Lose a turkey by turkey day



  • Jaccilatt5
    Jaccilatt5 Posts: 46 Member
    Im in!! I need to lose a 13 lb turkey...do those even exist? Who cares!! Gobble Gobble!!
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    Good Morning all my fellow turkeys. How are you? Hope your night went well.

    Things i did to get moving in the right direction: Last night i made dinner at home. Had cooked veggies and salad and 2 beef ribs.
    I also worked out during strength training for 30 minutes. I can feel the burn.

    We all know in order to get fit we have to eat right so later I'm going grocery shopping and stock up on lean meats, fruit, veggies, etc.

    Weekends are my biggest bump; This week i commit to working out and keeping a count of everything i eat.

    What have you done so far? What will you do? Let us know.
  • frats
    frats Posts: 96 Member
    What have you done so far? What will you do? Let us know.

    I have started doing the Ripped in 30 DVD. I am only on day 2 but it feels good to be doing something. I am also working on better food choices. I an going to two to eat salad for/with most lunches and dinners until I see some movement on the scale!
  • Kia148
    Kia148 Posts: 204 Member
    Count me in!!!!!
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    @ Frats - That sounds great ! Sometimes we have to change it up and do somethign different to get a different result.
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    I am in too! I am hoping to lose a large bird!!!
  • minussam
    minussam Posts: 127 Member
    I'm in!
    We'll see a bunch of family members for Thanksgiving that I haven't seen since July so I want to surprise them.

    I have to increase my workout time starting next week as I slacked off lately.
  • Licacorona
    Licacorona Posts: 118 Member
    Good Morning all my fellow turkeys. How are you? Hope your night went well.

    Things i did to get moving in the right direction: Last night i made dinner at home. Had cooked veggies and salad and 2 beef ribs.
    I also worked out during strength training for 30 minutes. I can feel the burn.

    We all know in order to get fit we have to eat right so later I'm going grocery shopping and stock up on lean meats, fruit, veggies, etc.

    Weekends are my biggest bump; This week i commit to working out and keeping a count of everything i eat.

    What have you done so far? What will you do? Let us know.

    I'm on day 10 of p90x so I'll be doing some stregth training there. If I run out of ideas for lunch or don't feel like cooking, I walk to the corner nearest to us which, luckily, has a subway. The walk is to burn extra calories. We also have a nearby park with a track so I take my daughter to play at least 2 times a week to get a walk or run at the track. Then, I run around with my daughter. She has so much fun and so do I :D
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member

    I'm on day 10 of p90x so I'll be doing some stregth training there. If I run out of ideas for lunch or don't feel like cooking, I walk to the corner nearest to us which, luckily, has a subway. The walk is to burn extra calories. We also have a nearby park with a track so I take my daughter to play at least 2 times a week to get a walk or run at the track. Then, I run around with my daughter. She has so much fun and so do I :D

    Going to the track sounds like a great idea. My son loves to run. He's only 18 months old but he's all over the place. I can walk and he can run freely without my fear of him getting hurt. Looks like rain today but we may try it any way.
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    Gobble , Gobble, fellow turkeys

    It's Saturday. Well my friday night was a major disater. I ate well at home but joined a friend i hadn't seen in a while for a drink and music. I started with water . Then was talked in to spliting a Texas sized margrita. Big mistake. That thing was huge. Of course I couldn't keep an accurate count. I went way over my calorie goal. I felt bad but when i got home i felt even worse. I had stomach pains out of this world. When you start to change your life habits you really can't go back to old ways. I hadnt felt like that ever and I've drank way more in the past. I love my family and friends but I love me more. At this point in my journey I must stay away from these outing for a while.

    Do you have trouble staying on track on the weeks? Do you find it hard to get friends and family to understand your choices? What will you do differently?
  • melaure
    melaure Posts: 33
    Hi all, My name is Corey! I'm completely up for completing this challenge with every one of you :)

    I am starting up again after months of not being on this site. I quit smoking and gained back a ton of weight, so I'm back on the track again and I think something like this would help me tremendously.

    I am at work this weekend, and this morning I had a bowl of cheerios, but I failed in my decision making and had a Mcdonald's Sausage Mcmuffin and hashbrown after my coworker offered to buy it for whomever wanted something.

    For my mid-morning snack I had two celery sticks with peanut butter.

    I haven't had lunch yet, but I brought a turkey sandwich on wheat bread and a yoplait light key lime pie yogurt as a side. Lots of water today!

    I'm starting The Firm Express workout on monday, so this weekend (after work) will be filled with various workout dvds such as 30 Day Shred, Zumba or a workout game for my Xbox 360.

    I am in the military and I HAVE to lose 10 lbs by October. For now, that is my biggest goal, but I would like to lose 25 - 30 lbs overall! I look forward to the motivation and support from you all as we trek down this journey together.
  • airycha
    airycha Posts: 135 Member
    Hope everybody is doing well!!!!

    I started rercording my food better about a week ago and yesterday I started adding my exercise back in. Looking to get rid of those extra lbs!
  • airycha
    airycha Posts: 135 Member
    oops double post!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    i'm in! =) i'll post again when i get home, but i just wanted to bump for later!!
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    Gobble , Gobble, fellow turkeys

    It's Saturday. Well my friday night was a major disater. I ate well at home but joined a friend i hadn't seen in a while for a drink and music. I started with water . Then was talked in to spliting a Texas sized margrita. Big mistake. That thing was huge. Of course I couldn't keep an accurate count. I went way over my calorie goal. I felt bad but when i got home i felt even worse. I had stomach pains out of this world. When you start to change your life habits you really can't go back to old ways. I hadnt felt like that ever and I've drank way more in the past. I love my family and friends but I love me more. At this point in my journey I must stay away from these outing for a while.

    Do you have trouble staying on track on the weeks? Do you find it hard to get friends and family to understand your choices? What will you do differently?

    Yes, weekends are so hard. We have friends over, drink, hang out. I cook all weekend and friday nights we normally would order out. Its so hard. My family (husband and kids) are fine to eat healthy 90% of the time, but the other 10%, they want treats. And they are thin. I need better control, I just don't know where to get it from.

    This week I passed up an outing with the girls. I don't want to go and eat crap and drink too much. Unfortunately, I think turning down these events is the only way I can not do it for now.
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    hey everybody! i'm SO excited for this challenge!! Thanksgiving is the PERFECT amount of time away to reach 185.8 lbs which would make me "overweight" instead of "obese". i've been "obese" since as long as i can remember, and definitely my whole adult life.

    so with 15 weeks to go, if i lose an average of 1.75 lbs/week, i'll make it! i know it's kind of a hard goal, and, big deal, if i don't make it, i'll try reaching that goal by X-mas :bigsmile:

    my starting weight for this challenge is:

    8/11 - 211.8
    8/18 -
    8/25 -
    9/01 -
    9/08 -
    9/15 -
    9/22 -
    9/29 -
    10/6 -

    *thanksgiving goal weight - 185.8
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    I want in (if it's not too late). This site was helping me considerably (I mean I used it consistently....not sure if I really lost any but anyway) then I got lazy, ate more, stopped exercising. Saw and episode of "Cook yourself Thin" last week and got motivated again, to home cook at least. Thought I'd enter in today's foods (a guestimate). My rough guess suggested I had eaten over 1000 calories by lunch time sigh. A discouraging reminder that weighing my food is a good idea. I definitely need someone to be accountable to/share the struggle with.
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    Can I join in too? I really would love to lose about 15 lbs by thanksgiving and get me back to my lowest weight I've been at 132 lbs. I really need help with this. I was doing great last year all year long, eating so healthy, working out every single day without fail. But my brother committed suicide on 1/1/11 and since then I can't get back with it! I do workout still, but usually only 4 or 5 days a week and no where near has hard or as long as I used to. And I was so good at not eating junk, or treats, didn't ever drink pop. Now, I have a hard time saying no to eating pizza with my friends or not having that ice cream when everyone else is having some. Can someone tell me the magic words to get me back on track? Ok, so not really, I know there isn't magic words to fix it, but I so wish there was!!!!!!!!!! Its seriously crazy how my brothers death has brought out my weaknesses and my depression so strongly.
    Anyway, back to the challenge. I weigh in on mondays and will track my weight every single week starting this past monday.

    8/15- 148 lbs
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    I like the weekly weigh ins (although I hate my damn scale!) My goal is for 25 lbs (a large turkey!) by then.

  • scalhoun125
    Im in on this Turkey by Turkey Day!!! I was just down to my lowest weight ever....for my wedding (was so happy I did it!)...BUT only 3 months after the wedding its ALL back!! I have a big 10-13lb Turkey to lose!

    Thanks for the encouragement and motivation everyone!!