Keto learning

mleiva314 Posts: 3 Member
Hi all, I trying to loose weight on Keto, starting weight 313, I been on it for about 2 wks now and now at 308, and honestly I spent all last week up and down between 308 and 309... I can’t seem to continue to loose and the foods that it’s ok to eat, somehow always puts me over my macros, I’m seriously completely lost.. anyone can give me recommendations on understanding the process and eating.. please help


  • Misty_1375
    Misty_1375 Posts: 759 Member
    mleiva314 wrote: »
    Hi all, I trying to loose weight on Keto, starting weight 313, I been on it for about 2 wks now and now at 308, and honestly I spent all last week up and down between 308 and 309... I can’t seem to continue to loose and the foods that it’s ok to eat, somehow always puts me over my macros, I’m seriously completely lost.. anyone can give me recommendations on understanding the process and eating.. please help

    Congrats on the leap to take better care of yourself. Keto can be confusing at first. I'm pretty strict keto. You can always add me and I will be more than glad to help you. I learned my WOE (way of eating) from a personal trainer.
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    mleiva314 wrote: »
    Hi all, I trying to loose weight on Keto, starting weight 313, I been on it for about 2 wks now and now at 308, and honestly I spent all last week up and down between 308 and 309... I can’t seem to continue to loose and the foods that it’s ok to eat, somehow always puts me over my macros, I’m seriously completely lost.. anyone can give me recommendations on understanding the process and eating.. please help

    First off, if you're lost.

    Start at the beginning. Keto is just a WOE. it's not the only WOE. If you're having trouble sticking with keto, there's no reason you can't try a WOE that's more easy for you to stick with. That being said. 2 weeks and 5 lbs is about the appropriate rate of loss you should expect and be shooting for given your current weight.

    This. Keto can be one way for people to restrict calorie intake (especially if they don't want to log and don't tend to overeat keto-friendly foods), but not the only way. If you have never tried measuring and logging food before and are now going to go through the effort of logging all of your food, then you might want to start with a less restrictive diet while logging and then you can learn which particular foods YOU tend to over-eat, find unsatisfying for the calories, etc (and cut those, if anything, out of your diet). The large, initial quick losses that people see on keto are merely water weight, not fat - so don't be taken in by that. Some people find that they tend to crave some of the stuff they tended to over-eat in the past less on keto (so it may be helpful to some) - but one's trigger foods and what they find more filling are individual so that may not apply to you. And other people's trigger foods may be keto-friendly and calorie-dense.
  • Misty_1375
    Misty_1375 Posts: 759 Member
    If you're trying to lose weight, you need to be in a calorie deficit. Some people find that keto helps them stick to their deficit more easily.... It's not a better way to lose weight though.

    Weight loss is not going to happen at the same rate consistently - your weight is affected by many uncontrollable things (water retention, hormones, time of the month, exercise etc). Sticking to your calorie deficit consistently will lead to fat loss though, and reduction in body fat (and weight is most instances).

    Sticking to your deficit consistently is helped by not having a massive deficit, and eating food that makes you feel good both physically and mentally. Struggling with unnecessary restrictions can make your weight loss more difficult I think!

    I completely agree. Each person needs to find what works best for them. It isn't the same for everyone.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Keto is a great way of achieving a calorie deficit, but like eating in moderation and calorie counting its just a tool and doesn't suit everyone.

    Just out of curiosity why did you choose keto and what have you tried in the past?

    Also what is your overall short term and long term goal?
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    keto for weight loss:

    focus on getting plenty of protein - your goal is a minimum number to hit - going over is fine
    focus on keeping carbs low - your goal is a maximum number, don't go over
    fat is just as needed to fill in calories - you do not need to eat all your fat goal

    if you are having trouble not feeling satisfied, try more protein

    if that doesn't work consider that something more LCHF or standard low-carb might be a better fit for you, some people simply feel more satisfied on carbs
  • mleiva314
    mleiva314 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you for reaching out. I’ve tried so many diets , but the last one I did was about 5 yrs ago, and I lost 84 pounds in a protein diet. Protein shakes and bars and fish , chicken ect.. but it was very hard and very much the same thing I was so bored .. i have gained all that back after having 2 kids.. now I’m back to square one. I been reading and looking at YouTube videos on Keto and by far it’s the most easiest thing to do. But for always going over my carbs, and so I been up and down for like a week now on 308,309..
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,727 Member
    mleiva314 wrote: »
    Thank you for reaching out. I’ve tried so many diets , but the last one I did was about 5 yrs ago, and I lost 84 pounds in a protein diet. Protein shakes and bars and fish , chicken ect.. but it was very hard and very much the same thing I was so bored .. i have gained all that back after having 2 kids.. now I’m back to square one. I been reading and looking at YouTube videos on Keto and by far it’s the most easiest thing to do. But for always going over my carbs, and so I been up and down for like a week now on 308,309..

    1. You're probably also going over on your calories
    2. If you're having trouble "always going over your carbs" it's not easy(for you)

    At 300+ lbs any plan you stick with will work because your journey is so long. But because it's going to be long, you should choose a comfortable and convenient path that you will be able to follow. Elsewise, you'll tire before you reach your destination.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    The beauty of high protein keto is that you don't have to stick to just the lean meats so there's more variety. Fish, chicken, pork, duck, beef, deer, rabbit, shellfish, etc - there are no off limit meats since totally fatty meats are totally allowed.

    However, sustainability is really the deciding factor for success. Can you picture yourself eating like this, or close to it, for the rest of your life. If it isn't food you enjoy and food that you want, then a less restrictive plan may be more successful for your life.
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    @mleiva314 - Welcome to the world of Keto! I am doing the same thing but for a different reason (I have high A1C). I would gladly help you with some of the things to know about Keto - if you would like. There are a few key things regarding Keto to help mitigate the change (from Glucose to Ketones).

    And, as others have stated, this is all about finding something that works for you. That will look different for you from how it looks for others. If you are doing something but can not continue doing it (for any number of reasons) then it is not the right plan for you.

    I have played with nutrition for the last year and Keto seems to work well for me. My only hesitation was the way it affected gym performance. But, I was impatient. Anyway, there are lots of reasons that Keto works well for me (one of them is that I am perfectly find eating the same 'short list' of foods every day - just fortunate, I guess).

    "Easiest" - I truly hope that this is (or, if it is not, that you find what is - for you).
  • mleiva314
    mleiva314 Posts: 3 Member
    Yes yes yes, that’s it!! I all I want is to find a daily meal that I can enjoy and keeps me full and helps me loose the weight.. and I can’t seem to target it.. very frustrating because I try to log everything and at the end, I’m over the macros.. if you can help, and guide me, and shop me , I would greatly appreciate it.. I’m a mother of 2 toddlers , 40 yr old want to be here for them