3 day juice cleanse?

jprohofsky Posts: 1 Member
Has anyone tried a juice cleanse? I am considering it to help break a plateau. Any advice or brand recommendations would be welcome.


  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,324 Member
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    jprohofsky wrote: »
    Has anyone tried a juice cleanse? I am considering it to help break a plateau. Any advice or brand recommendations would be welcome.

    What exactly are you "cleansing"?
  • gamerbabe14
    gamerbabe14 Posts: 876 Member
    They don't work. You lose water weight and the gain everything back when you start eating again on day 4. I'm sure your goal is fatloss and not just scale weight so consider re-evaluating why you've hit a plateau. Bc on day 4, you'll just be right back at your plateau again after your juice only diet.
  • EmbeeKay
    EmbeeKay Posts: 249 Member
    You'll lose water weight, be miserable for two and half days, get nice clear skin, feel mentally clear and feel proud of yourself, vow to "eat clean" forever, break your fast, "eat clean" for a few days, go back to normal, and back up goes the scale. That's been my experience. It's a waste of time. I do plan on fasting for religious reasons in future (like 24 hour periods), but never again to "jump start" a diet.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    If by "cleanse" you mean, "2.5 days of diarrhea," then yeah, I've tried it. I don't recommend it.
  • HappyKat5
    HappyKat5 Posts: 369 Member
    @jprohofsky I have done just juice for a couple of years but only because I couldn't eat solids due to medical issues (I can now eat some foods, although still restricted.) It may not be ideal, because you tend to get a lot of sugar (although natural) it's still high. When I juice I get very little protein which you need. I make my juices at home and I measure out my ingredients, because you will be surprised how fast the calories can add up. I juice greens (plus some fruit because I don't like to taste a "grassy" juice.) Be mindful that it can take a lot of produce just to make 6-8 ounces and unless you can find a inexpensive source (I'm too lazy to tend a garden) it can be expensive to juice every meal. I would recommend maybe juicing some and eating good whole foods as well if you can. I do feel more energy when I juice but it's probably because it's getting absorbed quickly. You may feel hungry sooner than if you "ate" the same ingredients in the juice because of the fiber. You will probably pee more, I'm not sure about the poop situation, so I can't say. If you like the act of eating though, it can be hard because you're used to that action. Maybe try for one day and see how you feel :)