Weight Loss Challenge for August! (OPEN)



  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    What a nightmare day. ((hugs)) sounds like a well deserved break for sure. You've formed a really good regular exercise regime and there is no way a day off is going to hit you hard.
    Get some well earned rest and you'll exercise stronger next time for sure!
  • zoeypanther
    so last week started out great. as of monday (my day to step on the dreaded scale) i am down 8 lbs!! which i am excited for because i have spent the last 5 weeks at a stand still. so if i can see a drop in my weight next monday by 4 lbs than i will be so happy with my self. because that will mean that i have gotten past my "big wall" where every other time i have lost weight i got to this point and no matter what i did i just could not drop any more. so i will be happy with a 4 by next monday. and i think that i am on the right track. since monday after my weigh in 2 of my friends and i went on a hike to a really pretty water fall to go swimming. well the round trip in and out was a total of 10 miles. and the last mile i think was the worst (or rather that is what it felt like to me.) but very proud! i was keeping up with the "skinny" people ! trying my best not to weigh in until monday.
  • dchillin65
    dchillin65 Posts: 97 Member
    I want to join. I need to post to stay accountable. Thanks

    Your starting weight for August: 180.0
    Your personal goal for August: 169..0
    Your personal self-challenge for August: 30 Day Shred (started 8/8)
  • ShannonBas
    ShannonBas Posts: 101 Member
    Still not hitting my personal goal like I would like to. I'm getting most of my water, but not all 8 glasses all the time. I've slacked a little on my workouts for the past few days. (Haven't figured out why) However, I did get a workout in just a bit ago, so maybe I'm back on track again. :bigsmile: :heart:

    Enjoy the day!
  • kdet07
    kdet07 Posts: 117
    I was supposed to do an EA Sports Active workout yesterday, but I wasn't home to do it so it's under "Missed Workouts" on the menu now. My right knee is killing me today so I'm deeming today a much-needed rest day. I'll either do the missed workout tomorrow along with the scheduled one or I'll do the missed workout Friday. I'm just going to give myself a relaxing day today, but stay within my calories. I haven't had a full day with no workouts since I started MFP on the 29th of July, so it's not going to hurt to have one off day. :-)

    omgeeee! My frustrations about having my appt canceled last week and my supervisor giving me trouble about getting out early two weeks in a row is NOTHING. I'm glad everything turned out okay, and tomorrow will be better :)
  • mandimoore617
    mandimoore617 Posts: 325 Member
    Thanks everyone for understanding how horrible my day was the other day! At least since then I've gotten some good news...

    1) My laptop, which has been on the fritz for 2 weeks now was purchased as a Christmas gift for me in 2009. My mom bought it. She also bought a 2-year replacement plan. Which means, to my surprise, she found the paperwork on it and the plan is still good until December 27th of this year. Meaning I get to take my laptop to Best Buy and they will either fix it or replace it. My hard drive is fried, so I'm hoping for a replacement. LOL

    2) I may have a new job! I work part-time (as in 8 hours a week) and I've been wanting to quit that and start babysitting, since I have a 2 year old it would be great to find another kid near his age to watch in my home so my son had someone to play with and I had a bit more of an income. So I posted some ads and I'm meeting a mom and her son tomorrow. If I get it, I'll be making about 3x as much as I have been at my 8 hour a week job. Yay.

    Also, I bought a heart rate monitor and 2 5lb dumbells yesterday (the dumbells are to replace the resistance bands that I use for my EA Sports Active 2 workouts).
  • abertawe2
    Good luck for tomorrow Mandi :)
  • FaithsVegWorkout
    Ok, well I'm still meeting my goal of working out harder/burning more calories each time. Today I burned 700 calories.
  • abertawe2
    WTG Faith :)
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Ok, well I'm still meeting my goal of working out harder/burning more calories each time. Today I burned 700 calories.

    what workout did you do and how long??
  • mandimoore617
    mandimoore617 Posts: 325 Member
    Made a new challenge up today if anyone is interested. :-)

  • heather62803
    heather62803 Posts: 266 Member
    So we are at the end of the 11th day of August (well for some of us!) and so far I have met my personal goals every day except 1 - so YAY ME!!! And Yay to all of you who are sticking with your goals

    I start my new job this week, and I am going to be crazy busy getting everything ready and in order (I'm a teacher) and I really want to stay on track, it seems like this is always the time when i start to drag my toes and eventually fall right off of the wagon. If I start slacking I need you all to kick me in the rear and get me moving again!!!
  • LHann360
    LHann360 Posts: 159 Member
    I went to the beach today and spent part of it body surfing. Way fun!! Got up at 4 am, still not used to the time change and went for a walk along the beach,worked out on a jungle gym and did some lunges in the sand. Another beautiful day. There is no scale here in the house so I can't keep track of my weight, but I'm hoping with the new activities and eating more I will show a loss on the scale when I get home. Tomorrow is the zip line tour, I can't wait !! the longest line is 2/3 of a mile long !! Have a wonderful day everyone. I hope to catch up with you soon.
  • MissLaw
    MissLaw Posts: 2 Member

    Starting weight for August: 188
    Personal goal for August: 178
    Your personal self-challenge for August: excercise 4 times a week =]
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    SW 183
    CW 180

    Rode my horse 5 times this week and did the wii fit too :)

    YAY 3lb lost!! Feels good - and on track for this week. :)

    Personal goal this week is to ride 4 or more times and carry on on the wii. Also add a few sit ups - start slowly as haven't done them for YEARS!!
  • csanchez39
    csanchez39 Posts: 52 Member
    Today is my weigh in and I didnt loose any lbs. Last week I lost 3lbs but I guess I am doing something wrong. Although I have been exercising every day and feel my clothes fitting better. Might be that I am loosing inches.

    I have to drink more water and keep low on sugars that might help..o well!!!
  • LeonaWFU98
    LeonaWFU98 Posts: 28 Member
    Hey everyone! I had been weighing in on Fridays, but I actually forgot this morning (!) with everything else that's going on here (son woke up not feeling well, etc.) - so, I'd been thinking of weighing in on Mondays anyway, since that's when I started on MFP. So...Monday it is!

    I've done well (until today!) of getting to the gym each morning, which was my personal goal for this week in August. I am planning to go to the gym later this afternoon instead....to fully meet my goal of Mon-Fri!

    Been doing well on water and tracking, so happy with that.

    Looking forward to a good weekend, and weighing in on Monday!

    Hope everyone else is doing well!!!
  • mandimoore617
    mandimoore617 Posts: 325 Member
    Today is weigh in day for me. I was dreading it because I had Captain D's one day and ate 1000 calories at that one meal (but only had 1300 the whole day) and I knew it was full of sodium.

    I started MFP on 7/29 at 227.8

    8/1 was 224.4
    8/5 was 222.4 (and 41.3% body fat)
    8/12 (today) was 219.8 (40.9% body fat)

    So I lost 2.6 lbs since last Friday and I've lost 8 lbs so far! I'm only 0.8 from my August goal! YAY!

    Good luck to all those weighing in today.
  • kdet07
    kdet07 Posts: 117
    HAPPY FRIDAY! (& weigh-in day!)

    Here's the stats so far:

    7/29: 246.1
    8/5: 246.0 (-0.1)
    8/12: 244.3 (-1.8)

    The lowest I've seen since July 1 is 243, so I'm pushing to get out of the 240s.
  • beyerlma
    beyerlma Posts: 8 Member
    Yay! The scale finally moved!

    Just got TurboFire in the mail and did the first class yesterday. So awesome!