For anyone with anxiety issues. And for those that don't, an



  • ASturtevant79
    ASturtevant79 Posts: 18 Member
    I have suffered from Depression and Anxiety since I was 15 years old. The depression was much more prevelent in my teenage years and after the birth of my children. Last November I weaned myself off of the amitripline I was taking and the anxiety hit like it never has it before. The palpitations were so bad I literally thought I was going to die. I went to see the doctor and he gave me a prescription for Lexapro and Ativan. Now the lexapro I was told to take it at night as it can increase your anxiety levels. 3 days into the medication I stopped taking it. It magnified my anxiety to a level I didn't think existed. My sister being on it told me to push through because it also got bad before it got worse for her to. After consulting with my doctor about not wanting to take it he recommend I go see a shrink who could better diagnosis me. I decided then to take matter to a more natural approach. I have spent the better part of 15 years of my life medicated and I wasn't going to do it anymore since nothing "cured" me just helped me cope. So now I eat clean, no caffiene, I keep my meals under 6 grams of sugar and have cut out the majority of processed food. I also work out 5 to 6 days a week even if it's only a 30 minute dvd. I have noticed a HUGE difference in my anxiety levels. I'm no longer relaying on the ativan which I was taking once or twice a week for attacks. I'm also sleeping better at night and my energy level has increased. I realize this is going to always be a life struggle for me and I feel very shafted that I can't really enjoy my life to the fullest because of the lingering thoughts in my mind. I also realize that that is exactly what they are is thoughts. thoughts that I have manifested and also have control over. My hope is that everyone can find some sort of relief with it being medication, or therapy,( heck I was even all for electro shock if it would work but then of course I got paranoid about all the bad things that could happen lol). Now one needs to suffer from this because it can be unbelievably life controlling.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    Interesting about lexapro making anxiety worse, I will have to research that. My daughter is suppose to take it at dinner, so it helps her to sleep when it's bed time, but she isn't too groggy in the morning. But what happens is she ends up with the anxiety at bed and unable to get to sleep. I want to get her off of this and it out of her system, to see whats happening. Her doc told us yesterday that since she's already having a harder time, he doesn't want to continue but it is our choice. He said as soon as there is a decline in her emotional/mental state that it means she needs to be on it. But I disagree, It may, but it maybe that she has to get through withdrawing from it to see where she is. My son was very irritable and rigid with meds, as soon as they stop, he's so much more calm, and pleasant, and flexible, etc. So I and my daughter just need to know if Lexapro is making things worse for her or better, she's been on meds since 4th or 5th grade.
    I have suffered from Depression and Anxiety since I was 15 years old. The depression was much more prevelent in my teenage years and after the birth of my children. Last November I weaned myself off of the amitripline I was taking and the anxiety hit like it never has it before. The palpitations were so bad I literally thought I was going to die. I went to see the doctor and he gave me a prescription for Lexapro and Ativan. Now the lexapro I was told to take it at night as it can increase your anxiety levels. 3 days into the medication I stopped taking it. It magnified my anxiety to a level I didn't think existed. My sister being on it told me to push through because it also got bad before it got worse for her to. After consulting with my doctor about not wanting to take it he recommend I go see a shrink who could better diagnosis me. I decided then to take matter to a more natural approach. I have spent the better part of 15 years of my life medicated and I wasn't going to do it anymore since nothing "cured" me just helped me cope. So now I eat clean, no caffiene, I keep my meals under 6 grams of sugar and have cut out the majority of processed food. I also work out 5 to 6 days a week even if it's only a 30 minute dvd. I have noticed a HUGE difference in my anxiety levels. I'm no longer relaying on the ativan which I was taking once or twice a week for attacks. I'm also sleeping better at night and my energy level has increased. I realize this is going to always be a life struggle for me and I feel very shafted that I can't really enjoy my life to the fullest because of the lingering thoughts in my mind. I also realize that that is exactly what they are is thoughts. thoughts that I have manifested and also have control over. My hope is that everyone can find some sort of relief with it being medication, or therapy,( heck I was even all for electro shock if it would work but then of course I got paranoid about all the bad things that could happen lol). Now one needs to suffer from this because it can be unbelievably life controlling.