30 Day Shred - Starting May 1rst - Want to join me?



  • Sel118
    Sel118 Posts: 11 Member
    Clover_23 I have been doing them together, I do 30ds then go straight into 6w6p ( I fast forward through the warmup for 6w6p though and just go right into the workout) I have found getting up first thing and doing it before the kids get up is best for me, otherwise I could talk myself out of it through the day. I try to do 2 days then have 1 day off and so on, but I saw the earlier posts saying it's good to do some other resistance training between Jillian days so I might try that even if it's just for 20 mins. I like the 6w6p dvd best, but I don't want to drop 30ds now that I have started so will see them both through. What I think did help me in seeing physical results was adding in a pair of 0.5kg ankle weights about 2 wks ago. I was finding some of the ab crunches were getting too easy for me, so the ankle weights just added more resistance for me. My hubby has weights and dumbells in the house, I probably use a few different weights throughout the workouts depending on how easy/hard I find them. Hope this helps, I feel like doing this really transformed my shape in such a short space of time, wish I'd figured this out yrs ago! Good luck for your vacation :)
  • Alecia329
    Alecia329 Posts: 10 Member
    A week late but I’ll start now
  • justkris_gettingfit
    justkris_gettingfit Posts: 239 Member
    Did Level 2 Day 1 today...I'm thinking I might be on this one for around 2 weeks lol I couldn't do any of the plank exercises long, and overall, it seriously kicked my *kitten*.
  • clover_23
    clover_23 Posts: 39 Member
    Finished day 8! Only 2 more days of round 1.
  • AmChristo91
    AmChristo91 Posts: 19 Member
    I just finished doing 5 days of Level 1. I'm not sure when I should move on to level 2 but reading through some of these posts makes me realize I'm definitely not ready lol I am excited for the day I finally will be though!

    I haven't taken any measurements yet. I'll probably do that once I hit day 10
  • clover_23
    clover_23 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm just doing 10 days each level. I figured a 20 minute workout each day isn't too much. Especially since the only other exercise I'm doing right now is walking.
    Also the day of the month helps me know which day I'm on :P
  • Chelle7198
    Chelle7198 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in I just started today. I've done it all the way through before years ago. Thought I was going to die. I want to really push myself to stick to it this time. I've started and stopped before. I have some post baby pudge to lose.
  • justkris_gettingfit
    justkris_gettingfit Posts: 239 Member
    edited May 2018
    Level 2 is seriously kicking my butt. I'm dripping sweat after, you'd think I had a cup of water thrown at me. This weeks weigh in I gained two pounds and I'm hoping its just water retention. I was only a pound away from hitting my first goal weight :(
  • AmChristo91
    AmChristo91 Posts: 19 Member
    Level 2 is seriously kicking my butt. I'm dripping sweat after, you'd think I had a cup of water thrown at me. This weeks weigh in I gained two pounds and I'm hoping its just water retention. I was only a pound away from hitting my first goal weight :(

    Could be muscle too! Keep up the great work! I attempted lvl 2 yesterday but had to keep stopping because of the sweat on my hands. Doesn't work well with tile floor lol
  • clover_23
    clover_23 Posts: 39 Member
    Ooh. Finished day 10 today. I begin level 2 tomorrow! I really hope I see changes.
  • AmChristo91
    AmChristo91 Posts: 19 Member
    Really did not want to do my workout today but powered through it because I knew I would regret it if I didnt. I've lost track of what day I'm on. I think it's like 8 or 9. Still lvl 1.

    Good luck today, everyone. You can definitely do it!
  • Sannapadali
    Sannapadali Posts: 4 Member
    I started 30DS on April 30th, today I finished my day 12 (level 2-day 2).
  • justkris_gettingfit
    justkris_gettingfit Posts: 239 Member
    Day 3 of Lvl 2 today, and I actually lasted during the plank moves a lot longer! I really need to get a mat so my shoes will stop sliding on my floor
  • clover_23
    clover_23 Posts: 39 Member
    Level 2 is kicking my butt! I feel like I'm using more.muscles with this level. Or maybe level 1 was just getting easy.
  • AmChristo91
    AmChristo91 Posts: 19 Member
    I didn't do a 30DS video on Sunday morning but I completed the rest of my workouts (I have morning and evening workouts every day). My body just told me nope that morning and I listened.

    Did level 1 yesterday and I gotta say, that break really helped. I was able to complete the exercises a lot better than I usually do.

    And today I did a level 2. I felt like I was going to throw up majority of that video but I burned more calories only doing some of this workout than doing all of level 1. So I'm officially going to be sticking to the second level. My HR stayed between 160-180 the whole time

    How is everyone else doing?
  • justkris_gettingfit
    justkris_gettingfit Posts: 239 Member
    edited May 2018
    My left knee is starting to crunch and pop (thanks military), so I've been patching it up all day to help relax it. I almost said 'nope' to Day 5 of lvl 2, but I pushed through it. I think I need to start adding in a nightly stretch routine.

    On a good note, during the plank exercises, instead of dropping to the knees, I do upwards dog so my arms are still working and I'm technically not resting. I've noticed I'm able to last a lot longer if not the complete duration of the circuits now. I'll still be sticking with lvl 2 for longer though lol
  • clover_23
    clover_23 Posts: 39 Member
    Halfway mark!!! Level 2 still difficult for me. Haha.
  • clover_23
    clover_23 Posts: 39 Member
    Day 17 done. I've had a little knee pain, so I did the modified versions tonight to hopefully not make it worse. Still super tough!
  • shibashakeshiba
    shibashakeshiba Posts: 10 Member
    Hi its good to find people still doing this, im on day 11 level 2 , got to say though level 2 is beating me up at the moment but im sticking to it as its so quick
  • clover_23
    clover_23 Posts: 39 Member
    It is quick! I haven't done it yet today, but I noticed last night I was able to do level 2 more easily. Just two more workouts until level three!