Bye bye diabetes (good riddance)

CharlesS6730 Posts: 119 Member
So today marks an amazing milestone. In December 2017 I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. My A1C was 11.7% which is a super dangerous level. I knew I had to take care of that or I will not see me kids grow up. With hard work I managed to get my level to 7.7% by February which was a tremendous effort. Today I had another test and was a little nervous because I wasn’t as good the last two months. My result came back at 5.7%. Not only did I reverse type 2 diabetes but I also cleared pre diabetes. This is a truly glorious day!


  • Fflpnari
    Fflpnari Posts: 975 Member
    Amazing! Keep up the awesome work!
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,979 Member
    That’s fantastic! Well done!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    So today marks an amazing milestone. In December 2017 I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. My A1C was 11.7% which is a super dangerous level. I knew I had to take care of that or I will not see me kids grow up. With hard work I managed to get my level to 7.7% by February which was a tremendous effort. Today I had another test and was a little nervous because I wasn’t as good the last two months. My result came back at 5.7%. Not only did I reverse type 2 diabetes but I also cleared pre diabetes. This is a truly glorious day!

    @CharlesS6730 that is awesome. Hopefully others will read more about how to do this then do it while it still may be possible to reverse the side effects . Better yet your kids are seeing your awesome results and know they can do the same things that you are doing today to fix your health concerns.
  • LoreeBelle
    LoreeBelle Posts: 196 Member
    Wow! Congratulations!!! You’re an inspiration!
  • CharlesS6730
    CharlesS6730 Posts: 119 Member
    So today marks an amazing milestone. In December 2017 I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. My A1C was 11.7% which is a super dangerous level. I knew I had to take care of that or I will not see me kids grow up. With hard work I managed to get my level to 7.7% by February which was a tremendous effort. Today I had another test and was a little nervous because I wasn’t as good the last two months. My result came back at 5.7%. Not only did I reverse type 2 diabetes but I also cleared pre diabetes. This is a truly glorious day!

    @CharlesS6730 that is awesome. Hopefully others will read more about how to do this then do it while it still may be possible to reverse the side effects . Better yet your kids are seeing your awesome results and know they can do the same things that you are doing today to fix your health concerns.

    The symptoms sucked. They have completely disappeared. I’m going to make sure I do what I need to do to not go back there.

  • ljashley1952
    ljashley1952 Posts: 273 Member
    Congrats!! That is awesome! Anything under 6.0 is within normal limits, I think. You literally cut yours in half! That is really great! And you are out of danger of getting nasty things like macular degeneration, peripheral neuropathy, limb loss, kidney failure...etc! Well-done!
  • CharlesS6730
    CharlesS6730 Posts: 119 Member
    Congrats!! That is awesome! Anything under 6.0 is within normal limits, I think. You literally cut yours in half! That is really great! And you are out of danger of getting nasty things like macular degeneration, peripheral neuropathy, limb loss, kidney failure...etc! Well-done!

    That was the goal. Now it’s maintainence. You are correct. Under 6 is ideal. 6-7 is a manageable range and is pre diabetes but is acceptable. Above 7 is diabetic range and above 9 is dangerous.
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    Wonderful!!!! I told a girl at work yesterday that she could reverse her T2 diabetes - she looked at me like I was crazy (while she was eating a lunch heavy on simple carbs and sugar). I just might direct her to your post
  • DrizztGirl82
    DrizztGirl82 Posts: 85 Member
    That's amazing! Great job!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    kgb6days wrote: »
    Wonderful!!!! I told a girl at work yesterday that she could reverse her T2 diabetes - she looked at me like I was crazy (while she was eating a lunch heavy on simple carbs and sugar). I just might direct her to your post

    Keep in mind long time carb addicts will fight before we will change our WOE. In my case only when killing myself in front of the kids with food finally soaked in to my brain was I able to walk away from all food contaning added sugars and or any forms of grain.

    Wish I had done it at the age of 23 or 33 instead the age of 63.. I have not had a sugar fix for nearly for nearly four years and health markers are better than in years.

    While writing this a guy at the next table cut up his pancakes, covered them with corn syrup and vegetable oil as he added bites of jelly with his fried potato patty with a large soda.

    His phone rang and he said he was eating breakfast.

    That was so me four years ago but unless he brings it up I will not talk about what he is eating. He has watched me eat LCHF for 2-3 years.

    His table mates are starting to drift in from Cracker Barrell it seems. Eating for some can be three times a day social event.

  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    So today marks an amazing milestone. In December 2017 I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. My A1C was 11.7% which is a super dangerous level. I knew I had to take care of that or I will not see me kids grow up. With hard work I managed to get my level to 7.7% by February which was a tremendous effort. Today I had another test and was a little nervous because I wasn’t as good the last two months. My result came back at 5.7%. Not only did I reverse type 2 diabetes but I also cleared pre diabetes. This is a truly glorious day!

    OUTSTANDING! Congratulations, man! I, too, have high A1C and have farted around but am getting serious now.

    Might we ask what you did for your success? Meaning, what worked for you? We are all different, so I totally understand that whatever you might share was your solution - may or may not work for others (I dislike that I have to say that, but there are a lot of people here - generally speaking - who object to lots of 'alternative solutions').
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    kgb6days wrote: »
    Wonderful!!!! I told a girl at work yesterday that she could reverse her T2 diabetes - she looked at me like I was crazy (while she was eating a lunch heavy on simple carbs and sugar). I just might direct her to your post

    Awesome. Hey, if we can help just one person, then I would call that a success!
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Great job! I started off at 14.4 in 2016. Sugars of almost 700. I'm down to 8.7. On my way to having my diabetes reversed.

    Fantastic. Keep on, keeping on! Continue to keep us all updated along your journey - if you so choose.
  • tbright1965
    tbright1965 Posts: 852 Member
    So today marks an amazing milestone. In December 2017 I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. My A1C was 11.7% which is a super dangerous level. I knew I had to take care of that or I will not see me kids grow up. With hard work I managed to get my level to 7.7% by February which was a tremendous effort. Today I had another test and was a little nervous because I wasn’t as good the last two months. My result came back at 5.7%. Not only did I reverse type 2 diabetes but I also cleared pre diabetes. This is a truly glorious day!


    I wasn't as bad as you, but was 7.3 on 14 Feb. My appt on 23 May had me at 5.4, so yes, making good choices can reverse it.

    It runs in my family.

    Let's hope, for everyone, that with proper diet and exercise choices, it can be kept at bay.
  • tbright1965
    tbright1965 Posts: 852 Member
    OUTSTANDING! Congratulations, man! I, too, have high A1C and have farted around but am getting serious now.

    Might we ask what you did for your success? Meaning, what worked for you? We are all different, so I totally understand that whatever you might share was your solution - may or may not work for others (I dislike that I have to say that, but there are a lot of people here - generally speaking - who object to lots of 'alternative solutions').

    I know you didn't direct the question at me, but let me share what is working for me.

    First, I weighed 265 pounds give or take on 14 Feb. Looking at my records, I've been around that weight for the past couple of years, up from the mid 220s in 2012.

    My Dr referred me to a Joslin Diabetes center, and I was placed on a diet with the following guidance:

    2250 calories/day
    225g carbs/day no more than 60g/meal and 45g carbs in snacks/day.

    Today, I weighed in at 228, so I've dropped just shy of 40 pounds.

    My fasting BG has been between 85 and 110 this past week. Most days below 100, but this AM I popped a 110. Come to find out something I drank wasn't zero calorie after all. Live and learn.

    I usually stay well below the 225g of carbs. I even self-adjusted my diet down after I lost 10% (26 pounds) by 5%, making my daily calorie target 2135 and carb target 214g carbs/day

    I was already working out 4-6 days a week, but you cannot outrun or outwork your fork.

    Therefore, the only real change was paying attention to what the fork I was eating.

    My Dr did put me on 500mg of Metformin each day. He thinks I can come off of it. I asked to stay on it until I get down to 200# even.

    At my current rate of loss, that will be sometime in late August.

    I am 2# behind my projected track of 1% weight loss/week.

    Eat less, eat less carb containing food and if not moving, move more.

    For example, I did carb up a week ago on Saturday night, having 4 slices of pizza. Still didn't bust out of my diet, but did overdo the carbs for the meal. Woke up with a 120 BG reading the next morning. But that was OK as I was planning to ride a 38+ mile bike ride and didn't want to bonk.

    The next day, my fasting BG was 87 mg/dL. Plan worked. Plenty of glycogen in my system for any bursts of energy needed during the ride. But I used up what I put in myself the night before the ride.

    As I noted in the post above, 14 Feb A1C was 7.3, and 23 May it was 5.4, so in the normal range.

    I hope you find something useful in the wall of text above.
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    So today marks an amazing milestone. In December 2017 I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. My A1C was 11.7% which is a super dangerous level. I knew I had to take care of that or I will not see me kids grow up. With hard work I managed to get my level to 7.7% by February which was a tremendous effort. Today I had another test and was a little nervous because I wasn’t as good the last two months. My result came back at 5.7%. Not only did I reverse type 2 diabetes but I also cleared pre diabetes. This is a truly glorious day!

    Great job!! well done your hard work paid off. It's definitely possibly to reverse especially earlier in but really for many at any time. My dad reversed his diabetes with diet and exercise alone. I'm trying to prevent and get out of prediabetes range again and stay there. I had gone back down to 5.6 from my highest of 6.0. After it actually increased with Metformin to that 6.0 she doubled me to 500MG twice a day and I dropped to that 5.6 again in a short time. I cut back to one day due to side effects and eventually stopped taking it completely over a year and a half ago. My January a1c was at 5.8 and likely due to the soda habit I picked back up about a year ago when I went to full time hours again. My triglycerides were fantastic though. I'll just increase activity and stop soda again and see where I'm at in a few months. I check my fasting on occasion at home too. I think if I get my anemia under control I won't feel like I need that caffeine anyway.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    Congrats to all of you! It’s so great to beat this horrible disease!
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    OUTSTANDING! Congratulations, man! I, too, have high A1C and have farted around but am getting serious now.

    Might we ask what you did for your success? Meaning, what worked for you? We are all different, so I totally understand that whatever you might share was your solution - may or may not work for others (I dislike that I have to say that, but there are a lot of people here - generally speaking - who object to lots of 'alternative solutions').

    I know you didn't direct the question at me, but let me share what is working for me.

    First, I weighed 265 pounds give or take on 14 Feb. Looking at my records, I've been around that weight for the past couple of years, up from the mid 220s in 2012.

    My Dr referred me to a Joslin Diabetes center, and I was placed on a diet with the following guidance:

    2250 calories/day
    225g carbs/day no more than 60g/meal and 45g carbs in snacks/day.

    Today, I weighed in at 228, so I've dropped just shy of 40 pounds.

    My fasting BG has been between 85 and 110 this past week. Most days below 100, but this AM I popped a 110. Come to find out something I drank wasn't zero calorie after all. Live and learn.

    I usually stay well below the 225g of carbs. I even self-adjusted my diet down after I lost 10% (26 pounds) by 5%, making my daily calorie target 2135 and carb target 214g carbs/day

    I was already working out 4-6 days a week, but you cannot outrun or outwork your fork.

    Therefore, the only real change was paying attention to what the fork I was eating.

    My Dr did put me on 500mg of Metformin each day. He thinks I can come off of it. I asked to stay on it until I get down to 200# even.

    At my current rate of loss, that will be sometime in late August.

    I am 2# behind my projected track of 1% weight loss/week.

    Eat less, eat less carb containing food and if not moving, move more.

    For example, I did carb up a week ago on Saturday night, having 4 slices of pizza. Still didn't bust out of my diet, but did overdo the carbs for the meal. Woke up with a 120 BG reading the next morning. But that was OK as I was planning to ride a 38+ mile bike ride and didn't want to bonk.

    The next day, my fasting BG was 87 mg/dL. Plan worked. Plenty of glycogen in my system for any bursts of energy needed during the ride. But I used up what I put in myself the night before the ride.

    As I noted in the post above, 14 Feb A1C was 7.3, and 23 May it was 5.4, so in the normal range.

    I hope you find something useful in the wall of text above.

    It is always nice to hear from people who have been successful in something. Thank you very much for sharing. I am hopeful that someone will benefit! I love the analogy: can not outrun or outwork your fork! So true. It literally is all about nutrition.
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,899 Member
    edited May 2018
    High carb diets and being overweight are the factors to avoid. T2 diabetes is the fastest growing disease with its participants having horrible diets and overweight bodies.
    T1 has a different mechanic. I am a T1 and my diabetes was whirling out of control but with tracking my given calories and losing weight has me sitting at acceptable levels.
    Diabetes depends on weight loss and food control.
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