I overate.



  • 1houndgal
    1houndgal Posts: 558 Member
    By almost 1,000 calories. 944 to be exact. I ate almost double my 1200 calorie goal. I was doing so well...where do I go from here? I was thinking of lowering my goal for the next few days and upping my exercise to make up for it. Or even restarting my day 1 tomorrow. I dont know...

    Just get back to your diet (get back on the wagon). Most of the weight gain is probably water retention. Hugs
  • UncaToddly
    UncaToddly Posts: 146 Member
    As others have said, accept it and move forward. My calories are set at just below 2200 (I started at 356# and set to 2# a week) and most days I am right at or under or maybe slightly above but you know what, there are days here and there where I have eaten as 500-1000 over on special occasions. I just move on and accept that on that ONE day I didn't do so well with cravings or I opted to not only get the steak and salad bar at Sizzler, but I also decided that I haven't had ice cream, bread pudding and apple cobbler in a LONG time so today....whatever.

    Just remember that this is a long ride. Sometimes there will be bumps. :)
  • PinkSeaShells
    PinkSeaShells Posts: 15 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    I have honestly have been at 1200 cal for years lol..and of course I was never able to stick with it. This latest round has been since the 1st of May.

    There is an old saying that if you do what you have always done you will get what you always get. Trust me, it took me longer than I'd like to admit to give up on faulty diet notions. 1200 is either not enough calories for you are you are not eating in a way that you can sustain. Can you provide your age, height, and starting weight? One of the very helpful people here will help guide you to a daily calorie amount that your body might find more comfortable and sustainable. If it happens to be close to 1200 someone here can also help you with your diet mindset with regards to food.

    It will be much easier if you get off this roller coaster. Give this forum 6 weeks. I have a feeling you will be surprised and relieved.

    I'm 25, 5'1, and currently 191. My highest ever was 225, and lowest 125. I was stable at around 160 lbs for months without losing(although I was trying to get back to 125) and ended up regaining to my current weight.
  • PinkSeaShells
    PinkSeaShells Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you so much everyone for the replies, it's been really encouraging and is helping me put things into perspective! While I admit that my "1200 or bust" mentality will be hard to get rid of I'm trying my best, especially since it usually leads to weight gain for me anyway.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Thank you so much everyone for the replies, it's been really encouraging and is helping me put things into perspective! While I admit that my "1200 or bust" mentality will be hard to get rid of I'm trying my best, especially since it usually leads to weight gain for me anyway.

    Fat gain or water weight fluctuations?
  • indiacaitlin
    indiacaitlin Posts: 691 Member
    Don't lower your calories to adjust for overeating as 1200 is already a very low goal. We all have days where we overeat and that's okay - you're only human! As others have said, if you're struggling to be consistent with 1200 calories it might be worth upping your calorie goal a bit.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I'm 25, 5'1, and currently 191. My highest ever was 225, and lowest 125. I was stable at around 160 lbs for months without losing(although I was trying to get back to 125) and ended up regaining to my current weight.

    1200 calories a day is too low for 191 lbs. I will let one of the others with bookmarked links tell you what you should be eating to lose at a healthy rate.
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    1800 calories (even of crap) is not going to cause you to gain anything more than water weight, if that. Even if you are completely sedentary, with your stats, you would maintain at 1858ish. Anything less than that, you will lose. If you are active at all, you will lose at 1800, though not quickly. You could easily up your calorie goals to 1400-1500 and still lose weight without depriving yourself so much that you end up having a day like yesterday.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    I have honestly have been at 1200 cal for years lol..and of course I was never able to stick with it. This latest round has been since the 1st of May.

    There is an old saying that if you do what you have always done you will get what you always get. Trust me, it took me longer than I'd like to admit to give up on faulty diet notions. 1200 is either not enough calories for you are you are not eating in a way that you can sustain. Can you provide your age, height, and starting weight? One of the very helpful people here will help guide you to a daily calorie amount that your body might find more comfortable and sustainable. If it happens to be close to 1200 someone here can also help you with your diet mindset with regards to food.

    It will be much easier if you get off this roller coaster. Give this forum 6 weeks. I have a feeling you will be surprised and relieved.

    I'm 25, 5'1, and currently 191. My highest ever was 225, and lowest 125. I was stable at around 160 lbs for months without losing(although I was trying to get back to 125) and ended up regaining to my current weight.

    If you are sedentary your maintenance is probably around 1,858 calories. If you ate 2,144 calories you went over your maintenance by around 286. That is not enough to gain a pound if the rest of your week you ate less than maintenance.
    You'd probably do better resetting your goal to 1 lb a week and eating more like 1,400. You would lower your goal as you lose. Eventually you may need to eat around 1,200 if you are sedentary to keep losing 1 lb a week but not for quite awhile. When you get to 150 or so you might want to start doing 1,250 or 1,200.

    For right now have a higher calorie goal. Make smaller more sustainable changes. Work on logging everything as accurately as you can and getting rid of the idea you have to be perfect every day to lose weight.

    Some posts that may be helpful:
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Ok. So it looks like you have 200 more calories a day to enjoy. That is assuming you are sedentary which is something I should have asked. It is also important to log exercise and try to eat back some of those calories.

    In addition, to losing the 1200 calorie mindset you need to be clear that you don't have to eat a specific menu to lose weight. I have seen plenty of people who have lost their weight say that they ate things like ice cream on a regular basis if not daily. I still eat all the food that helped me gain weight but I do it with planning. I'd have to check my log but I think I eat pizza at least once every other week on average.

    If you want to change your lifestyle you have to put an emphasis on being happy and satisfied as much as possible.