I have to be doing something wrong

cindytelson2017 Posts: 12 Member
edited May 2018 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been on this journey since July 2017 I have only lost 35 pounds and in the last two months I am hovering around the same weight I can’t seem to lose. I log all my food weigh and measure everything I drink 80 ounces at least of water per day 10,000 or more steps per day as well as exercising 5 to 6 days per week. I swim and practice yoga I walk I ride my bike. My macros are set at 45% carbs 25% fat 30% protein. I am 5Foot 3 inches179-ish pounds 56 years old I’ve had my thyroid looked at her used to have hyperthyroid now I have hypothyroid take medication for that take medication for high blood pressure. I want to lose at least another 30 pounds I thought it would be off by now but I’m stuck any suggestions


  • cindytelson2017
    cindytelson2017 Posts: 12 Member
    It says if I want to lose 2 pounds per week to stay at 1270 cal I don’t eat back my exercise most of the time. I weigh everything that is dry and measure everything that is wet. I very very rarely estimate anything I’m kind of OCD that way.
  • Lyrica7
    Lyrica7 Posts: 88 Member
    Do you have Hashis? And are your thyroid meds optimized not just the low end of normal? Have you had your ferritin and Vitamin D levels tested-defiencies in these areas often go hand in hand with thyroid disease.
  • cindytelson2017
    cindytelson2017 Posts: 12 Member
    My thyroid is under control it’s taking about two years to get that way I don’t know what the hashes is. I did have a vitamin D deficiency was taking vitamin D but now I’m just taking a multiple vitamin I had labs done not too long ago they were supposed to check my vitamin D and they didn’t but all my other things turned out great
  • cindytelson2017
    cindytelson2017 Posts: 12 Member
    I will check on the other things you mentioned at my next lab which should be in a couple months
  • cindytelson2017
    cindytelson2017 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you so much for your response
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Are you still eating the same calorie intake you were at 35 pounds lost as in 1270 since July of last year? Measuring everything as in cups/spoons or weighing your intake using a food scale?
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Zodikosis wrote: »
    This may get a bunch of woos as I'm just spitballing here, but have you tried a diet break? I know that, for me, after I've been dieting for awhile and have already lost a fair bit, I will stall out for a long time unless I eat at maintenance for 1-2 weeks and then resume the deficit. It really helps break up the plateau. Don't stop counting calories/exercising during the break, just eat at maintenance and see if it helps.

    This is good advice. I was going there next with my question up thread when she came back with an answer. :smile:
  • cindytelson2017
    cindytelson2017 Posts: 12 Member
    Such great advice from everyone thank you so much. I am actually going on a small vacation for four days tomorrow and I was planning on logging but it’s kind of a family reunion with lots of food alcohol etc. so I will continue to log and I won’t be getting on a scale for four days so that’s good news but I really am scared to get back on it when I return. And to be totally honest I do occasionally have cheat meals I would estimate about one every two weeks. I will check my settings and re-adjust if necessary. Again thank you all so much it really helps this is my first post and I am surprised at the responses.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    how much of your exercise calories are you eating back? if more than half, you may need to adjust.
  • cindytelson2017
    cindytelson2017 Posts: 12 Member
    I have set my diary to public I think that’s what you meant by opening.
  • cindytelson2017
    cindytelson2017 Posts: 12 Member
    I am Weighing on a scale