Don't stuff yourself!

One of the next things I need to work on is not always eating everything on my plate. Today I made a great wrap for lunch. It was full of veggies and other good stuff. But now that I am done eating it, I want to explode. Gotta teach myself to throw some away or save it for later when I KNOW I will be hungry again!


  • katherines2230
    katherines2230 Posts: 276 Member
    My trainer told me to eat until I've satisfied my hunger, not to get full! It is paying off!!
  • MrsMakeup801
    MrsMakeup801 Posts: 1 Member
    Important lesson I am learning as well. We don't always have to clean our plates. Also when I eat out, we start small and if still hungry order more which is rarely the case. Great point, I am going to remember this - "Eat to satisfy hunger NOT to get full"
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    I make sure my portins are big enough to satisfy and not bloat me!

    With pasta and potaoes in particular my portion control really works. ..

    Half the amount of pasta I used to serve myself is perfectly fine to fill me up.
  • eryn415
    eryn415 Posts: 98 Member
    Important lesson I am learning as well. We don't always have to clean our plates. Also when I eat out, we start small and if still hungry order more which is rarely the case. Great point, I am going to remember this - "Eat to satisfy hunger NOT to get full"

    Awwww, your first post! Love you, Sookie Stackhouse. Remind me at lunch not to eat all of my lunch. xoxoxoxo
  • That has always been a problem for me. I think because I was taught as a child to finish my plate. I not only make an effort to leave a bite, I will never require my kids to clean their plates! Good for you for recognizing this! It will only help you in reaching your goals. Good for you.