Weight Loss Challenge for August! (OPEN)



  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    Oh a bad day today for me :sad: my worst ever since starting my diet and excersie plan! But never mind I will start again tomorrow and get back on track :happy:
    Definately leave the bad day as history, you've done well so far and can continue from now on in ((hugs)) whats done is done no sense fretting.
  • CynthiaS
    CynthiaS Posts: 208 Member
    Oh a bad day today for me :sad: my worst ever since starting my diet and excersie plan! But never mind I will start again tomorrow and get back on track :happy:

    thats a great way to think about it great job :)
  • CynthiaS
    CynthiaS Posts: 208 Member
    well today was just great had yummy breakfast with hubby then played some fitness wii bowling ( 10 curnches for every pin left up or 10 squats for every split ) it was a long five games hehe , than bbq for some friends & got some treadmill time I <3 sundays but, yesterdays snacking was explained tonight ( tom ) arrived grrrrrrr :(
  • kimcoste
    i want to join I am 185 want to lose 10 pound by the ens of august I want to joins
  • CynthiaS
    CynthiaS Posts: 208 Member
    Checking in...
    This past week I didn't do TOO bad. I pretty much stayed within my calories. (until Saturday, any way... :laugh: )
    I did indulge a little too much at Chili's and ended up getting what I probably shouldn't have. I got their Cajun pasta with grilled shrimp. So yeah... over 1000 calories on that one plate. YIKES! :noway: Oh well, I'll make up for it today (sunday) by getting in some extra calorie burns. I'm not going to beat myself up for it.

    Happy note! I finished Jillian's 30 Day Shred on Friday. I lost an overall total of 9 lbs, and overall 9 inches (waist, hips, arms & thighs). Not bad really. I do have to deal with PCOS, so weight loss isn't easy. But I don't use that as a crutch... I used to, but not any more. I just work harder & try to eat better. Getting ready to start up Jillian's Ripped in 30. Took a "day off" on Saturday & will start up the new workout routine probably Sunday evening. Workouts still tend to wear me out instead of energize me, so I use them to help me to fall asleep. Also, not being a morning person, I don't favor morning workouts. :laugh: :laugh: I hope to eventually change that.

    Congrats on everyone's progress so far!! Hang in there! We can do this! :heart: :heart: :drinker:

    congrats on finishing 30ds.9 lbs is awesome. I'm hoping mine comes in the mail this week :)
  • kimcoste
    emily i am in the same boat I try something fantastic I make a soup with only vegetable and puree it every time I feel like eating between meal I drink a cup of that soup it feel me up and keep me heathy try it
  • lakenleona
    lakenleona Posts: 22 Member
    I've started doing the 30 Day Shred workout and I'm loving it! I also measured yesterday and I've lost 3.5 inches from my waist in the past month!!! :)

    Anyone else that is doing/has done 30 Day Shred, how did you guys start out? I'm on Day 2, but I'm thinking I should start out slow and do it every other day for the first week or so. One of my calf muscles has been pretty sore the past few days and the impact from jumping jacks and the other jumping exercises puts a lot of stress on it and I just don't want to overdo it.
  • sgtadamswifey
    Here for my weekly weigh in !!!

    SW :215
    Cw : 212
    GW SEPT 1: 205

    Woot woot !!!
  • mandimoore617
    mandimoore617 Posts: 325 Member
    Everyone is doing soooo good! Keep up the great work ya'll!

    Oh, and I just created an exercise challenge if anyone is interested... :-)

  • heather62803
    heather62803 Posts: 266 Member
    Weekends are so hard for me, I over ate a lot this weekend, but I did get my water in and I upped my exercise to try and combat the extra calories so hopefully it all works out!!
  • chigirl_j
    chigirl_j Posts: 37 Member
    Hello awesome members,

    I want to thank you again for starting the August group!
    Here is my update: 8/7/11- weight 207. I'm amazed what logging food & water intake has done for me in such a short amount of time.
    My goal for the upcoming week is to get back into exercising @ least three times a week. Have a great night or day depending where you are!
  • chigirl_j
    chigirl_j Posts: 37 Member
    Don't be too hard on yourself and remember that tomorrow is another day.
    Weekends are sometimes challeging for me too. Maybe we should try to treat the weekends like weekdays- plan the meals,water intake, snacks & exercise. However, remember that we are amazing & every day can be a learning experience
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    todays weigh in 180.0 lost .5:flowerforyou: ...have a great week all
  • Mentzerj
    Mentzerj Posts: 44
    Here's my weigh-in:

    SW: 224.5
    CW: 219

    In my first post I mentioned being better about my cardio as a goal for the month, think I need to ammend that with being better about getting enough sleep too.
  • csanchez39
    csanchez39 Posts: 52 Member
    Happy Monday Everyone!

    I had a tough weekend trying to eat well. I caved in last night and had KFC Wings...they hit the spot right in my thighs! lol
    The good thing is that I worked out all weekend and drank more water..YAY!!! It seems to have worked cuz I lost 2lbs lets hope I dont regain them during the week before my weigh in on Friday.

    I realized that eating a portion of my burned calories is working for me. Although I wonder if I dont eat them if I would loose more weight. I have to give that a try.

    Well just dropping by to wish everyone a great week!!! We can do this!!!
  • mandimoore617
    mandimoore617 Posts: 325 Member
    Weekends are hard for me too. I think it's because of a lack of routine. I gained 1 lb between Friday morning's weigh in and today's weigh in. I think it's actually because I had so much sodium this weekend, because I still worked out as usual & didn't go over my calories at all... but what I did eat had a lot of sodium.

    Today I plan on really kicking up the workout: my Cardio Kick Start workout on EA Sports Active (usually about 20-25 minutes), the 2-mile brisk walk @ home DVD by Leslie Sansone (30 minutes), 25 jumping jacks (for a challenge I started), and I'm taking my son to the fitness trail here to walk (pushing him in a stroller).

    I go back to work after a leave of absence this summer... I should go back Saturday, but I'm only going to work on Saturday & Sunday each week... I wonder if that will make it easier or harder to stay on track on the weekends...?

    As for eating exercise calories back... it depends. If I am hungry, I do. If not, then I don't. Seems to work okay for me. :-)
  • LHann360
    LHann360 Posts: 159 Member
    Good morning, I had a blast at the Sky High Adventure course this weekend. Over came my fear of heights enough to feel secure in my vacation this week. ( there's a few pics in my profile ) I am going to Maui with my 19 year old daughter tomorrow, leaving all the men at home !! :bigsmile: We made reservations on the Flying Hawaiian Zipline course where you hit over 50 MPH hanging in a harness, zipping over waterfalls and mountains. I can't wait, I am so excited.! It was one of my motivations for losing weight this year. They have a weight restriction, and I didn't want to be anywhere close to them telling me I couldn't go on it.

    I haven't worked out since Thursday. My weight loss has slowed to a standstill and I saw a few posts about taking a few days off and eating 10% more ( Jillian Michaels suggestion ) to overcome a plateau. I don't think I ate enough, but I sure wasn't picky about what I ate. ( 2 ice cream sandwiches yesterday- although they were fit and active brand, and not so bad ) We'll see, tomorrow is weigh in day.

    Off to the chiropractor this morning for that pinched nerve running down my leg:sad: , and then packing:wink: We're bringing our laptops so we can still track on vacation. Have a great Monday !
  • hshea7
    hshea7 Posts: 2
    Weekly weigh in:
    SW. 67kg / 148lbs
    CW. 66kg / 145.5lbs
    GW. 57kg / 125.5lbs
    The first dew days were pretty tough. I felt hungry all the time and couldn't stop thinking about food! But the last couple of days I've been at home and totally in control of my eating. Yay!
    Pretty much no exercise so far though. I haven't got any good excuses for that. Next week's goal; to exercise.
  • armacd
    armacd Posts: 95
    Good morning! I hope everyone had a fantastic and healthy weekend! My weekend was pretty good. I had a couple of great workouts over the weekend, and spent a lot of time swimming as well. I did my weigh-in Friday and didn't see any movement on the scale, however, I'm going to stay positive and be happy that I didn't gain anything :)
  • MamaBear57
    MamaBear57 Posts: 336 Member
    SW at of 8/1/11: 171
    By 9/1/11: 261
    Goal for August: Get up in the morning and work out!!! No sleeping in an extra 60 minutes. Keep my cardio up and bad calories down.