5'2.5 weight loss goal...



  • timidury
    timidury Posts: 23
    I'm right around 5'3" and my UGW is 107. That's what I was in college, so after a baby that might be wishful thinking. I have my favorite pair of Joe's Jeans hanging in front of my scale at the moment as motivation. They're a 26 waist (size 2) and I think I'll have to get to 113 to fit in the comfortably. If I can do that, then I'll be happy. :)
  • timidury
    timidury Posts: 23
    Is anyone having trouble losing weight as it's essentially vanity pounds for a lot of us?

    How did you get through it?

    Ugh, yeah I'm feeling that right now. I hung my favorite pair of skinny jeans in front of my scale so I have to look at them all the time! I keep telling myself "soon! Soon!"
  • im 5ft 10" and i am aiming to be 140 pounds...currently 160. :smile:
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    This is a really interesting thread. :) Thanks for posting.

    I'm 5'3" and can't imagine myself at a 'healthy' weight. So.. I've set my goal weight at 154 which is 11 stone in British 'money'. lol this is overweight but I know WHEN I get there I'll need to adjust my goal but I figure 10lb at a time from then on in is a good aim.
    I was 161 when I met my hubby so 154 will feel wonderful :)
  • 321blueeyes
    321blueeyes Posts: 279 Member
    5'2" and weigh 155 - goal weight 130, any less and I can't maintain it... Really frustrating when your daily calorie recommendation is only 1210, if I'm short even a few calories I get the standard MFP warning that I might be putting myself in starvation mode!
  • Im 5'2 and currently 130 my ultimate goal is 108lbs, which is the weight i was before i started college and destroyed my body with pizza and booze.

    I am in the same boat there.. booze and pizza/wings were my down fall in college
  • 5'1.5 Start Weight this time was 284 and long term goal is 135-140 down 15.6
  • jacksamjack
    jacksamjack Posts: 146 Member
    I am 5'1.5, my starting weight with MFP was 172 in June. I am currently at 155 (and very proud of my progress so far!!) My goal is 135... but really it is 125. Is that possible???!!!! We'll just have to see!!
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    I'm 5'2.5 and currently 133lbs. Aiming to get to around 116lbs.

    What are your goals and start weights?

    Exactly the same! Started at 150 Ibs Currently at 123 Ibs. I'm almost there, so close!!
  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    I'm 5'2" also. Glad to see other shorties on MFP. :)
    I started MFP at 130. Current is 125.5. My mini goal is 117 and I'd love to maintain anywhere from 112-115. I felt my healthiest at that weight.

    Anyone who wants more support, please add me!
  • I'm 5'2 1/2 and I am currently 156 pounds.. After I had my kid I havent been able to lose the weight.. my goal is 115 or below.
  • diane423
    diane423 Posts: 48
    Hi Im 5'4 inches 188 tryin to get to 160 by next march.. Taken my son on a cruise wanna look good in my bathing suit.
  • Suzay
    Suzay Posts: 60
    I'm 5'1 and 112lb... my body is still really big and I still have love handles, a muffin top etc. I'm aiming for 100-105lb.
  • Sugar_Dumpling
    Sugar_Dumpling Posts: 50 Member

    I'm 5'2" and currently weigh 143.3 (only just started) - I'm thinking my ideal weight should be 119. However realistically maybe, 125. I don't want to be obsessed with weight but more with inch loss and building lean and strong muscles.

    Sugar :) xx
  • 5'2.5, current weight is 177 pounds and goal weight is 150 pounds. I started out at 264 pounds in August 2009 after the birth of my 2nd daughter. I would look to skinny if I go any lower. I am a curvy girl with hips and butt and thighs and my hubby likes me that way. Good luck all.
  • lgwmab
    lgwmab Posts: 274 Member
    WOW! This is great to know we are not alone! I am 5'2", my goal wweight is 120, I am currently at 160.5. Good luck everyone!
  • MzPix
    MzPix Posts: 177 Member
    Start weight 246.
    Current 229.
    Goal 144.
  • 5'2" ish and 114 lbs - I'm only aiming to maintain my weight, but have recently given up smoking, and now eating twice what I used to ... so this is tough ... but proud to be one month smoke free (and no extra pounds so far!!)

    Keep up the good work everyone :-)
  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    5'2" ish and 114 lbs - I'm only aiming to maintain my weight, but have recently given up smoking, and now eating twice what I used to ... so this is tough ... but proud to be one month smoke free (and no extra pounds so far!!)

    Keep up the good work everyone :-)

    Congrats on giving up smoking. I think you'll find this site very helpful.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    I am 5'3, currently at 160, goal weight 140. I might decide to aim lower once I lose a bit more, but I like how I look at 140.