Month 'o Challenges - Week 2 (open to all)



  • love_30034
    ok...yesterday i only got 2000 steps in and took time to I got in 5567 steps and took time to eat...Im getting up there on my walking
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Ok, so yesterday, I forgot that I was supposed to take 30 minutes to eat! LOL! Opppppps! I was watching the news and it was almost over when I finsihed, so I'm sure I didn't make 30, but I came darn close. I guess I'm so used to mindless eating.

    Do you guys do anything else while eating? I'm a multitasker to the extreme, so I can't just sit and eat. I really need to start doing that. I surf the net at work, read a magazine or mail or watch TV at dinner.

    Did much better with the steps yesterday. A few months ago I did a challenge to walk 100,000 steps a week. I fell short each week but was so so so close to those 100,000!!!

    Still working on Week 3's challenges - if you have any ideas or something you want to try, let me know.

  • AParker1974
    AParker1974 Posts: 89 Member
    I surprised myself yesterday and was able to take time to eat for 30 mins and found myself not wanting to even finish what I was eating! First thing I did was cut my pork chop in to small bites, I put the first piece in my mouth to chew while I finished cutting up the rest of the pork chop. While chewed each bite I was surfing the net and checking email :tongue:

    Today I am having problems with the pedometer. I keep bumping the button that resets my steps :sad:
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member

    Today I am having problems with the pedometer. I keep bumping the button that resets my steps :sad:

    Me too and my son pushed the button also...luckily i had just told my daughter how many steps it was!:noway:
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    I thought I was eating pretty slowly, but I still finished in 27 minutes.
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Dinner took way over 30 min - it was family dinner night (and all forks dropped when my brother said he was going to propose to his gf - LOL).

    Sucked with my steps today - work was way stressful and I was basically putting fires out while sitting at my desk all day. Tomorrow I'm running so I'm going to make up for it!

    Nighty night to all of you slooooooow eaters and mega steppers!!!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    We start today?
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    Steps...doing better today it was 10,402 :)...eating..uummmm.....not so much.....I grew up in a farm family and you only had enough time to eat when dad came in from the field...I'm a teacher and I eat with my students so that does not help at all.....I have three children 8, 3, and 2...they don't sit for every long, that's why I get so many steps in, :blushing: I tend to eat fast I have found that I am usually finished in 15 minutes and I even put down my fork and drank between bites.....but this is something that I didn't really look at before so now I can work on it. Keep up the good work everyone!

    So far total steps is 35,829!
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Good afternoon, all,
    Garlic - It's 4 different food and exercise challenges for the month of August. A week is Monday morning through Sunday night. This week, we're aiming for 77,000 steps and eating one meal a day in more than 30 minutes. If you want to start today, go ahead!!! You'll just be aiming for an average of 11,000 steps a day. I will post week 3's challenge on Sunday night.

    Today has just been an emotional day - I want to eat horrible things but my stomach just can't take it. It's very rare that days like this happen - were like 8 huge things are going on all at once - but today was it. I'm for sure going to make up for the steps this weekend, but I can't really eat for 30 minutes if I'm nibbling here and there! :( This afternoon has been a bit better and I'm calming down, I hope that continues.

    I have to thank my pals on this site for their support. :)
  • AParker1974
    AParker1974 Posts: 89 Member
    Today was better...I did manage to eat one meal in 35 minutes. I got in 10258 steps. Because of my late start on this challenge and my pedometer problems I will probably fall short but I will try my best
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    Was a biking day so i only had 7114 steps...but burned tons of calories biking and was able to finish the trail without stopping...that's a first! Still working on the 30 minute meals..mine are usually 10 minutes!
  • love_30034
    Havent quite mad it to 10000 but its more that the other 7810 im getting there but eat meal im takn my time
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Looks like this was a huge challenge for all of us!!! It's good to see that we always have room to improve.

    Soooooooo, any thoughts on challenges for next week?
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    I did pretty well with dinner last night, I think I was at 29 minutes. Part of that was that I was so tired from my weightlifting class that I was just moving slow in general.

    I'm still waiting on my pedometer. It's now shipped and should be here by the end of next week. Nice. (The other package I ordered from the same place on the same day? Yeah, the one I don't actually need until next month. It'll be here today.)
  • mssygayle
    mssygayle Posts: 21 Member
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    10, 784 steps today...still working on the eating!
  • AParker1974
    AParker1974 Posts: 89 Member
    My steps for Friday was 11,352. Did lots of walking at work then after work we went shopping.. The eating is still a struggle for me. It will be something I will continue to work on even after this challenge is completed.
  • Cateyes0831
    Cateyes0831 Posts: 172 Member
    I wasn't really able to count my steps but I did make sure that I was walking as much as I could this week. I took the dog out for longer walks everyday and went to places like malls and flea markets and just walked.

    I have been doing great on the eating slow challenge and I have noticed that it helps out a lot. I actually feel full!

    I also weighed in this morning and I am 295 which is a 5 Ib lost for me!
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Look at all that you've accomplished this week - weight loss (5lbs!!!! Yeeeeeah buddy), slowing down when eating and ramping up your steps. If you didn't meet the goals, I hope you have at least become more aware.

    As for me, I would have never made the 10,000+ a day without working out. I totally should have done this challenge this upcoming week since I'll be at our downtown office twice this week (it's about 3.0 miles to/from the train to/from my office - and that's just to and from the train/office). I'm going to track my steps again this week and have a goal of 80,000. Yes, I am crazy!!

    This week, I hit 67869. Close, but not too close!!! I did much better with the eating as the week progressed. I was able to get through a whole tv show or the news.

    Week 3's challenge is about to be posted. Check it out on your home page! Looking forward to reading your successes of the week!
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    Week two completed..I think the longest it ever took me to eat a meal was 15 minutes...I will continue to work on that....maybe I'll make my kids do steps for this week were 72, 353! I did manage to lose 4.2 pounds and inches 1 inch on my thigh and 2 inches in the waist, and 1.5 inches in the i am very happy about that.....up for next weeks challenge....bring it on MO! ;)

    On a side note I was able to ride the bike path with wicked hills in under 20 minutes! It's 3.1 miles and I did not have to get off and walk my bike up the insane hills....I had to pedal hard but I made it, and I could breath when I got done...1st time this week about 21 minutes and tonight 19 minutes 31 seconds!