Convincing myself that I'm worth it....

I can't today. The nagging voices are asking 'Why do you even try?' I am supposed to lose the equivalent of 2 people just to get into the not-quite-a-fatass category. I can lose 50 pounds and people will still stare. I can lose 300 pounds and I will still be considered a fatty. Is it worth the effort? Not today.


  • saraonly9913
    saraonly9913 Posts: 469 Member
    How about for your health? How about to live longer? Breathe better? Move easier. Fit in chairs better (ex: airplane). To lower blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides. For your loving and supportive friends and family?

    You can do this. Start now!
  • saraonly9913
    saraonly9913 Posts: 469 Member
    (((( hugs ))))
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    I don't know you. I don't know your current weight. I do know that my aunt was large enough to fit your description. She was the most amazing woman I have ever known and I miss her. I wish she had taken even this step you have. You are on MFP. You have at least considered making the changes that would help you live a longer life. You may still be fat after losing weight, but you will be healthier than you are now. If you add in even a moderate bit of low-intensity exercise, you will increase your heart health, add muscle which will help you burn calories more easily. Please, speak with your doctor and get a nutritionist so that you can do this in the most healthy way possible. If you want a friend, I'm here. Feel free to add me.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,480 Member
    We only get one life. Is this how you want yours to go?

    I think we all have core beliefs. One of mine is we have the right to determine our own lives right up to the point we cross the line to hurting others. Call it self determination.

    I didn’t decide I loved my 285 lbs self. But I decided that I had the same right that I applied to everyone else. I decided that I had the right to choose not to be fat.

    Suddenly I was thinking in terms of the righteousness of my cause. I stood up for myself.

    So I don’t think you need any extra level of “worth it.” You’re a human being alive on our planet, losing weight isn’t going to hurt anyone. You get to pick. No, the fact that you are currently overweight doesn’t disqualify you. You get to pick what you want for you. But you have to go get it. Nobody can do it for you.

    Part II

    But there’s another issue in your post. Hopelessness.

    Read this somewhere when I started- What happened in previous weight loss attempts doesn’t matter, the past does not control the future.

    I want to convince you of this- a moderate calorie deficit monitored with a food diary will get you losing weight.

    If you have a lot to lose, embrace the process. It’s a new way to live. You can start now. The only goal you ever really need is to lose 10% of where you are now. Get the scale moving down on a livable trend line. When you make your goal. Repeat. It works. Really.

    It doesn’t matter how long it takes to get to your final weight, because it’s about how you live, not the number on the scale. The scale is just a tool to monitor your program.

    Calculate a calorie number. You will soon find that you have a better chance to hit your number if you make some kind of plan. If your plan doesn’t work at some point, make a better plan. Be sure your menu includes food you actually like.

    Don’t let discouragement defeat you. Something else I read in a medical journal I think- overcoming discouragement is a big obstacle to successful weight loss. This entire motivation board is really about feeling discouraged. You aren’t alone in this. Be determined when needed. Weight loss is a set of things to do. Keep doing them no matter what.

    It can be done, and you can do it. Sorry this is so long.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Focus on the new habits, not distant future. So what if it takes 3 years to achieve your goals? You still have to continue with the new habits after that!

    Find foods that you can enjoy within your calorie limits. Foods that are yummy and nutritious, foods that you can look forward to reasonable quantities of, foods that keep you satisfied.

    Find ways to move that you can enjoy. If you don't like the gym, you don't have to go. But you will be healthier if you move somehow. Dancing? Walking? Active video games? Anything that gets you moving and smiling is a good place to start.
  • Lennonluv2
    Lennonluv2 Posts: 956 Member
    That voice is not YOU. It is just your imagination. Don't believe it.