5'5 gals! Show me your progress!!



  • fpueblo
    fpueblo Posts: 241 Member
    I'm 5'5
    HW: 185
    starting MFP: 181
    CW: 154
    GW: 130-ish
    you can see my progress in my profile I think the newest pic was 156 at July 28

    I checked out your progress on your profile and holy hot mama! You look amazing!

    Thank you! I've been doing c25k for 6 weeks and did 2 rounds of the 30day shred. I'm still doing level 1 and 2 of 30ds switching between levels day by day. Also when I started here I was up to 160 squats and 320 crunches a day as well as some cardio to go with.
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    Also when I started here I was up to 160 squats and 320 crunches a day as well as some cardio to go with.

    I'm going to aim for this now...
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
  • ijessieb
    ijessieb Posts: 25 Member
  • Ashonym
    Ashonym Posts: 172 Member
    I'm 5'5" and I started my journey 12 days ago at 187.2 lbs. My highest weight ever was 205 lbs and although I lost a ***** before starting MFP, I was beginning to gain some back. That's when I found MFP and I haven't looked back. My journey has just begun but I'm already down to 180.4 lbs - a 6.8 lb difference! I am happier and healthier than I have ever been and cannot wait for my own 'before and after' to reveal. :P

    This thread makes me so happy to view. I thank you all for posting here. You're such wonderful inspirations. Best wishes! <3
  • thereseofdoom
    thereseofdoom Posts: 66 Member
  • hjollyrn
    hjollyrn Posts: 208 Member
    well, I'm 5'4.5" close enough!
    I started my weightloss journey January 2011
    SW: 188
    CW: 145
    GW: 135
    I'll attempt for the first time putting up pics.

    March 2010, in Mexico. I'm on the right.

    July 2010, again on the right. when I see this pic now I think OMG!

    This is just under 40 pounds lost

    July 2011, about 147

    My profile pic is the most recent. Last week I started 30 Day Shred. My goal is to tone up and try and lose some of the stubborn belly fat!
  • hjollyrn
    hjollyrn Posts: 208 Member
    oh man. I don't know!
  • I'm 5'4.5", and at my heaviest I was 184, starting in June of this year.
    CW: 176
    GW: 140

    No pics yet, but I'll get on that when I'm not so lazy after all the cardio today. :D
  • kls79
    kls79 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm 5'5 :)

    Starting Weight~ about 201-203
    Current Weight~ about 180-182
    Goal Weight~ 150 lbs
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    Isn't it amazing what a difference big-boned / small-bones makes? I'm just under 5'5", and even at only 120lbs I have a belly. Some people at the same height and 150lbs have a lovely flat tum! I'm here to tone up, and turn some of the wobbly bits to muscle. I'm in week 2 of Ripped in 30, and took some pics before, so will post pics once i'm done. I want a 6 packs and some lovely defined shoulders!!! And a waist if i'm really lucky ;)

    It is amazing! I'm 5'5", size 10, 183.4lbs, and my biggest weight was 252.8lbs and VERY tight 18s. Oh and I have 25% body fat. I'm very muscular and I'm big boned. Lol.

    Oh and my goal weight is 160ish or 18% body fat.
  • Bump! :)
  • c_ramey
    c_ramey Posts: 83 Member
    I am 5'6 I started at 199 now at 148-150 (my original goal weight) I would like to lose 10-15 more pounds for my ultimate goal weight!
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    sw: 159
    cw: 139
    gw1: 130

    i have never uploaded pics before so i hope this works in my after picture i was a couple lbs lighter then now. i also hated that hair cut.

    can someone send me a message on how to do it? please :happy:
  • c_ramey
    c_ramey Posts: 83 Member
    sw: 159
    cw: 139
    gw1: 130

    i have never uploaded pics before so i hope this works in my after picture i was a couple lbs lighter then now. i also hated that hair cut.


    can someone send me a message on how to do it? please :happy:
    Change the IMG to img in the brackets :)
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    Change the IMG to img in the brackets :)

    thanks lovely. which photobucket code is it do you know?
  • c_ramey
    c_ramey Posts: 83 Member
    Change the IMG to img in the brackets :)

    thanks lovely. which photobucket code is it do you know?

    You are welcome!! I used the one from the share box on the right side of the screen.
    You can go to your original post and edit the message and change the IMG to img and it will show up in your original post.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I am 5'5" and I don't have any pictures right now to show, but I will at least tell you some stats and sizes.

    HW: 191 (size 20 loose, size 18 tight...I wore the 18 for vanity purposes and looked like crap!)
    SW with MFP: 151 (size 12 loose, size 10 can fit depending on the brand)
    CW: 140ish...been 2 weeks since I last weighed in (size 8 loose, some size 6 fits great too!)
    GW: 115ish, about size 2

    Before MFP, I started at 191. I was able to get down to 150 pounds doing Beachbody's Power 90 program and then Turbo Jam. I was about a size 8 then. After that I did P90X and got down to 130 pounds and size 6. I got to 126 at my lowest, but that was only because I was sick...so my lowest healthy weight was 128. (I had the flu that year, it was awful!) I then gained weight because I was ending a relationship and it went kinda bad. No...really bad. So I stopped exercising as usual and eating right and got back up to around 150 pounds. I yo-yo'd for about 3 years because I didn't have the motivation and drive to do what I needed to do. So last year I joined MFP. I was still yo-yo'ing though. I got married this year on July 10. My dress was size 8, and at Christmas I size 10. So, weirdly enough, I had to GAIN a little to fit into my dress. Go figure. Problem is, I gained too much, lol. The dress fit, but was gosh durn tight! Then I gained no less than 10 pounds on my honeymoon. I got back on track 3 weeks ago. I lost 3 pounds the first week, but decided to just weigh-in once a month after that. So I think I weigh around 140 now? But my goal is to get down to a size 2, around 17% body fat maintained and 12% every now and then for figure competitions. From my calculations, I will be around 115 pounds when I get to my goal.

    I plan on posting pictures when I reach my goal, but not before. Sorry everyone! I know that the in-between progress pictures are helpful, and I do take them, but I don't want to post anything until I get the final outcome so everyone can see what I did. I am picking my start date as August 1 this year and aiming for Christmas to reach goal.
  • jozzierdgz
    jozzierdgz Posts: 60 Member
    Yes it is amazing! I'm currently 185.8 in size 12's my body fat % is 26.3 and I am 5'5 exactly.... My highest weight was 230 and I would squeeze myself into 16s because I refused to go up higher.... My goal is also 160 and hopefully I can fit into a size 8 or 10 when I get there :)
    Isn't it amazing what a difference big-boned / small-bones makes? I'm just under 5'5", and even at only 120lbs I have a belly. Some people at the same height and 150lbs have a lovely flat tum! I'm here to tone up, and turn some of the wobbly bits to muscle. I'm in week 2 of Ripped in 30, and took some pics before, so will post pics once i'm done. I want a 6 packs and some lovely defined shoulders!!! And a waist if i'm really lucky ;)

    It is amazing! I'm 5'5", size 10, 183.4lbs, and my biggest weight was 252.8lbs and VERY tight 18s. Oh and I have 25% body fat. I'm very muscular and I'm big boned. Lol.

    Oh and my goal weight is 160ish or 18% body fat.
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    Change the IMG to img in the brackets :)

    thanks lovely. which photobucket code is it do you know?

    You are welcome!! I used the one from the share box on the right side of the screen.
    You can go to your original post and edit the message and change the IMG to img and it will show up in your original post.

    i got it! thanks.
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