Help? 1,200 cal but Not losing weight

SW: 166.6
CW: 162.4
GW: 130?

It’s been 2 weeks and I guess I thought I’d see more of a change. When I started my goal was 1lb/week. But seeing the weight go down at first was exciting. For the last 5 days I’ve stayed about 162 (.0-.6).

Should I be seeing more progress at this point? When will my weight start going down again?

Oh and my macros are 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat. I don’t eat meat. The fat is usually from my almond butter, cheese, etc. I eat little to no processed foods. (Kashi bar, occasional cereal, etc).

I appreciate any advice. TY


  • KatyCSTinPNW
    KatyCSTinPNW Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks! I’ll just keep following my food diary and just be patient.

    I guess I was worried I was doing something wrong. It helps hearing some positive feedback
  • DmaMfz
    DmaMfz Posts: 125 Member
    Two words- weight trend.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    The first few weeks of weight loss are often filled with a whoosh of water weight loss, then it stabilizes and becomes slower. The trick is sustained calorie deficit over time, so lather/rinse/repeat for months to get the results you want. It doesn't happen quickly, but it does happen.

    1200 is also not very many calories. Unless you are super short, you may be able to eat more and continue to lose. Eating the most you possibly can while still losing is really the name of the game. Especially when you get closer to goal weight, it gets tougher and tougher to eat less and still lose. You don't necessarily have a lot of weight you want to lose, so even a .5 lb per week weight loss goal would give you more calories to enjoy and still reap the benefits of weight loss.
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,135 Member
    When I have to get back on the wagon and start losing, usually the first 3 weeks I see big losses, then I stall out for a good 7+ days. Still doing the same things, but I don't see any movement. It's frustrating, but I know its a temporary thing. Then one day... BAM! I'll drop over a pound and it'll keep going down again for a while. Then slows down/stops again.

    Your body isn't a machine, its an organism that will fluctuate with or without your consent. Just keep on keeping on and you'll get there!
  • kururunfa
    kururunfa Posts: 6 Member
    It sounds like you're doing great, and all the advice above is really good too.

    The only thing I'd add is that if you're exercising, don't eat back all of your exercise calories. My Fitness Pal is a little generous with them so you might accidentally put yourself back at maintenance by eating them all back.

    Be patient and keep it up!
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    nope, you're good

    watch for the trends and not the data points.
    weigh your food on a scale. as you get closer to your target weight, it becomes more important

    and the woosh is real.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    When you start a diet the first week you often see a dramatic weight drop. This is not all fat but much of it is water. When you continue your body realizes this is the new routine and the water comes back masking any new fat loss. Don't feel bad you aren't the first one to ask this question. It is a bit scary when you are seeing a stall at the first or even a gain. It's normal. Keep going and you will see it drop again before you know it.
  • Silentpadna
    Silentpadna Posts: 1,306 Member
    SW: 166.6
    CW: 162.4
    GW: 130?

    It’s been 2 weeks and I guess I thought I’d see more of a change. When I started my goal was 1lb/week. But seeing the weight go down at first was exciting. For the last 5 days I’ve stayed about 162 (.0-.6).

    Should I be seeing more progress at this point? When will my weight start going down again?

    Oh and my macros are 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat. I don’t eat meat. The fat is usually from my almond butter, cheese, etc. I eat little to no processed foods. (Kashi bar, occasional cereal, etc).

    I appreciate any advice. TY

    See the above posts.

    Also - be prepared!

    You'll be doing everything right and you will still gain weight some weeks. Now that you are following the numbers you'll notice, but your weight always has, and always will fluctuate. You can fluctuate 5+ pounds in either direction in any given day. That's fluid fluctuation and NOT fat gain. Fluid fluctuation can make you smile when it exaggerates fat loss, but it can make you full of rage when it masks it. Don't rely on those emotions.

    Rely on the process and the fact that you're in a deficit. Make decisions based on real data. Like 8 weeks worth of data. You cannot make decisions based on data you can't see (because it's masked by fluctuations). So trust the process, weigh/measure your food, enjoy the journey, weigh/measure your food, and be patient. And also weigh/measure your food.

  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    This is a thread I started awhile back that talks about commonly-seen reasons for gains or stalls on the scale:

    It's okay to be freaked out by stalls. Most people aren't necessarily aware that their weight fluctuates every day, because most people don't weigh themselves that regularly until they start trying to lose. And even people who do know all of this sometimes get freaked out. (I still do, and then I have to talk myself down.) You're doing great. Keep going; you'll be fine :star:
  • 1houndgal
    1houndgal Posts: 558 Member
    edited May 2018
    5 days? you didn't gain all the weight in 5 days, be more patient

    It is not a gain of fat. It is water retention. Cut down on eating high sodium foods and drink a sane amount of water. Sources of high sodium foods include fast food, restaurant food, and processed food.

  • alid8333
    alid8333 Posts: 233 Member
    We basically have the same amount of weight to loose. I’m currently 159.2 started at 164.6 and my goal is 130. Last year I lost 44 pounds. Gained about 13 of it back over the winter. It does take a good couple weeks for your body to adjust. Some weeks I may only loose .5 pounds and then the next drop 2 to 3. Water definitely masks weight loss. I use Happy Scale to also track my weight loss.
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,242 Member
    If your setting is 1lbs per week then, assuming you're using a food scale, you should be losing 1lbs per week on average after several weeks. Not 1lbs every week but 1lbs on average per week.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,111 Member
  • Jadub729
    Jadub729 Posts: 135 Member
    I started April 4, the first couple weeks the scale basically went up and down, I didn't see real progress until this month. I am now down 10lbs in 7 weeks which is great. I like the app Happy Scale, its free and really helps make the weight fluctuations not as frustrating. Hang in there, trust the process...for what its worth you could most definitely be eating way more than 1200 calories a day and still lose weight. I'm at 1500-1700 a day and losing.