Instant Pot. Beyond eggs and yogurt.



  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I use mine often for slow cooker refried beans (delish) and white rice (1c white rice, 1c water, 1 min on high pressure, natural release for 20 minutes).

    It's basically a convenience machine because it's not saving me any time but I no longer wind up with burned rice or opaque rice water all over my stove, so I'm happy.

    I tried making a pressure cooker chicken broth recipe I found in it and it tasted like dirty dish water, even after reducing it. Nothing compared to stove-simmered.

    I should be more adventurous but most of the time I just eat pasta or rice, or I'm cooking out of a recipe book that isn't pressure cooker oriented so...
    I’m right there with you. We got a pressure cooker as a gift back in August and I’ve only used it maybe 4 times :# most things that I like to eat are not slow cooker/pressure cooker type meals, idk... I just haven’t found much use of it. But I am going to start trying some things!
  • AudreyJDuke
    AudreyJDuke Posts: 1,092 Member
    These are GREAT ideas!!!!
  • plythacur
    plythacur Posts: 32 Member
    I make beans from dried without the pre-soak in mine all the time. They take about an hour to cook, and this generally works better with darker beans (pinto or black). White beans tend to get a little gummy and need rinsing (like canned) and chickpeas don’t have the best texture when cooked this way, so I only cook them from dry with no pre-soak if they are going into hummus. I can also get a full, thick, lots of broken down gelatin bone broth made in about 70-80 minutes, and I've never had any off flavors, but I pack it full of aromatics (garlic/onion/celery/bay leaves). I usually freeze my broth in 1/2 cup measurements to use in place of canned chicken broth in recipes.
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    So, I am now a little more than a month in on owning an instant pot. We use it several times a week. BBQ pulled chicken, beef stew, chicken noodle soup, chicken for prep meals, Mississippi Pot Roast, beef stroganoff, and yogurt (never buying it again - seriously that good) are our favorites. We make a big batch of rice to use in recipes. I haven't ventured into beans yet but I will soon.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I love making chicken and dumplings from a whole chicken, which I doubt I would have ever done if I didn't have an instant pot. I use the following recipe but substitute dumplings for the noodles, and add in more of all the vegetables.

    I also like making Jambalaya from a super easy recipe I found online but can't find any more.

    2 boxes Zatarans
    6 cups water
    1 kielbasa sliced
    1lb cooked hot ground sausage
    1lb frozen large de-tailed shrimp
    brown hot sausage on sauté mode then add all the other ingredients.
    20 minutes, then quick release
    I made this chicken and dumplings recipe and it was good. I was a bit sceptical bc of the soy sauce but it’s good