeed days and they are built into my deficit for the week. I do my hardest workouts on those days, and my rest days are on lower calorie days.. I find that works well for me.
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    I eat more on some days than others. I use a weekly average and keep that under my daily goal for calories. I lose weight. If I know ahead of time that I'm going to eat heavy at supper, I eat light for my earlier meals. If I know I'm going to have a day of blowing it out, I eat light the few days leading up to it. If it was a surprise, then I eat a little lower the next few days. I don't eat enough on any given day that it's going to stop my weight loss even if I didn't compensate for it with low days.

  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    so more days of our life will be spent as over goal weight.
  • sophia162
    sophia162 Posts: 115 Member
    Look, do what you want, enjoy and learn from it, but what I really, really, REALLY recommend is to log everything afterwards. Everythang, even if you have to estimate/eye-ball stuff.

    Doing that is a HUGE eye opener and it provides valuable information for future conduct.