Effing fail.

overzoelous Posts: 161 Member
edited October 1 in Food and Nutrition
Sort of.
So tonight I jumped (not 'fell'- fell means accidental) off the wagon. I have been doing really well with my food choices for a while now and enjoy healthy/nutritional food. Just like the saying goes "it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle". I was proud of myself the other day because I went to Olive Garden and only ate one breadstick. ONE. I managed to leave there with only eating 500 calories, which is pretty good in my book.
Tonight my fat *kitten* thought it would be a good idea to go to Sonic and get a burger cause I was "craving" it. Whatever.
Anways, I eat it and to my disappointment it wasn't as good as I expected it to be. Don't get me wrong ,it was made correctly, but I just didn't enjoy it. In a way I'm pissed at myself because of course there is the guilt that comes after eating like ****, but in a way I'm glad because now I will never be tempted/crave that again.
I'm sure some of you have experienced something similar, so tell me what it is so I can envy you for what you don't crave :]


  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    You only fall off if you keep doing that every day. It looks like you just made a pit stop. Buck up and keep building that will power. You made it this far...might as well go the rest.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Tonight my fat *kitten* thought it would be a good idea to go to Sonic and get a burger cause I was "craving" it. Whatever.

    this made me laugh out loud. sorry!! i ate good tonight so sorry, don't have any notes to compare.

    BUT drink lots of water, eat some good breakfast tomorrow, don't skip meals, and do your workout. We all have our bad days.. or moments. Just get back on it!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Even whilst losing weight, up to maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago I had an addiction. To cookie dough. Which is approx 1200 cals per thingo and that is how much I would eat, no matter what. EVERY DAY. I started cutting it down to half a thing and after that, one day... I vomited. Not on purpose, but because my body cannot handle complete s**t being put into it anymore.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Sort of.
    So tonight I jumped (not 'fell'- fell means accidental) off the wagon. I have been doing really well with my food choices for a while now and enjoy healthy/nutritional food. Just like the saying goes "it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle". I was proud of myself the other day because I went to Olive Garden and only ate one breadstick. ONE. I managed to leave there with only eating 500 calories, which is pretty good in my book.
    Tonight my fat *kitten* thought it would be a good idea to go to Sonic and get a burger cause I was "craving" it. Whatever.
    Anways, I eat it and to my disappointment it wasn't as good as I expected it to be. Don't get me wrong ,it was made correctly, but I just didn't enjoy it. In a way I'm pissed at myself because of course there is the guilt that comes after eating like ****, but in a way I'm glad because now I will never be tempted/crave that again.
    I'm sure some of you have experienced something similar, so tell me what it is so I can envy you for what you don't crave :]

    I don't crave Red Lobster anymore! Sodium overload and it didn't taste as good as it used to when I wasn't eating healthier. Huge disappointment! We don't have to go there again anytime soon. Sad because I loved Red Lobster. Happy that I've successfully changed my lifestyle. :)
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    first off..stop calling yourself a fat $%#...this sort of negativity is what sets us up to fail.

    second..get over it..not trying to be mean, but honestly..dont worry about it! we all slip..the real victory is to acknowledge what you ate, say its ok and move on and keep at it!

    third..try not to deprive yourself. yes its a lifestyle..but its not about deprivation. eating healthy can include 'junk' types of food. the key is to not over indulge it. allow yourself cravings in your everday eating, work them into your cals for the day.
  • did the same thing the other day but mine was worst then yours I'm sure lol I ate 3 slices of pizza and four buffalo wings tisk tisk over 1000 calories in one meal I woke up the next day with a massive stomach ache I guess you can say I payed for it lol
  • overzoelous
    overzoelous Posts: 161 Member
    I no longer crave Olive Garden anymore for the same reasons. It just didn't taste that good and I knew that there was a ton of sodium in it. But yes, today will be better! I didn't go over on my calorie intake because I was very active today, so that's good!
  • brandimacleod
    brandimacleod Posts: 368 Member
    I had a burger and fries tonight too. I had planned lots of calories knowing we were going to a big special event and I would eat something high cal. My guilt is the extra calories in beverages. Dang it! I feel like crud for that. Funny thing is I NEVER have beverage calories. I drink water, unsweetened ice tea or diet coke. Always. So a couple hundred cals for lemonaid and iced coffee was a killer.

    I CRAVE sweet sugary cakey stuff. But I know I can't have just one cookie, or just one peice of cake or just one....even if I only have just one NOW, I will go on a sneak binge to 7-11 later to fill up on crap foods. So those are the things I avoid. The things that I am not satisfied at the end of the single serving.

    At least you are satisfied to have had the burger. You might not have enjoyed it as much as you thought you would, but you stopped at that point. It would be "effing up" if you continued to eat fries, a hot dog, a shake, a banana split....you get the picture. And maybe you have never done that kind of binge, but I sure have.

    Don't beat yourself up. If you find your tastebuds have changed to a more healthy way of eating, just be glad and enjoy those salads and chicken breasts!
  • This has happened to me before with fast food onion rings and with KFC. When I get a craving and indulge it, I have gut wrenching cramps after, my skin gets greasy, and I just feel lousy in general. Then it usually takes me a year to forget how bad I felt before I end up doing it again. This time it's been about 2 years since I had KFC, and I'm hoping to make it a few more.
  • beccau_20
    beccau_20 Posts: 191 Member
    I did this a week ago. I NEEDED some Chicken McNuggets on Friday night. So I had them. Then on Saturday I told myself it would be okay to get a DeLite Pizza from Papa Murphy's.

    I saw the slope, and it was slippery, so I had to tell myself not to go down it and get back on track. Sometimes those cravings are just so hard to fight. But you're right: they are never as good as you think they're going to be.
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    um... What's the problem? I have lost 5inches from my stomach, 3 inches from my belt line, and 28lbs in 3 months. Guess what? I eat whatever I want, as much as I want 1 day a week... it's a "free day" it's beneficial to have a cheat day once a week.

    You're going to beat yourself up for eating 1 burger, for what?!?!?! what's the purpose? to feel bad, to call yourself a failure, get all emo about it and just sit there? Is that your goal? Brush it off your shoulders and move on...being all negative about it won't help you at all.
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    I can't really give you an example, because I don't remember. lol But I know this has happened to me. Its disappointing to realize you just purposly caved in, and for no good reason! But your right, you know you won't make that mistake again, with that perticular item, anyway! haha Oh, I can give an example: A co-worker asked a couple of us if we would eat homemade cheese cake if she brought some in for our boss' birthday. We both said yes, I figured I love cheesecake and I'd make room for it in my calories. Anyway, turned out to be the worst chz ck ever. It didn't set up right, so it had the consistancy of yogurt, and was sour, like key lime pie(which I LOVE), but it just wasn't right on chz ck. lol Plus it had cherries on it, and I hate cherries. But I told her I would eat it, so I did. GROSS. It just didn't work for me, and made me feel sick. I should have tossed it as soon as she was gone, but I didn't. I ate most of it, but not the cherries, blarg!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    It isn't a failure because you learned something from it.

    You learned that Sonic burgers don't taste as good as you remember them tasting and you likely won't make this same decision ever again.

    For me - that's NOT a failure. For me - that is a lesson learned and once this lesson has been learned, we won't do it again.

    So, instead of feeling like a failure, tell yourself it is another step on the road to weight loss.

    I eat what I want, when I want - in moderation. I have learned that there are many things from my "old" lifestyle that don't taste as good as I remember them tasting and simply aren't worth the calories I will use to have it. I eat the stuff I enjoy and don't worry about the stuff I no longer care about. :)
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 317 Member
    On a positive note...you didn't enjoy it so I'm predicting you won't go down that path again. Chalk it up as a learning experience!! Tomorrow is a new day and I KNOW you'll do great!!!
  • We all have lapses. It is part of being human. What matters is being gentle with yourself, picking yourself up tomorrow, move forward, and leaving this be behind you.

    You might also consider, what do you think it was it about Sonic you were craving? Was it the protein, the sodium, the fat, the carbs? Look over your food diary and see if you have been substantially under your targets on one those things the past few days or week. And maybe next time if you get a similar craving you can address it with with options.

    Me, today, I had to resist picking at my partner's leftovers. I've always been a bit of a scavenger and I tend to finish off what other people do not when we go out to eat. To me, food is almost always better when it belonged to someone else. *smiles*

    Oh, and KFC... I get KFC cravings sometimes... and then feel horrible the next day if i have some.

    You are a strong person.
  • savangilder42
    savangilder42 Posts: 4 Member
    Well if you are like me you will crave the crap out of something and try to avoid it. The longer you avoid the said "craving" the more you eat of it when you cave. My vice is taco bell.(yes I am in college) If you want a sonic burger then eat one--just get it over with,but don't make it an everyday thing. I always make sure my diet has a tad of wiggle room,and If I splurge I add a little walk at the end of my day.
  • overzoelous
    overzoelous Posts: 161 Member
    um... What's the problem? I have lost 5inches from my stomach, 3 inches from my belt line, and 28lbs in 3 months. Guess what? I eat whatever I want, as much as I want 1 day a week... it's a "free day" it's beneficial to have a cheat day once a week.

    You're going to beat yourself up for eating 1 burger, for what?!?!?! what's the purpose? to feel bad, to call yourself a failure, get all emo about it and just sit there? Is that your goal? Brush it off your shoulders and move on...being all negative about it won't help you at all.

    So first of all, I was being facetious. If you read it all the way through, you would note that the point of the post was to see if you no longer crave certain foods, like I do.
  • mialsya
    mialsya Posts: 188 Member
    This is not a fail for two reasons: 1) You are going to have cravings and it's ok to give into them in moderation. I was craving cake tonight. When I went to the grocery store, I grabbed a big red velvet cake, put it in the basket, and went on with my shopping. Before I checked out, I put it back. I knew that I would eat the whole thing. Instead, I grabbed a thing of lemon drop mini cupcakes. I bought them. I ate some of them (6, in fact - two servings), and then gave the rest to my roommate. Did I feel guilty or ashamed for eating sweets and going over my calories? Nope. I know that I won't do that tomorrow, or even the next day. We have to give ourselves some slack and know that this isn't an everyday thing anymore. Moderation. 2) You are educated enough and know your body well enough that you're not going to be tempted by this again. You will get to a point (and it sounds like you're already there) where even the thought of certain foods will turn your stomach. You're body isn't used to that junk anymore. I compare it to going to Mexico and drinking the water. It's fine for the natives, but it will give anyone who isn't used to it a horrible case of the runs.

    You're not off the wagon. Sometimes, it's ok to hop off for a minute and then catch up with it later.
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    I can't really give you an example, because I don't remember. lol But I know this has happened to me. It's disappointing to realize you just purposly caved in, and for no good reason! But your right, you know you won't make that mistake again, with that perticular item, anyway! haha Oh, I can give an example: A co-worker asked a couple of us if we would eat homemade cheese cake if she brought some in for our boss' birthday. We both said yes, I figured I love cheesecake and I'd make room for it in my calories. Anyway, turned out to be the worst chz ck ever. It didn't set up right, so it had the consistancy of yogurt, and was sour, like key lime pie(which I LOVE), but it just wasn't right on chz ck. lol Plus it had cherries on it, and I hate cherries. But I told her I would eat it, so I did. GROSS. It just didn't work for me, and made me feel sick. I should have tossed it as soon as she was gone, but I didn't. I ate most of it, but not the cherries, blarg!!
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    um... What's the problem? I have lost 5inches from my stomach, 3 inches from my belt line, and 28lbs in 3 months. Guess what? I eat whatever I want, as much as I want 1 day a week... it's a "free day" it's beneficial to have a cheat day once a week.

    You're going to beat yourself up for eating 1 burger, for what?!?!?! what's the purpose? to feel bad, to call yourself a failure, get all emo about it and just sit there? Is that your goal? Brush it off your shoulders and move on...being all negative about it won't help you at all.

    So first of all, I was being facetious. If you read it all the way through, you would note that the point of the post was to see if you no longer crave certain foods, like I do.

    Looks like I'm one of the few that caught the "tone" of your post. ;-)
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