What would you do?

I am going to a b-day party tonight and I know the food isn't going to be the healthiest, what would you do? The menu is going to be bbq pulled pork (I am hoping the bbq sauce is on the side but I am not holding my breath), baked beans, chips and dip, veggies and dip, b-day cake and ice cream cake.

Would you eat a big salad before you go and then just have some cake?
Drink a whole bunch of water and then just take VERY small portions?
Have some pork and fill up on veggies???

What should I do??? I don't want to blow my whole weeks worth of hard work on one night!


  • MrsTomkins
    MrsTomkins Posts: 64 Member
    if it isn't a dinner party then I would just eat before going and just snack on veggies, avoid the dip! while there if they are available.. also keep your cup full of water :) that way you can sip and sip all night long and not feel guilty!!
  • journeytoahealthy51
    journeytoahealthy51 Posts: 89 Member
    I try to have a little of everything that I like, and skip the super high cal stuff that you can live without. I am not a fan of eating before a party, b/c parties center around food so much. If you eat smaller portions, and do NOT go back for seconds, you can control your calories, and not seem like a snob for not eating:)
  • RachelSRoach1
    RachelSRoach1 Posts: 435 Member
    Eat light today and do some research about possible calories for certain portion sizes... then stick to the game plan for the food that works for you. Be flexible.
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    That doesn't sound like a horrible menu to me. I would have the pork, no bread or bun, veggies, and some beans, no cake. OR if you want to have the cake, have it, plan the rest of your day around it and count it. You have to indulge sometimes. I always have one meal a week that isn't the most wonderful, and I am 15 pounds from my goal weight.
  • SarahRoseMiranda
    I don't know, but I have a family reunion to go to so I am hoping for some answers as well. My plan is portion control and stay away from the desserts and potato salad. You can always eat either before you go or after you get home as well, or, exercise your butt off to earn some extra calories. Good luck!
  • Maggie_Pie1
    Maggie_Pie1 Posts: 322 Member
    Take small portions, and eat very slowly.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    You aren't going to blow a whole week's worth on one night. I'd go, take reasonable portions of what looks really yummy to you, and enjoy it. Including cake if you really like cake.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I would eat a small serving of the pulled pork and veggies and I might even eat a bunch of veggies before going too. (I have much more will power if I feel full, but nothing can keep me away from bbq'd meat!!) I wouldn't have the cake.
  • pazzescauna1
    pazzescauna1 Posts: 43 Member
    Honestly, I would say to eat dinner, like usual, and just choose not to partake in any of the 'unhealthy' foods. A piece of cake WON'T kill you if that's all you eat while at the party. Just remember not to pig out.
  • spaztastic13
    I watch dr. Oz and the other day he said if u eat an apple 15 min before you eat then you wont eat as much cuz of the fiber from the apple. But if it were me just pick and choose like if you want the cake just watch what you eat before and you can also do no things touching meaning that whatever you put on your plate make sure no food is touching then it will be less portions. Good luck!
  • pazzescauna1
    pazzescauna1 Posts: 43 Member
    That's awesome!!
  • AquaFan
    AquaFan Posts: 309 Member
    I would have some of the pork without a bun, a small portion of baked beans, lots of veggies and lots of water. I wouldn't necessarily eat before going to keep from eating at the party, but I wouldn't show up at the party starving either.

    Life's too short to not enjoy yourself. The trick is portion control and just making good choices. Have a good time! :)
  • VulcanLover
    This weekend I have a wedding Saturday and a Birthday Sunday.

    My planfor Saturday is to get up and have a small but hearty breakfast and go to the gym for at least an hour or so before coming home to shower and get ready. The only time I intend to eat for the rest of the day--is at the wedding. I will eat until my body is full and not overstuffed and make wise choices when possible (lean protein, vegetables, nothing with cheese, etc) and have a small piece of cake.

    Sunday, the bday party I am attending is having barbecue foods (pulled pork is on that menu too LOL) and pizza. I think I am just going to eat something small in the morning like a Fiber bar or Protein bar and then have 1 slice of pizza and a small piece of cake at the party.

    I truly believe and have learned in the past, that if you WANT some of that food--you should have it, within reason. If you feel denied you are more likely to fall off the wagob completely.

    A few years ago, I would go to a party like that while "dieting" and not eat anything---and come home and go BANANAS eating everything in sight because I had denied myself.

    Have a little. Live a little. Get right back on come Monday:)
  • gbelltx
    gbelltx Posts: 142
    Since you know the menu, check the calorie intake of the party food prior to going and plan your meals throughout the day. Depending on how well you know the person and ask if they need a fruit tray. Eating healthy prior to going is also a good idea and show up make an appearance and leave a little early if you feel you will not be able to withstand the temptations. If you do eat at the party portion control should help you through the night.
  • sabulla
    sabulla Posts: 58
    Just throwing it out there, it's what I would do. I'd wait and see if the bbq has sauce cooked on it. If it does, I'd fill up on vegetables and just have a wee little bit of bbq for the protein and if it doesn't have bbq sauce, then fill up on it. I would also have a wee little bit of baked beans (b/c they are good 4 u (fiber) of course depending on whats made w/them). I wait and let my husband/kids try/eat the cake/desserts, etc. Then, I always ask my husband/kids about the desserts. Is it worth the calories? And if it's really good, then I'll have a smidge. That way you are not really messing up your day too bad. Trying to have will power is so hard. Keep a good frame of mind! You can do it!! Good Luck and enjoy the party!
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    You aren't going to blow a whole week's worth on one night. I'd go, take reasonable portions of what looks really yummy to you, and enjoy it. Including cake if you really like cake.

    ETA: I didn't mean to sound abrupt there. I just think that celebrations that involve food are always going to be part of our lives, and it's really not always going to be reasonable to not eat, bring our own food, etc. Sometimes it is, and then it's a good idea to plan that way, but BBQ and birthday cake is really something that can be worked in to a healthy lifestyle too.

    OP: Another safeguard may be to make sure you don't drink your calories - stick w/ water instead of pop or adult beverages if offered. Also, can you get a workout in before you go?
  • kimsciolino
    kimsciolino Posts: 240 Member
    This is a very hard ? to answer. I guess my advice is this; are any of these food worth all of your hard work? Can you eat before you go and drink water or green tea while at the party? If it is easy for you to lose weight maybe eat a little bit of the items you like in a small portion and then add some extra cardio. Sorry I could not help our more. Good Luck with the Party.
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Eat before you go and maybe just have a little taster whilst there - if you can fit in a work out then earn some calories for cake !!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Eat until full before going to the party. Or carry a small bottle of windex with you and when you get the urge to grab something, spray it with windex and toss it!

    Or, don't eat anything until your party and save the calories for then?
  • courtclerkkris
    courtclerkkris Posts: 173 Member
    There is another girl in my same situation (the weight loss boat) going to be at the party tonight. She mentioned bringing some baked potato chips and I even thought about bringing a salad but I don't want to step on anyone's toes by bringing in stuff. I kind of feel like if I don't bring enough for everyone then I shouldn't bring anything. I almost feel like I need to eat there or I will stick out like a sore thumb.