How long did it take for you to first see results?



  • Isra_1
    Isra_1 Posts: 44 Member
    I haven't really noticed a difference and it's been about 3 months or so. However, I took pictures prior and can see changes in my body comparing to now

    I would love to see changes in before and now pictures! Thats a good sign!

  • SaunaSuit
    SaunaSuit Posts: 96 Member
    3 days On the Bible Diet/Cabbage Soup Diet. and From 327lbs in January 2018, I am down to 260lbs May 10 2018 so you can do the math ( 67pounds) in 5months. (13.4lbs per month) (3.35 per week). If anyone else can say their diet dose this then that is GREAT~ Keep on it! I also was Working out 3hrs a day. No more then a person who has a job running around the office or building for 8hrs, who is a waitress, or bussier, or carpenter, or store clerk.
    I walk, arobics, yoga and qi-gong, meditation. and walk inplace up to 5miles watching tv~

    But it only took 3 days to see the scale drop pounds and since then I have been dropping every week regardless of how much exercise I do or don't do. I have gone from a size 24 to a size 18 down to a size 16 in 5months.
    This diet is clean, healthy and UMMMY~ I never have ever had any cravings for other foods and have not want to eat anything but these items. I have not eaten fastfood in a Year this Month~ So that was a lot of help~ I stand by my diet this is the best I have ever found to work for MY BODY WEIGHT!
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    When you see results is going to depend on several factors. How much you have to lose, how close you are to goal, your bodyfat/body composition etc. For example I can see results after only a week or two in the beginning but when I'm really close to goal it becomes really hard to see a difference.
  • Sheri80
    Sheri80 Posts: 1 Member
    I counted calories and stayed under goal as well as ate a more whole foods but wasn’t seeing results. I really started watching my sugar intake and that’s when I noticed the scale going down.
  • gutsnglory6
    gutsnglory6 Posts: 76 Member
    I do weigh in regularly, but try to keep track of little non-scale victories (finding an excersize that was really hard actually bearable, being able to do something I couldn’t before, upping my weight on something I was stalled on, not feeling winded doing something I usually would). I find that keep track of those things helps me remember that I’m making progress even if the scale isn’t cooperating.
    I also recommend taking measurements. I find my clothes fit differently depending on the day and how recently they were in the dryer so that doesn’t really work for me - but measurements do.
  • bradman1231992
    bradman1231992 Posts: 4 Member
    I noticed a small difference at the end of the first month, but by the end of the second, it definitely became noticeable. After nearly 4 and 1/2 months, it’s like night and day. Make sure to give yourself time, stay disciplined, and don’t give up! Trust me and others that’s patience is a virtue, and if you really stick to it, the progress will come. I’ve lost 48.3 pounds as of typing this, if that gives you any perspective.
  • acon804
    acon804 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm almost one month in (the 16th). I've too gotten a little frustrated but i have lost 9 lbs and other people are starting to notice. I've had at least 3 people ask if I'm losing weight. But the real reward is the amount of energy I am gaining and I feel better. I'm determined to keep at it. Don't give up!
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    I personally disagree with a once a month weigh-in. To me there is too much time (risk) without feedback and opportunity to go off track. People here tend to eat too much, why wouldn't you want frequent feedback in order to "stay between the lines", especially as you get your diet "calibrated" to a deficit level? If you are setting a 2lb/week loss rate on your deficit plan then you should see ~2lbs/week loss on the scale. If not, you need to make adjustments. If you wait until a month passes you could end up with a gain--you thought you were in deficit but you were off! When the "scale isn't good to me" it's just providing factual evidence that you are eating too much. Physics! If frequent feedback is upsetting to you then there are other issues you should deal with.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    a month for me. Goes by hella slow I must admit.
  • DrizztGirl82
    DrizztGirl82 Posts: 85 Member
    I am on day 7 right now. I walk or go to the gym every morning before work. I feel more energy this week than I have the past few months. I call that a victory for me.
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    2 months for me. Have to wear smaller fitted clothes for others to really notice.