Once more with feeling...

ohgeeque Posts: 224 Member
Two years ago I was doing great, I felt like a winner. I was keeping to my diet and exercise goals, feeling good and losing weight. Then, something snapped. At first, I put it down to a general malaise, then stress from work. Give it time and it would go away. Soon I would feel like myself again. I tried to power through but failed. I stopped exercising. I stopped watching what I was eating, and I started gaining weight. Instead of being motivated by this reversal, I buried my head in the sand and found comfort in more food. The obvious result was more weight gain.

I was miserable and comforting myself with food. And making myself more miserable in the process. Making the people around me miserable, too. My husband lost 100 lbs and I just couldn't be happy for him. OMG! I was becoming bitter and jealous on top of everything else

I don't want to be that person anymore. I want to be me again. Sure, I was always a little snappish. I'm a ginger, after all. But I was also happy and humorous, generous and kind. If I want the old me back I'm going to have to work for her.

Here I am, 17 days into my renewed journey. Not feeling happier but feeling in control, finally. I've lost some weight, I've been consistently meeting my food and exercise goal, and, occasionally, find that I am smiling for no particular reason.

It's a start.


  • HappyKat5
    HappyKat5 Posts: 369 Member
    @ohgeeque Adipose! I had one named Buddy, but sadly he got injured and started to ooze goo when I moved to a new house, I think he spent to much time in a moving box...So sad! Anyways, it’s seems like you have a great and positive attitude! I wish you well on your journey towards a new healthy lifestyle