JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS - Round 41



  • texasfarmer
    texasfarmer Posts: 483 Member
    Surpassed my goal! Ready for the next round!
  • SusanMcMc
    SusanMcMc Posts: 252 Member
    Ultimate goal: 138
    Round 38: 180.1 (-5.9)
    Round 39: 179.9 (-0.2)
    Round 40: 187 (+7.1)
    Round 41 goal: 185, 181.2 (-5.8)

    5/18: 187, well, stopped the climb. Time to start the slow descent again.
    5/19 187, stayed in calorie and step goals. New beginning.
    5/20 185.6, Amazing how much a good diet helps
    5/21 187.2
    5/22 187.2
    5/23 186.1, If I keep behaving, goal is in sight.
    5/24 184.1, Some snacking but lots of movement
    5/25 181.7, drank a ton of water, hiked, biked, worked out, and golfed. Apparently my body likes it.
    5/26 181.7, got in steps but was so sore that didn’t move much otherwise. Also ate popcorn! If I don’t behave today I know I’ll have a gain tomorrow.
    5/27 181.2. Surprised I had a loss ate a huge steak, drank red wine and popcorn and didn’t weigh food since it’s a holiday. I did a ton of gardening, swimming, and walking though so movement pulled me though. Took a whole 10 days to recover from my bingeorama so hopefully I won’t do that again.
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,024 Member
    edited May 2018
    Seeking lower bodyfat %

    My name is Tish.

    USW: 253
    SW: 240
    CW: 199
    GW: 189
    FGW: 150
    *It's easier for me to think 10lbs ahead at a time*
    {Round 34- lost 2.8 lbs}
    {Round 35 - lost 2.4 lbs}
    {Round 36 - lost 1 lb}
    {Round 37 - lost 5.6 lbs}
    {Round 38 - lost 1 lb}
    {Round 39 - lost 3.4 lbs}
    {Round 40 - lost 3 lbs}


    •5/18 - 200.2 -slight uptick in weight this morning. Restless night and my buddy is back, fluid retention. I already need a nap.
    •5/19 - 199.8 - That .8 still hanging on
    •5/20 - 199.2 - I probably weigh a little bit under this number, but I drank water before stepping on the scale. My husband and I went to his Aunt's surprise 80th birthday celebration yesterday evening. It was after 5 pm when we got there. I eat my first meal at 2 or 3 so I wasn't hungry. Had no desire for cake or the godiva chocolate bars given out as favors. I gave mine to my DIL. I sipped on my lemon water and thoroughly enjoyed seeing and talking with family members that I haven't seen in years.
    •5/21 - 199.6 -I can't blame the increase on sodium, because on keto you need sodium. I think I can pin it to electrolyte imbalance, specifically magnesium. I had cramping in my calf muscle down through my foot last night. It woke me up and I had to walk it out. I haven't had my electrolyte water for over a week. I'll be drinking it today though.
    •5/22 - 200 - I weighed at 5 am, holding on to a ton of water. I usually weigh at 10am. We had a joyous family occasion to celebrate this past Sunday, but today is a somber occasion. My BIL passed last week and today is his funeral.
    •5/23 - 199.6 (8am)- 200.8 (6am) - This is how much fluid I retain. That's 1.2lbs!and still holding fluid, but I can't wait until 10am to weigh, I need to drink some water now. 6 TBS of peanut butter later...smh. I was so tired yesterday. Feeling much better after some uninterrupted hours of sleep.

    •5/24 - 199.2 - I didn't even think to weigh myself before having coffee. This morning was just off routine.

    •5/25 - 199.6 - Mmm, seems my body likes 199.6 and 199.2 this round. BTW, This is the first time that MFP'S 5 week weight projection (199.5) has been almost dead on accurate. Usually I'm ahead of it. I got in the habit of keeping track of it to see how I measure up.

    •5/26 - 197.6 - It's all good.

    •5/27 - 198.2 - Could be lower than this, but I need to drink water NOW! And COFFEE!! (-.8 for the round)

    Seeking lower bodyfat%
  • sciencedork
    sciencedork Posts: 7 Member
    edited May 2018
    Round 41
    Round 1 for me
    Weight loss goal: 60 lbs
    5//21 start: +1 lbs. Will start being mindful of what I'm eating, log each day, drink 60 oz water, walk at least 8K steps.
    5/22: logging for 2 days. Every bite. Staying within my goal for calories. Did ok with water today, didn't walk much (5.5K steps). Pouring outside so had to get what I could inside.
    5/23: down 3.3 lbs since Monday am. Logging every bite, staying within my calorie goal. It's 5 pm and I only have 3.5K steps. Need to go for a walk. Not doing well with water either. Will see what I can pull off before the end if the day! Update: went for a walk and got in a good any of water. Unfortunately drinking tons of water: later in the day =up all night. Nonetheless, I met my goals! Yay!
    5/24: down 4.2 lbs now. Got my steps, logged every bite. Water is good too. Wanted something sweet so got Halotop. Meh. Prob too much fake sugar today.
    5/25 no tracking, ate pretty well though, until evening when we went out to a BBQ. Bubba burger, hummus, vodka.
    5/26 no tracking. BBQ. Ate really well, avoided all party food for hours. Drank tons of water. Almost 8K steps. Was very hungry due to eating nothing but veggies all day trying to avoid party food. Ended up eating some shrimp, tortellini, chips, crackers, peanut butter. Ate a grilled chicken sandwich at 11pm, which probably contributed to weight gain
    5/27 225.1. Showing the effects of eating whatever and not tracking. Pulled out summer clothes, definitely too tight . Ugh. Ended the challenge 1 lb less than where I started. I guess not bad but wanted to see a 5 lb loss.