How low carb is your low carb diet?

Hey guys! I’m considering trying out low carb to get rid of some fat but I’m not exactly sure where to start in terms of how many carbs I should restrict myself to. I’ve heard anywhere from 20 grams to 100. Any suggestions? Also I just recently bought one of those veggie spiralizers to make things like Zucchini noodles and whatnot (super excited to try this out)! Does anyone have any recipes for those??? And finally (last question I promise lol)...this might be a crazy, ridiculous question but does low carb bread exist? I love toast and either hummus or PB for breakfast and I can’t think of many other breakfast ideas I could do that are low carb (I’m SOOOO tired of eggs, you guys). I appreciate the input!!!


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    To get rid of body fat, you need to be in a calorie deficit, what's popularly referred to as "eat less, move more". Calories are made up from fat, carbs and protein.

    Low carb is considered anything below 100 grams, or 150 grams, and keto below 20 grams.

    You will find recipes for anything via google.

    Bread is made of grains, grains is mostly starch, starch is complex carbs.

    This is all so simple, right? Too simple! Can't be enough, right? It is enough, because you have to eat less (and move more) consistently, for real, and for a long time. The excitement wears off with the first few pounds of water weight. A sustainable plan is something you can and will and do stick to, all the way, and for the rest of your life, just modified for changes in calorie need, life circumstances and preferences.
  • NotEnoughEffort
    NotEnoughEffort Posts: 4 Member
    Copied.... validation for my choice as a diabetic to go low carb....The Lancet... The medical Bible:
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I eased into low carb at about 100g and felt so much better that I dropped to 20g ( below 50 is considered to be ketogenic for most - those with IR may need to go lower to be in ketosis at all times and active people may go higher). I've gone up again to 50g or so but it led to eating more and not feeling as good so now I eat close to zero carb. I feel best when I avoid all carbs.

    To find your best carb level, all you can do is experiment. Some feel best at high carb. Others feel bets with very few. It's very individual. Just make sure you increase your sodium if you lower carbs because you'll lose electrolytes and may end up with an electrolyte imbalance (headache, fatigue, stomach issues, muscle spasms).

    I've never used zoodles. Googling it should give you lots of recipes.

    There is lower carb bread. I think Atkins even made one. You can make your own too. My kids like soul bread, which is made from cheese and protein powder. Makes good toast or grilled cheese sandwiches.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    edited May 2018
    Good choice low carb is a great diet model for getting into a calorie deficit.

    My recommendation would be to aim around the 100g mark, getting most of your carbs from veggies and fruit.

    There are simply thousands of recipes out there. Google will certainly be your friend.

    Also there are some good low carb groups on MFP too and they always have great low carb recipes to share.

    Good luck on your journey.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Good point. The Low Carber Daily MFP group (below around 150g carbs) usually has a dinner pic and recipe thread going at any given time.
  • Leeah77MFP
    Leeah77MFP Posts: 25 Member
    If you make little changes like replacing rice and potatoes with cauliflower or using your spiralizer in place of pasta that that will make a big difference. Start reading your labels, you’d be surprised how many carbs lurk in foods and beverages. I just started keto yesterday. I started it a while back but then during the holidays got messed up. It was definitely working! I have seen plenty of threads on here that should be able to help you out. Best of luck!
  • HestiaMoon1
    HestiaMoon1 Posts: 278 Member
    Currently doing Keto so 5% carbs= 20 grams. If I’m regular dieting I do 25% carbs.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    If you want to try cutting carbs, why not try cutting them and take note of how it affects you? I found 100-120 g an easy way to eat when losing and didn't find any additional benefit to going lower (100-120 g would count as low carb), but some do. I didn't have appetite/craving issues, and I think low carb can be more beneficial for some who do.

    IMO, other things about diets are going to be more important than carb #, so I'd also focus on eating adequate protein (more is usually helpful when losing, like .8 g/lb of goal weight) and a healthy overall diet with lots of vegetables. And for weight loss what matters is a calorie deficit, of course, but for some low carbing can be an easy way to achieve it (and for some it's not helpful).
  • onematch
    onematch Posts: 241 Member
    I'm a lowER carb person. I aim for around 90 g per day. I try not to eat more than one serving of white food each day (half a bagel; slice of bread; etc.) I also refuse to give up fruit, but limit it to one serving per day, and try to stick with berries, which are lower in carbs than most other fruits.
    Good luck!
  • LoveJoyFood
    LoveJoyFood Posts: 15 Member
    I usually hit around 30 carb grams per day.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    Hey guys! I’m considering trying out low carb to get rid of some fat but I’m not exactly sure where to start in terms of how many carbs I should restrict myself to. I’ve heard anywhere from 20 grams to 100. Any suggestions? Also I just recently bought one of those veggie spiralizers to make things like Zucchini noodles and whatnot (super excited to try this out)! Does anyone have any recipes for those??? And finally (last question I promise lol)...this might be a crazy, ridiculous question but does low carb bread exist? I love toast and either hummus or PB for breakfast and I can’t think of many other breakfast ideas I could do that are low carb (I’m SOOOO tired of eggs, you guys). I appreciate the input!!!

    Honestly, you are going to have to weigh eating foods you enejoy vs being low carb. If you aren't enjoying the foods or the volume of foods than the diet might now be for you. Sarah Lee has some good breads for 50 cals a slice but bread is pretty much all carbs. Although, you can make keto bread if you got time for that.
  • loe_loe23
    loe_loe23 Posts: 74 Member
    For me, I find that to keep my energy levels up I still eat a higher amount of carbs. Roughly 70-100g. HOWEVER, I don't eat white pasta or white bread. If I do end up eating pasta or bread, I make sure it's whole grain, multi-grain, high fiber. And when I eat cereal, I usually only eat the Kashi Go Lean. This is just what works for me. When I went extremely low carb, I was tired ALLLL the time... But everyone is different (:
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    When I'm just following a low carb diet I try to stay under 100g of carbs. Right now I'm doing Keto and keeping under 50g.

  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    I did keto once upon a time - under 50 grams of carbs, under 25 net carbs (carbs-fiber=net carbs). Lost fast and hard but once I let up I gained it all back in the same time it took to lose it. Cauliflower rices and veggie noodles never satisfied my cravings, even after 12+ weeks on keto. Don't get me wrong, they can both be tasty delicious meals but it was not scratching my itch for carbs.

    Now, I eat at moderate carb, 120 grams/day - some days I'm under some days I'm over but I try to not exceed 150 grams even on higher carb days. This has been MUCH more sustainable for me. I still eat fruits, veggies, and even pasta and bread. I just have to plan better on days I eat simple carbs like bread and pasta.

    Check out Daves Killer Bread - the thin slices PowerSeed Bread has about 70 cal/slice, 11g carbs, 4g fiber, 1g sugar, 3g protein. Another low carb option I use for sandwiches is Joseph's Flax Tortilla's or Tumaros lowcarb wraps (they have several different flavors).

    Good luck! :)