The REAL me?

It's been a year since I have started my weight loss journey... I started out weighing 315 pounds. I am down to 220 now, have dropped several sizes in clothes ( started in a very tight size 26 and am now in 16-18 size clothes.) Everyone tells me how good I look and how they are so proud of me. I just don't see what they see in me! I still feel like that 300 pound girl! Will I ever get past this mental block and see the person in the mirror that everyone else sees?? When will I see the real me instead of the fat girl in the mirror?? I have gotten to the point now where I am basically losing and then gaining the same 4 pounds over and over again! I feel so discouraged when that scale moves up and not down! I am struggling with with this crazy phenomenon!! Has anyone else had this problem?? Does this mean that I can't get any smaller?? Surely I wasn't made to be a two hundred pound woman!! My goal is 135 which is a "healthy" weight for someone of my height... I just don't think I will ever get there at this point!!


  • mynika
    mynika Posts: 312 Member
    You have done so much to get to where you are now, and you will get to where you want to be if you don't give up. Awesome Job, don't ever give up.
  • DancingSquirrel
    Don't get discouraged! Instead look for a way to break through that barrier. You've made tremendous progress but plateau's aren't uncommon for a bunch of different reasons. Perhaps you can add in or increase your exercise. Maybe you're unconsciously eating more.

    If you've only been stuck a week or two then try to grin and bear it. You'll get moving again. If it's been longer then shaking up your routine can help.
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    Change up your routine. I hit a plateau for a while, changed up my routine and back to losing. I allowed some really high calorie days too (over 2,000) one day - my normal is 1200 - 1440. I did gain a pound or two, but since it has helped me to lose again. Also change exercises, if you have been doing the same things over and over - try something new. Whatever you do, DON'T give UP!!! You've worked too hard to get where you are. Something will happen to break out of the plateau, but don't get discouraged, mine was almost 2 months!
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    You are awesome!!!

    We are close to the same weight now. I started at 240ish and I am now down to 216. My goal is to get to 120 to 135 lbs. My main goal weight is 135 lbs.

    I still see the heavier me, I know the fat is disappearing because it shows at Curves, but I still feel like and see the bigger me. I don't see a difference, but others do.

    I have been at the same weight for a week now, hopefully it's not a plateau already! Hang in there, it will start coming off again!

    Feel free to friend me it you want to.
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    Please don't stop! We need more success stories. We have loads but can always do with more. Befriend some people > 300 lbs just starting out and motivate them, in turn you will try to set a good example to show how it's done. Before you know it you'll be under 200 lbs... you're amazing to have gone so far - I feel like I've come a long way and I've only lost HALF of what you've lost!
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    First of all, 72 pounds is an astounding accomplishment. Take some time to relish in your success so far. Think about what motivated you in the first place to get started. I know exactly how you feel about not really looking that different. I bet the people around you really are noticing a difference. I started at 289, which isn't all that much lower than 315. I am now at 255 and I don't feel like I look any different. No one has shown any sign of noticing. I just chalk it up to the fact that I have so far to go, that people won't notice until I am down nearly a hundred pounds.

    13 years ago, I lost 92 pounds (15 away from goal). There were at least three major plateaus in that journey and I was losing rapidly. You have to anticipate the plateaus and develop a strategy to deal with them. First, you need to be patient and "wait it out". If three weeks goes by and that didn't work, than it's time to change up the routine. Try everything. Eat more. Eat less. Exercise more. Cut out certain foods. Experiment. The bottom line is, if you don't give up, the weight will eventually come off. You are not going to stay at 220 forever. The fact is, you are either going to go up or down and it's up to you to decide which direction is easier to live with.

    You have done awesome so far. Things must be improving for the better. Reflect on those things and think about whatever else you want to accomplish. I wish you all the best!
  • jdoggie
    jdoggie Posts: 42
    you have already proven you can get there... bring it girl you are so inspirational:)
  • majowie
    majowie Posts: 30 Member
    I got the same problem than you..I did lost 14 pounds till my heaviest. (i know it is not a lot ) but i still can't see the difference when i lose a little bit of weight i look at me in the mirror and i see the difference, but the day after i feel bigger.. i always feel bigger even when it says that i lost weight... But you, compared to me, you lost a lot of weight and i'm really happy for you and i'm sure the difference is awesome ..just keep going and you will see the difference one day just be patient =)
  • audrarice
    Some people think I'm crazy, but I realize... Yes I'm a lot smaller... And I'm wearing the same size I did 13 years ago when I first got pregnant with my daughter... But I guess I'm just not happy with my body. I have skin hanging everywhere, rolls everywhere, and a muffin top! My pants fit, but I have this over hang... If I wear pants that don't give me the the little muffin top they fall off!! Diet and exercise helps drop the pounds, but there is nothing to do for skin but just wait...
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I've lost over a 100 pounds and I still have trouble finding the new me in the mirror. It's getting better, but it is a big mental hurtle to overcome because I have been obese my entire adult life.

    I suggest keeping "before" and "now" photos handy as a reminder of how far you have come. You are doing awesome!!
  • Spedden
    Spedden Posts: 207
    You have done a FANTASTIC job! Yes, you'll be able to get smaller, it just may take more time than expected, but that's okay. Imagine if you hadn't decided to start on this journey. You will come to accept yourself as a smaller person. You are very beautiful--don't forget that! And you have done amazing things to take care of your health by reducing your weight so much. Congratulations!
  • Innerglow
    Innerglow Posts: 1,074 Member
    You should try eating maintenance calories for a few days and then go back down. Your body may be craving more food and it needs to be shaken up a bit. Hope this helps and DON'T GIVE UP!

    I've given up for the past 2 years and it"s gotten me absolutely NOWHERE! I am back on track and you are a great inspiration!
  • audrarice
    I have always been Big... My whole life! Call it curvy, fluffy, thick, or big boned if u want to... But the truth is... When I get to my target weight, I can say I haven't been that size since middle school!! That's one reason I kinda think I won't be able to be small...
    Also has anyone had people tell u that u look too thin?? I have had a few people say that to me, and I can't figure it out! I'm still big, at over 200 pounds, and I'm very short!! Is it just that they are not used to the thinner me? Or is that supposed to be a complement?? Idk!
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