Sisterhood HCP Week 3



  • missmez
    missmez Posts: 104
    Well, I spoke too soon about not getting that stomach flu that my dear stepson had all weekend. I'm really not feeling too hot. gonna get some sleep though and hopefully it will pass.

    Good news though - my coworker bought herself a treadmill this weekend and is giving me her eliptical for FREE! First she offered it to me for $50 but today she said not to worry about it - FREE! I can't believe it; i'm so excited! Just wish I feel better by the time I get it in my house!

    Well, off to sleep - no supper for me, I'm afraid I won't keep it down. :sick:

    Good luck with everyone's weigh-ins tomorrow!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    That was so nice of your co-worker!!! If they have anything else they're willing to give away, let me know:tongue: . I hope that you feel better soon, and make sure to drink lots of fluids... Small sips every 15 minutes work well if you're not sure you can hold it down. :drinker:
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    Pepamint -- I was wondering if you'd get to go out today. I like the new pick too. It matches your personality better (just from what I see of you here:wink: )
    I must say, since meeting so many people on here, I think of all of you often. Like when I watch the Today show (in New York) and they talk about the weather, I think, Oh I bet Pepamint is going to have a great walk today. Just little things like that. I love the support we have here!

    first off havent figured out how to quote more then one of you in one posts so forgive the multiple posts....
    pumpkin you are so sweet to be wondering about me yeah its hard cause tues and mon i go to school but im learning no excuses i dont have to leave until 1:30 i can so do a workout before that :bigsmile: so many of you were saying i need a new pic thing is i never really take pics with me smiling anymore not that im unhappy it just makes my cheeks look huge so when im taking a pic thats what i do but im gonna try to be better :bigsmile: that pic is when my sister and i were goofing around and the red hair near my mouth...hers :laugh:

    i too am thinking of all of you throught the day how are they doing with the diet?were they able to get in a workout? its funny that you think of the nice weather cause i didnt mind the walk in the snow i felt that much more accomplished that i still went out and did it :blushing: i was watching the biggest loser and one of the contestants said something interesting he said i managed to get 3 hours of tv in during the day and couldnt find the time to workout? so if i need to get up a little earlier to workout i do it...if im in pain i say i wont eb able to go on so and so website until i go for my walk little things like that and also i dont want to dissapoint myself or any of you cause ive said it before and i'll say it again you are the difference for me this time around and for once i really feel like i can and will do this :flowerforyou:
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    Pepamint... I totally agree about the new pick!!! My youngest daughter, the 4 year old, came up to me when I was on the computer, and she said, "mommy, is that lady sad?". I think the picture you have now shows us more of the spunky person we know from this thread... It's so nice to see you smiling!!!:bigsmile:

    awww no not sad like i said just self conscious (but dont tell her that we dont need her learning at that age about the crazy way we think about our bodies. did i ever tell u guys that last year i did an internship and an eating disorder clinic with children man oh man these poor kids) thanks about the new pic comment it makes me feel good i did it as a thank you to all of you for your support :bigsmile: hope you think im spunky in a good way lol soon im gonna get a pic up for my mother so u can see how beautiful she is (maybe tonight even)
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    miss i hope you feel better maybe the flu will help with the weigh in (sorry thats how my mnd works i know how bad feeling bad is so i try to look on the bright side) drink fluids oj water tea and have toast and omg lucky for the eliptical machine i tried it once and omg pain in the butt ( pun intended) but ull love it and it was free :bigsmile:

    so good news for me for the first time in i cant remember how long i just walked for 1 hour (actually an hour 3 minutes if we are being technical ) my treadmill broke last week as some of you know and ive been going outside with the ipod something i dont love but since last week i have been loving it and the past 2 days i went with my mother who is on this site and she pushes me (she is my jillian and says it lol) and we did more than i usually do 2 and half miles but today i went alone and i did her path then i did my path and then i went up this major hills shes been trying to get me to go up and then i kept on walking i wanted to try to go an hour and i did it i can not believe it i was thinking i could have kept going but one i dont want to over do it first time over one hour and also i was begining to feel rubbing on the back of my heal (telling signs that a blister is eminent and i wanted that not to happen)

    so i did it one hour outside up and down and i feel amazing (and tomorrow is one month i am on here and steadily eating and excercising 5 days a week)
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I'm so proud of you, Pep!!! A whole hour!!! Before I started P90X, I would watch tv while walking on the treadmill. Time went by faster that way, but it is so much more fun when you can do it outside. As for your blister... Try to get some moleskin. My husband would use it all the time when he would go on the crazy 20 mile ruck marches he had to do in the Army, and he swears by it. :bigsmile:
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    I'm so proud of you, Pep!!! A whole hour!!! Before I started P90X, I would watch tv while walking on the treadmill. Time went by faster that way, but it is so much more fun when you can do it outside. As for your blister... Try to get some moleskin. My husband would use it all the time when he would go on the crazy 20 mile ruck marches he had to do in the Army, and he swears by it. :bigsmile:

    :smooched: :smooched: :smooched: thank you i know i couldnt believe it but after i did my mother hard route then mine i was like let me go this way but then i saw THE hill the one she wanted me to go on and let me tell u its a total butt calf body workout lol but i did the hill then kept going then decided to go down it (slowly its very steep) and just realized i was almost at an hour so why not keep going (god bless that ipod :love: ) and like i said i felt good enough to keep going but decided against it....i will see if we have any moleskin but my dads a doc so we must have something (i know somewehere we have those blister band aids but i know its not hurting or bothering me now i had thick socks on and stopped just in time) hopefully tomorrow will be ok. hows the p90x? im waiting for my 30 day shred and for treamill to be fixed or replace but outdoors is fine. whats a ruck march? :bigsmile:

    im real nervous about tom way in its my one month anniversary and im sooooo nervous for so many reasons :sick: good luck everyone tom
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    A ruck march is when they have to carry their 50lbs+ ruck pack, like you see the military guys in the movies... And then they have to basically hike how ever far they're told to go. A lot of the time, they have to do it within a certain amount of time, so instead of just walking, they're going at a 4 mile an hour pace. Not very easy to walk a 15 minute mile when you're carrying so much weight, and I would imagine that doing 20 miles straight, I would probably be found somewhere, in a ditch, clutching my heart a couple of days later...:bigsmile:
  • FoxyLoxy
    FoxyLoxy Posts: 80 Member
    Hey everybody! Sorry I haven't been around in awhile. I just can't seem to shake this sickness! I haven't lost any further...again :ohwell: I've been in the comfort food rut and snuggling in a blanket :blushing: But I have still been working out - no excuses! I have even been doing and extra 5 minutes of exercise and bought some 3 pound weights to start working on these bingo arms :wink: They feel better already! How is everyone else doing?
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    Sorry I'm so late in posting, I'll start a new thread, look for week 4.:wink:
  • mom2one
    Well I had my weigh in yesterday at work.....I actually cheated on my weigh in. I drank about 5 big glasses of water and didn't go to the bathroom before we weighed in. It actually added about 2.5 lbs to what i weighed. I also kept all my keys and cell phone and wallet in my pocket too. Next week when we
    wow, you sound like my hubby. Except the SKS under the bed is unloaded and the hand gun is in the lock box, loaded. (we have kids) Of couse we hope the white car with pretty flashing red and blue lights sitting in the driveway will be enough to keep unwanted people away. :bigsmile:

    My husband is a police officer also.... unfortunately he has an unmarked unit.
  • iwant2stayhealthy
    :flowerforyou: I come in peace. I actually tried to post last night but after typing a whole saga, I went to post and the site had gone down for maintenance..and did I because I was tired.:embarassed:

    Seriously, I know I have been remiss in posting, as my DD Pepamint keeps reminding me. So she'll be my Bob about posting and I'll be her Jillian about walking. We both kick each others butt about food and strength we really are a team. I also promise to put a picture up..although I really hate to be much so that when my kids were younger and had just learned facts about "the undead" I think they actually believed me when I told them I was a vampire and wouldn't show up in pictures.

    First of all, way to go..everyone who has even lost an ounce..or hasn't gained..or has been sick and did the best they could..this is for the long even if you fell off the wagon..just keep your eye on the prize and get back on..those jeans will fit us.:drinker: for me..I lost another 1.5 pounds..and a pair of jeans I had been avoiding due to the lovely "muffintop" effect that members of all genders are prone to if we gain weight, now fit me. NO...they are NOT the pair that I am longing to fit into...when (notice I said when, not IF) I fit into those you will hear me yelling even if you live in Timbuktu, but I feel encouraged. I also see that I am getting a bit tighter too..I am hoping that by the summer, I will not have the "flying squirrel" underarms and when I wear short sleeves, I won't get slapped in the head when I wave at someone. I know it's also due to my age...and gravity but why should I take it lying down..LOL

    Mistah sistah..wowzer..amazing weight loss..darn it..I will admit that I am jealous. I know you are working hard to lost it..but dudes can lose it a bit easier than we dudettes. My DH and I both went on weight watchers after my son was born ... 20 years ago..HE lost 45 pounds and has kept most of it off,,,and eats what he wants in reasonable quantitites (and sometimes NOT such reasonable quantities. I have gained and lost the same measly 15 lbs I lost...and gained 10 lbs more over the past two years. It just aint fair..:wink: kudos to you mistah..not only on your weight loss but handing with us..!:happy:

    For those of you who are my age..54..or close to it...or on the other side of it bigtime...and proud of it..(although I do tell people I am 16 because that's how many years it is since I first beat cancer)...and post menopausal (in my case...due to the same cancer...and subsequent mistah sistah..maybe you won't feel quite as female hormones here LOL).

    Every time you compare yourself to someone else you know..everyone is my house my younger DD can inhale what she wants..she was born with a six-pack and defined muscles..and loves to show it off.:grumble: .I told her that she was blessed not to have to work at it and should be a bit more sensitive to others around if you have a friend or a family member like that..shrug your shoulders..(and if you are nasty...say a secret prayer that his or her metabolism slows down when they least expect it...LOL)... and focus and your goals.

    Remember that the media is not our friend. Unless you are a movie star..(who can eat anything they want and not gain a pound..yeah right..LOL)...who has a personal trainer...and a personal chef...and a plastic surgeon...and a good makeup artist..and great lights and a talented sometimes is frustrating because the weight loss is even slower than it was and maybe you can't move quite as fast as you used to. Dont' give into feeling sorry for yourself. Focus on what you CAN do. I keep telling this to myself every day.

    Long post..thanks for your patience. I will try to post at least twice a week..once on weigh in day and once any old time after that. XOXO