You don’t have to exercise to lose weight!



  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    gyms aren't a waste of money. they are a tool for a healthier fitter life.
    there are also other tools to do this too
    losing weight is one thing. i think many of us would like to be more well rounded life
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    You absolutely do have to exercise.. completely ludicrous to say otherwise. A very uneducated comment!!

    Irony. This is it.

    You do NOT have to exercise to lose weight. I lost 50lbs without walking a single block or joining any gym.

    Exercise IS helpful to reaching not only goal weight, but goal appearance, but it is not necessary simply for weight loss.
  • NerdyFlex
    NerdyFlex Posts: 1,672 Member
    edited May 2018
    Just losing weight doesn’t give you a sculpted physique, and you won’t be fit. That is my goal so exercise is essential for me. However, Just because you’re a normal weight doesn’t mean you are healthy. That’s why a body fat percentage should matter more than a weight. Exercise is essential to a healthy life
  • stevephi01
    stevephi01 Posts: 240 Member
    edited May 2018
    I'm losing weight and not going to the gym, however I am getting some 'exercise' by walking to work, using the stairs and some lunchtimes walk up to 2 miles -pretty light stuff.
    I have an indoor rower at home and have just started back on it again after a 2 month layoff. I'm not looking to that to reduce weight but to help build core and other muscle groups. In fact I use it to help relieve a sore back and neck - in my routine the cool down stretching is very important for me.
    haleygosk wrote: »
    The gym just causes sore body parts for days!
    I remember my first visit to a gym - two well meaning friends showed me the ropes - more like pushed me through the wringer. At the end of the hour I could hardly walk down the stairs and never went back. I did do many years later, there was some discomfort but it soon went away.
    Maybe you were doing a bit too much
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    edited May 2018
    haleygosk wrote: »
    Yeah but I don’t want to be healthy wolfman, just skinny. And I’m happy, so just cutting down portion sizes works for me

    I'm not a fan of toneless bodies, I had a skinny fat roommate, he was thin but looked surprisingly flabby, takes a lot of work to get wolfman though, you prob would never get to that, especially if you weren't trying really hard.
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Weight Loss | Weight Gain is - essentially - CICO. It is all about Caloric Deficit | Caloric Surplus. This will affect the number on the scale. That trend will depend on that CICO balance. If you eat more than you burn, you will gain weight. If you burn more than you eat then you will loose weight.

    Do you need to go to the gym? No. Not at all. Like I said, it is - essentially - nothing more than CICO. Calories In Calories Out.

    But, how do you want your body to look. That is where the gym comes into this.

    Lots of people - ignorantly - have the notion that if a chick goes to the gym and lifts heavy then she will eventually look like a dude. HA! Good luck. I promise - assuming that you stay natural - that this will not happen. In fact, I promise that if you set that to be your goal that you would end up sorely disappointed.

    Study after study after study shows that resistance training has so many positive effects. For both men and women. Even more so for women. I won't bore you all with that list.

    But, you do you. It is your is your life. Only you can decide what you want. I would only suggest that you keep an open mind and that you find some super solid people (Paul Revelia, Eric Helms, Lyle MacDonald, et al) to follow and then, if you still believe that the gym is not for you, all good! But at least - and this is going to come out the wrong way - make an informed decision. :-)
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    haleygosk wrote: »
    I don’t want to be healthy

    Quite a statement.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    try2again wrote: »
    haleygosk wrote: »
    I don’t want to be healthy

    Quite a statement.

    Well if that's the case then crack will get them skinny real fast ;)
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    I'm a short woman. If I don't exercise, MFP has my calories set to 1400 to lose 1/2lb per week. When I exercise, I get another few hundred to play with. (I walked for just over 2 hours this afternoon, which burned 538. I'm going to do about 45 minutes of strength training in a bit, which should give me another 130 or so.) I like having room for snacks or being able to fit in a low-cal dessert, so while I agree 100% that it's possible to lose weight without exercise, I personally find the process much less painful/daunting when I work it in. I don't do anything overly strenuous: long walks, light dumbbells (up to 20lbs now and slowly building on that), a fitness glider in the basement that doesn't push my heart-rate up. But it still counts. And I recently discovered that my RHR is in the "athlete" category (56 bpm), so something's working...
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    True you don't have to exercise, but it helps. Looking at those who have successfully lost significant weight and maintained this - nearly all incorporate some manner of purposeful exercise.

    Drawing up the financial analogy exercise is equivalent to having a second job. You can either maintain a budget by spending less or making more, but to ensure success you would be better off doing both.
  • dkg_motivate
    dkg_motivate Posts: 10 Member
    I started out 75 pounds overweight. I've lost 30 so I'm almost halfway. My goal was to lose half through dieting alone and then start exercise. I theorized that my knees and ankles and back would feel so much better with less weight to carry, and boy was I right about that! I'm happy with the weight I've lost and glad that I didn't risk any more damage to my knee by pushing too hard when I was heavier. But I want to be stronger, mostly with a stronger heart, so the time is almost here for that goal I made to start exercising once I hit the halfway mark. Honestly, I feel so much better, I'm ready. I can't imagine if my body had been carrying even more excess weight. I'm proud of anyone's weight loss as long as they are doing it safely.
  • SaunaSuit
    SaunaSuit Posts: 96 Member
    Yes you do! I have tried to lose weight after the cancer and no diet worked. I even tried the Subway once a day, but out of all the diets i have been on in 48yrs. EXERCISE and mass of it is the way I have LOST WEIGHT AT 57yrs old.

    I have learned for my own body that I must eat 300calories Soups, Salads, Veggies, Fruits etc. and 7times the amount of calories to lose massive weight. Walking 5miles in place, Jane Fonda, Dancing to music, jump rope, floor exercise etc. I have gone from 7days a week to 5 days a week. I am down 70lbs in 5months so this is not for everyone but it is for me and only me. I got into a size 14 today and I am loosing all that hanging flag on my stomach, my thighs are not rubbing when I walk and I can now Run, Just need a better bra'.

    I think better and I feel better, I am trying to get my life together. and the best part is my nails are growing and my hair is shinny and long for the first time in over 20yrs. Cancer can really Destroy a Body~