Does anyone use any boxing exercises to burn calories

Jetrail Posts: 209 Member
edited May 2018 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi MFP friends just curious if anyone here used any boxing exercises to burn calories? I have a boxing reflex ball and a cobra free standing bag I use and burn about 300 to 400 calories in a half hour workout .


  • suziemania26
    suziemania26 Posts: 7 Member
    I do Tae Bo workout (Taekwondo + Boxing), I just dont know if you can consider it as boxing exercise. It helps me burn 400+ calories a day. Just also want to share.
  • Jetrail
    Jetrail Posts: 209 Member
    It seems There's great calorie burn in it , plus I enjoy it more than the usual walk or jog
  • JBApplebee
    JBApplebee Posts: 481 Member
    Oh yeah! I go to 9Round. It's a kickboxing exercise workout & I love it. I tend to burn less calories in the morning than I do in the afternoon, but today in 36 minutes, I burned 437 calories. It's not only fun, but it's very therapeutic.
  • Jetrail
    Jetrail Posts: 209 Member
    That's aweso.e JBApplebee
  • cfgreear
    cfgreear Posts: 189 Member
    Yup, boxing is a great workout. Sparring will kick even the most fit peoples butt into shape. I use a HIIT timer and set it for 1 minute rest 3 minute work for between 8 and 10 sets depending on how im feeling that day
  • Keto_Vampire
    Keto_Vampire Posts: 1,670 Member
    edited May 2018
    Have thought about it for making an enjoyable HIIT type cardio (explosive movements, lots of core, good kcal burn). More appealing than jump rope HIIT, burpees, or LISS. Con is just the equipment needed/set-up. I say go for it
  • Emerald_Warrior
    Emerald_Warrior Posts: 238 Member
    When I worked at curves I taught a "kickboxing" class. We didn't have any actual kickboxing equipment but did a lot of the moves. It was fun and definitely provides results. I'm sure a more intense kickboxing workout would really cause success.
  • Jetrail
    Jetrail Posts: 209 Member
    @cfgreear yeah for sure , I love just the fun of it , us I've grown up watching boxing so stuff like the reflex ball really strengthen hand eye coordination too
  • Jetrail
    Jetrail Posts: 209 Member
    @Keto_Vampire if set do it , it makes workouts that much more fun , I'm juggling between the boxing reflex ball, the freestanding bag , my total gym , a exercise elliptical bike and learning karate and a daily walk lol
  • Jetrail
    Jetrail Posts: 209 Member
    @StupidCakes that's really cool I'm going to keep upping my cardio
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I do turbo jam, TurboFire, and tae equipment needed, but great exercise and calorie burn.
  • MyFreakingNameIsScott
    MyFreakingNameIsScott Posts: 199 Member
    I swear by boxing and the burn is great. I use a double end bag and a heavy bag, alternating between both in about an hour of work. 16 oz. gloves. Added a weighted vest but absolutely cannot keep that thing on for more than 10 minutes at a time. I will average around 1000 calories / workout. I alternate between songs on my Spotify playlist. I’ve also done 10 push-ups between songs.

    Be sure to tape/wrap hands. I even use folded TP for extra padding on my knuckles and I’ll still break skin from time to time. When I first started I was using horrible gloves, no hand wraps or extra padding and my hands were so jacked up for such a long time.
  • kmtphx
    kmtphx Posts: 2 Member
    Monday, Wednesday and Friday are my boxing days. I go five rounds on the heavy bag, jump rope, and then do intervals on the battle ropes. Lots of calories in a little time and I really enjoy the workout! Good gloves are mandatory, and I wrap my hands as well. Love it.