I overate.

By almost 1,000 calories. 944 to be exact. I ate almost double my 1200 calorie goal. I was doing so well...where do I go from here? I was thinking of lowering my goal for the next few days and upping my exercise to make up for it. Or even restarting my day 1 tomorrow. I dont know...


  • workinonit1956
    workinonit1956 Posts: 1,043 Member
    The most important thing at this point is to get back on track and continue forward. Don’t let that slip derail you! It happened, log it and keep going.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    By almost 1,000 calories. 944 to be exact. I ate almost double my 1200 calorie goal. I was doing so well...where do I go from here? I was thinking of lowering my goal for the next few days and upping my exercise to make up for it. Or even restarting my day 1 tomorrow. I dont know...

    How long have you been at 1200 cals?

    Don't eat less to 'make up for it', just go back to your deficit. You might want to think about whether 1200 is appropriate though.
  • PinkSeaShells
    PinkSeaShells Posts: 15 Member

    How long have you been at 1200 cals?

    Don't eat less to 'make up for it', just go back to your deficit. You might want to think about whether 1200 is appropriate though.

    I have honestly have been at 1200 cal for years lol..and of course I was never able to stick with it. This latest round has been since the 1st of May.

  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Maybe rethink your calorie goal if you have trouble sticking to it. 1200 is really low and maybe you could eat more and lose slower but more sustainably.
    Set your loss to no more than 1 lb a week.
    If you exercise eat some of your exercise calories.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I have honestly have been at 1200 cal for years lol..and of course I was never able to stick with it. This latest round has been since the 1st of May.

    There is an old saying that if you do what you have always done you will get what you always get. Trust me, it took me longer than I'd like to admit to give up on faulty diet notions. 1200 is either not enough calories for you are you are not eating in a way that you can sustain. Can you provide your age, height, and starting weight? One of the very helpful people here will help guide you to a daily calorie amount that your body might find more comfortable and sustainable. If it happens to be close to 1200 someone here can also help you with your diet mindset with regards to food.

    It will be much easier if you get off this roller coaster. Give this forum 6 weeks. I have a feeling you will be surprised and relieved.
  • Lyrica7
    Lyrica7 Posts: 88 Member
    Since you have over 100 lbs to lose you probably need to raise your daily calories. Too big of a deficit can make you hungry and cause bingeing and possibly make you tired and irritable.
  • berky06
    berky06 Posts: 210 Member
    I did the same thing yesterday! (darn pizza) But, that was yesterday and it can't be changed. I am focusing on today and getting back to where I need to be. My calorie goal is set at 1200 also. I usually have no problem with it, but yesterday I wanted pizza and I couldn't make myself stop at one slice.
  • lpjames30
    lpjames30 Posts: 8 Member
    This happened to me on yesterday, I just counted it as my cheat day.