Child nutrition in 2018

KalesBagel Posts: 20 Member
Is it just me or is teaching children moderation becoming increasingly hard? I definitely don't withhold popsicles or the occasional snack cake from my children, but it seems like there's no outer support. Every time a family member is around there's constant offerings of candy and soda and cake and cookies. My parents are bewildered that I don't give my 5 year old soda. I don't even drink soda. The waitress at the local restaurant will chime in "Sprite for her?" and I reply no, and my kids faces fall. The options on the kids menus frustrate me. I'll order tacos for them and it comes with just meat and cheese on a tortilla. We eat out only once a month or so, but I have 2 kids (one is biological and one is not) and they go to their other parent's homes on alternating weeks and they come back and complain that I put mushrooms in the spaghetti and refuse to eat it, because they ate nothing but chicken nuggets and pizza for a week straight while they were gone. When did food become separated into "adult food" and "kid food"? I'm really just venting mostly. It is just frustrating that my kids constantly expect brightly colored, animal shaped, deep fried foods covered in cheese for every single meal. It's just weird to me that there seems to be a general consensus that real food is for grown-ups.


  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I get that and it is not a 2018 issue.

    About 18 years ago I was making some baby cereal for a guest's baby and was told they would add sugar to it. I did not add sugar and the baby ate it just fine to the shock of the parent. I know the cereal seems bland to adults but you could mix in vegetables or fruits rather than just dumping sugar in. And babies are pretty okay with bland foods. I doubt they changed their practices but they had the preconceived notion that their child would only eat a food that was a certain way. Eventually that would probably be true if it were the only thing offered.
    There are a lot of kids and adults who happily will eat the same five foods. They may be nutritious or less nutritious foods.
    My dd has been willing to try more foods as she got older. She didn't just eat chicken nuggets or drink soda pop but still doesn't want to eat mushrooms. I do put mushrooms in some dishes and she can pick them out. My mom hated mushrooms until the day she died so some people never get over a dislike even if they were born in the 1940's. I always loved mushrooms even as a kid so my mom would give me the mushrooms off her pizza.

    You do get to choose what you offer your kids though and can order anything you want for them off the dang menu at restaurants so keep on offering a variety of foods.
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    I have a home daycare. Feeding the children who come in already eating table foods is so frustrating! Those that start young with me are used to eating a variety of 'real' food. Many of the others will only eat 'kid' food and I had one that would ONLY eat bread. Literally. He would not eat pizza, chicken nuggets, fries, nothing but bread. I work with them as much as I can, but when they know they can refuse my meals and their parents will give them a honey bun at pick up, they won't give in and eat. (Yes, I had one of those, too)
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    Marketing works, unfortunately. Growing up we didn't have money for the special "kid foods" but my mom would use little plates, monkey dishes, parfait glasses and things like that to make the food fun for us. She wouldn't use them for every meal but I remember me and my sisters getting excited when she'd serve something in them.
  • rutzsa
    rutzsa Posts: 52 Member
    I have noticed this kids have always wanted what was on my plate since they could eat regular food( about 9 months old) and that is what they got. They refused special toddler foods liker Gerber pick ups, etc... Dont get me wrong, they like chicken nuggets, pizza etc...but waitresses and friends are always surprised when my kiddos order salads, shrimp, or anything not on the kid menu and they are 9 and 6. One thing I always told my kids was if you eat one junk food you have to eat one good healthy food if they eat cookies, their next snack is cheese stick, gogurt, fruit, etc...that seems to keep them in check and keeps their nutrition in balance. I also let them help my decide what to make for dinner sometimes with guided choices. They are more likely to eat if they can decide. I also only introduce one new food in a meal at a they are more likely to at least eat everything else...but I don't make kid specific meals unless its for lunch or quick dinner nights. Its tough though when they hold out especially at 3 yrs old. Hopefully you can get the step mom to help out and work with you on helping to regulate her eating more. Good Luck.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    Don't think it's a 2018 thing...
  • Sairzie
    Sairzie Posts: 122 Member
    I’m finding the same issue in the UK. A child in our family is only fed chicken nuggets, fish fingers, chips and ketchup from what I can see! Have never seen her eat a vegetable. And she is incredibly fussy with food. Trouble is, given the choice her mum will only eat those foods also!

    If they aren’t introduced to different foods early on then they start being fussy eaters and rely on these nutritionally void foods. I honestly think it is a lack of knowledge on my family members part and they genuinely believe they are giving her a healthy diet!
  • julie_broadhead
    julie_broadhead Posts: 347 Member
    KalesBagel wrote: »
    serindipte wrote: »
    I have a home daycare. Feeding the children who come in already eating table foods is so frustrating! Those that start young with me are used to eating a variety of 'real' food. Many of the others will only eat 'kid' food and I had one that would ONLY eat bread. Literally. He would not eat pizza, chicken nuggets, fries, nothing but bread. I work with them as much as I can, but when they know they can refuse my meals and their parents will give them a honey bun at pick up, they won't give in and eat. (Yes, I had one of those, too)

    That's exactly my issue. I have the girls from 6pm Sunday until the next Sunday and they will starve themselves until about Wednesday (absolutely gorge themselves) and then they'll starve again for the rest of the time until they go back. It's way way worse with my step daughter though. She doesn't know when she's full or when she's hungry so if we have a pizza night or whatever she'll eat until she throws up. So that puts me in a sticky situation because I know she's got a very unhealthy attitude towards food (shes only 3) but the only way I can teach her about being full or hungry is to feed her what her mom does (mcdonalds every day and lots and lots of oreos). So I have to choose between contributing to her obesity (shes a big girl) or continuing to cook the normal meals me and my husband eat and her switching between starvation and binging. It's a hard situation.

    That is so hard and so frustrating:-( What does your 3 year old’s pediatrician say? It sounds like a unified approach to her diet is needed. You should check out Ellyn Satter’s website and books.

    They were really helpful for my boy’s feeding issues.

    Your doing a good job. It’s your responsibility to offer them nutritious meals and snacks. It is their job to eat them. Don’t be afraid to reach out to their pediatrician for a dietician referral. It helped me and my son. Best wishes to you.
  • k8eekins
    k8eekins Posts: 2,264 Member
    edited May 2018
    I found that involving my child in food preparation always made him want to eat what he had helped make. Have them help with simple things like picking out produce at the supermarket, washing veggies, stirring and adding ingredients. Talk to them about where their food comes from, visit a farm, plant an outdoor or indoor garden, shop together at the farmers market and together talk to the people who grow the food, watch cooking shows together. Kids are curious by nature and the more they learn about food they will feel more in control and at ease with what they are eating and perhaps more adventurous in trying new foods. Give them positive feedback when they do and just make food more interesting for them :)

    This approach worked wonders with my now Godchild whose older siblings favourites always were: Cold cereals, frozen pizzas, frozen chicken nuggets/fish sticks, fried fast food chicken, the boxed mac 'n' cheese (3 or more cheese homemade was not the blue box variety) and the white castle frozen burgers and of course fast food orders/purchases as a snack option or the preferred meal.

    We were neighbours of his, who'd circumstantially became very involved in his life. His first harvest were pumpkins, which he'd planted with my sister. At the Farmer's Market, riding in a wagon cart, he will fill his basket with any edibles he has never eaten and wishes to try. With our bites, he is involved with making our main meals and our snacks. To start he was curious - for what we'd had in our kitchen did not mirror his family's at all. Fortunately, he took to us as quickly as we did him, so I do agree, that child/ren do mimick adults eating habits and preferences.

    ETA: @bites He'd started off helping himself to our portioned snacks, our pestos, our yoghurts, for they were all within his height reach range. His mother was surprised that when he'd referred to candy, he'd meant the isis candy cherry tomatoes. What we'd give him when he'd insisted on candy lol NOT that we didn't give him treats. We just wanted to try it out with him - if he'd accept it.