SAHM 8/1-8/31



  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Congrats on reaching goal Holly!! Good luck on your new goal and turning 40!! :)

    Nicole, sorry you're having such a hard time getting back on track. Hope you are able to do something every day!

    KC ~ I can't believe it has taken so long for you to give into the Zumba urge!! ;-P

    Welcome to the new girls, hope you'll come back so we can get to know you! :)

    Onehecticmom ~ You are busy!! Good for you for getting your workout done so early!

    Tallteacher ~ you are tall! LOL You sound pretty busy yourself. I used to hate exercising too, but now if I don't do it I get the grumps. Start with something small, something you might enjoy...a morning walk maybe? Dance around while you are cooking and cleaning, every little bit counts! My turning point was starting the couch to 5k and making it my goal to finish, about half way through I actually started to enjoy myself :) Good luck!

    Katie ~ I feel you on the laundry, I have had to pukey kiddos, and now the oldest has toot slobbers (what he calls diarrhea! LOL) so I've been doing some extra washing...ugh!

    Yes, yes, I am finally posting on the Aug thread. Sorry to be so flakey lately girls! I participated in my first 10k this morning and had so much fun! It was an all woman race, and loved it! I'll copy and post from my dailymile:

    First official 10k finally under my belt! Official time was 2 seconds faster than my watch. The first 5 miles were amazing, almost easy (8:50, 9:13, 9:39, 9:25, 9:01) Then I hit some horrible hills and I thought I was going to die (10:02...but hey, I can't be sad that my worst mile was 10 minutes!). The last .2 were hard, but some awesome girl helped push me to do it at an 8:41 pace! I tried to smile as I crossed the finish line, but I'm sure it came across as a grimace. This was such a great race, easy AND challenging AND all women! Tons of food and venders after the race. If we are still here next year, I'm definitely doing it again, really it wasn't so bad getting up at 415am.

    Can't wait to see the finishing picture, I really did try to smile ;-P As far as eating and stuff for the month, I am going to try calorie cycling again. So far so good, I like having the 'high' days! Training is still going strong for the half marathon, This Saturday we are doing 9 miles! :)
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    PNC, KaiteM, Oneheticmom, Shoppie-Thanks, I try to keep myself busy therefore I have no time for snacking, esp since my inlaws have all the "unhealthy" snacks upstairs and they are within my some days, its very hard to say no.., so I stay busy.

    KatieM-I try to make little goals, but also reachable daily goals to help me, and so far, so good. Although my goals on the weekends will be tough since that it when hubby is home.

    TallTeacher-Welcome to our group! :flowerforyou: I agree, I use to hate everything about exercise too and never wanted to do it. Now, its almost fun and it could be because I'm not out of breathe after 5 mins and my family is involved.

    BritneeB-Welcome to our group! :flowerforyou:

    Katie-Welcome, we have missed you! Congrats and WTG on all the races you've been in! I definitely envy you and hope to someday be able to be in a race myself.

    Well, I'm off to getting the little one in bed, the oldest is already in bed, then its some cuddle time with the hubby and a good movie.:heart: My WI is tomorrow and I"m a little nervous.
    Have a good night!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Alright friends I need your most of you know, my hubby is a third shift trucker, we were both wondering, when he is at work, he has to walk around his truck to inspect and move a 3,000 lb converter up to his trailer and truck (usually moves it at least 5 times) should he log that as his exercise for the day and how so?
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Woo hoo, Had a nice loss this week!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: down 1.6 lbs this week :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Welcome back to the thread Katie, we def miss you! :flowerforyou: What actually is calorie cycling again, is it where you have high cals one day low the nex or something? I get confused with that and zigzagging! Your race sounds, um, painful!! Do share the pic, grimace or no! :bigsmile:

    Barb - I replied re: your DH on your status. Great loss this week, well done! :bigsmile:

    I am tired today, one playdate down, another to go this avo, both with all 3. Thankfully no 'proper' exercise today, just going out walking with my pal (for 2 hours at fast pace but doesn't feel like work as we talk! :laugh: )
  • tallteacher
    tallteacher Posts: 74 Member
    Well, I managed to excercise all 7 days last week, although some were just very slow 1 mile walks with a toddler in tow. :) I lost 4.5 lbs. I do realize that it's my first week trying this, and I will not be able to keep up this pace every week. We were supposed to start school today (official start is next Monday), but our materials have not arrived yet and all 3 of us woke up this morning with upset tummies. (Blah!) Due to the upset tummy thing, I think I'm not going to do any exercise unless it's a slow walk to the library story time later. I did realize something too....I hate my face when I'm skinny! I have a long, skinny face. When I'm fat, my face looks great and normal. I need to not focus on that or I'll use it as an excuse for not losing weight. (LOL!)

    bluerose9483 - Congrats on the loss! Yay!

    katapple - WOW! Great job on the 10K - and you are training for a half marathon?! Amazing! WTG!

    PNCtink - a promotion! Yay! Hope your celebration was great!

    britneeb23 - welcome! I'm new too. Hope to see you around some more!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Shoppie-Thanks! :smile:

    TallTeacher-Thanks! :smile:

    Today hubby and I got back into our routine, and went to the Y and we did awesome and both of us felt really good too! Otherwise, this weekend we didn't do too much. Hope everyone had a great weekend, got some things to do before I get the little one from daycare. Laters!
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    This weekend was BAD. Friday we had arby's for lunch then went out for mexican food for dinner. Then Sat I made it to yoga, which was the only good thing about the day. OK, that's not true. I did good till we went to a movie & hubby got popcorn. I can manage a handful here or there, but he decided to order with extra butter (typically he will get with no butter lately) so I grabbed a big handfull & was hooked. Half a large tub later I went for since this was a double header at the theatre, I ate the whole bag. (insert horror movie music here) I gained almost 6 pounds from my 2 day feast. Thankfully I was good on sunday & this am I made it to my 5AM class. We did circuit training. After class this a.m. I am 1.6 pounds away from my friday weigh in. Not too bad considering. I will take it.

    So far so good today, but really want a nap. That is the one thing that surprises me. I am waking up at 4:30 to get to a 5am class, then working all day & not getting to bed until 9:30 or 10pm. WHY can't I sleep. you would think I would be exhausted. I am NOW, but won't be then. I would kill for a good nights sleep. And my weekend is bad now because I will wake up on my own several times a night thinking it's time to get up.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Need some opinions friends! Going to the zoo on Thursday, meeting a friend there and I'm going to pack a lunch, but I'm not a big fan of PBJ, any other ideas that are easy and healthy?
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    Tuna or chicken... they have em in packets now, so just take a small thing of mayo & mix it all there. We did that last time, we used canned tuna though & it was a bit messy, but we did that to keep the food from spoiling. We bought a small jar of mayo & opened there (didn't need to keep cold that way... or better yet, pick up some mayo packets if you happen to be out at a fast food place) Then we tossed it all when we were done.
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    Good News. I was able to lose the weight I gained this weekend, plus an extra 0.4 pounds. I figured it woud take me all week to get back down, so this is great news.

    Today will be long, I have kids tonight till 9:30. I so need to go back to a normal schedule. This PM stuff is taking a toll. It will only get worse once dance starts next month. Both girls are in dance & we spend 4 nights at the studio a week. This year, Kayla got invited to the competition team... that means even more practice & travel to competitions early next spring. I think a total of 5 competitions, 2-3 of which will be out of town. I am happy for her, but my pocketbook is feeling sad. Dance is not cheap. My guess is that Jordyn will get her invitation next year. Boy am I in for it :o)
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    tallteacher - well done on exercising all 7 days, that is great! :drinker:

    onehecticmom - well done on getting that weight back off quickly. I can empathise with the cost of kids hobbies, as quickly as I save money on childcare I lose it on hobbies! I'd far rather they were out doing something healthy though!

    Barb - I don't even know what PBJ is?? When I take food I usually take cous cous with roasted veg for me and sandwiches for the boys - either cheese or ham for them. Sometimes I take cold hot dog sausages and some bread and butter and ketchup packets - they LOVE that! I also take containers of jelly, strawberries, breadsticks, that sort of thing so I have snacks that aren't too bad for them or me (the jelly is sugar-free)

    Took the kids into London centre today, was a bit nervy as the rioting was only Tues night but actually we had such a lovely day - they have put up a temporary beach on south bank (you have no idea where I'm talking about but anyway! :laugh: ) with ater fountains and stuff, all free and the kids all had a blast and my friend and I sat and nattered all day :bigsmile:

    I finished my 30 day challenge today, and here are the results I shared on my thread:
    I lost 7 lbs in weight
    0.5 inches off the top of my thighs
    2 inches off my underbust (!!!)
    2 inches off my nipple line (honestly I think this is more to do with dropping feeds or my baby so will exclude from total inchage)
    0.5 inches off my arm tops
    0.5 inch off my waist
    and...wait for it....

    a jawdropping THREE INCHES off my saddle bags!! (my widest part) - holy moly that's an inch every 10 days!!!

    Total inches lost (excluding boobs) = 6.5 inches.

    Being totally honest, I was a bit disappointed the waist didn't shift much BUT I lost 2 inches off my waist the month before from doing BFBM so I think that was my big waist change. It has made me realise the saddle bag and chest change has totally changed my shape. Overall I'm chuffed to bits!! :bigsmile:
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    shoppie - excellent job on the loss. It's amazing how an inche here or an inch there can change your appearance. Sounds like you had an awesome day today.... and I agree, getting the kids in something, esp active is better than nothing.
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Hello Ladies-

    Shoppie-I'm sure I already mentioned it but congrats on all your inches lost! I have been out of touch with the news lately but I've heard about the London riots. What was it about?

    Welcome to all the newbies!

    I've only been to the gym once this week. My car is having issues and wasn't wanting to start on Tuesday and by the time I traded cars with my husband it was too late to go. Wednesday he was out of town but I left my phone in his car which of course was at the airport. Even though he tinkered with it and it was starting more reliably I didn't want to get stuck somewhere if it didn't start again and having no phone so we stayed home yesterday too. Today I'm going to attempt to go in, I feel all squishy like I haven't exercised in weeks not days..yeah I think I'm an addict. The upside is that it has been much cooler the past few days, so the air conditioning has been off and the windows open and we've played outside.

    I need to get everyone dressed so we can try to get to the gym this morning. I'll check back in later.

  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member

    Barb - I don't even know what PBJ is??

    PBJ is Peanut Butter & Jelly ;)
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Hi, everyone. It's been forever since I've checked in! I think I missed all of July. I've been doing a lot of living this summer! Yahoo!

    Like someone who isn't using all her faculties, I've applied for a job. Even though I was sure I officially shot myself in the foot at the interview, they want to see me for a second one next week. The trouble is, I don't want the job. It doesn't pay squat, and according to the interviewers and my resume, I'm way over-qualified (I hate that term). If they offer it to me, I don't know what I'll do. My husband is super-supportive of whatever I want to do: work, do my own business, or stay at home. That's great, but it also means he's not going to make this decision for me like I want him to :-).

    As far as weight loss goes, it's been OK. My challenge now is to keep my carbs down. I've been chowing on all kinds of sweets lately. I'm not gaining weight (yet), but I better not keep it up!

    I haven't read the updates, but I hope everyone is doing well, enjoying what's left of summer and doing all the fun back-to-school shopping.
  • Aczjohnson
    Aczjohnson Posts: 22 Member
    i'd like to join!!! i'm a SAHM of a 3 yo daughter, 10 yo son, and 12 yo son. we started back school on the 1st (we are year-round here) so they've been in school 2 weeks already!
  • Melatonin
    Melatonin Posts: 156 Member
    I'd love to join this group. I'm 30, a sahm/wahm mom with a 3 and half yr old girl, and a 9 month boy. So I'm very busy. The only time I have to workout is right when I get up before I have to sign on for work. It's only been a week sicne I started back on this journey and I feel great so far! I can't wait to get to my goal weight!
  • I would like to join. I am a SAHM with a 4 1/2 year old boy and 2 year old twins (OMG!! lol)
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Welcome ladies!! :flowerforyou:

    This is an awesome group!
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