Frustrated with Progress-50+ Pounds To Lose

I don't need accountability buddies, I really need people that feel my pain and frustration. Yes, i'm only a month into this process, but I haven't even lost 5 pounds yet and i'm working out at least 5 days a week. I need people to encourage me to keep pushing forward so that I don't quit for the thousandth time at losing the weight once and for all!


  • donnaquinn35
    donnaquinn35 Posts: 6 Member
    I need motivation too maybe we could help each other
  • ashxtasticness
    ashxtasticness Posts: 160 Member
    I'm the same way when I don't see any progress, it's easy to get frustrated and give up when you know you've been busting your hump. Feel free to add me/vent all you want. I've been there plenty of times throughout my journey and I'm sure will be plenty more. Stay strong! It's not easy, but it's worth it.
  • tirshatha2001
    tirshatha2001 Posts: 1 Member
    I understand your frustration, I myself have over 100 lbs to lose and cannot work out like you are doing. I had set a goal of 5 lbs a month for the next two years, then started having severe knee pain, and found out if I do not get the weight off am headed for knee replacement. At first I was in denial and rebelled completely dismissing my plan. Now I am resigned to the slow but steady progress of my goal, and it is paying off, losing just 10 lbs, has greatly reduced my knee pain at night, I can now sleep through it instead of getting up and trying to put a topical pain reliever on. I said this to give you some history so you know I understand the frustration you feel.

    One point to keep in mind, if you are working out five days a week, your body is changing and building muscle,muscle is denser than fat, so you will not see the scale change much initially, but your tape measure is your best friend. Use it to track your progress. Also try clothes on that were too tight at first to see the changes somewhere besides the scale. I am a pro at losing weight, it was always the emotional eating that did me in. So you can help me as well, this is where I am turning to avoid that pitfall. Don't panic, I don't mean to you specifically just to this site. If you need to vent I am here. Keep going things are changing, you just have to know where and how to look for the changes.
  • katphi1618
    katphi1618 Posts: 120 Member
    I don't need accountability buddies, I really need people that feel my pain and frustration. Yes, i'm only a month into this process, but I haven't even lost 5 pounds yet and i'm working out at least 5 days a week. I need people to encourage me to keep pushing forward so that I don't quit for the thousandth time at losing the weight once and for all!

    I'm in need of a support system as well. For the first time I woke up not feeling fat and disgusting only to step on the scale heavier than ever. Part of me wants to just join the X-sized and proud. :-/
  • SisterSueGetsFit
    SisterSueGetsFit Posts: 1,211 Member
    edited May 2018
    Honestly? It's a frustrating, long and non-linear process. I have successfully lost 50 pounds with another 25 (or 30) to go. It's not been easy. I would suggest starting off with really paying attention to your calories. Buy a food scale and use it. Don't make too aggressive of a cut. You can exercise all you want, but if you're over eating, you're going to not lose, or gain. Have you put your stats in MFP? How much do you weigh? Don't make too dramatic of a calorie decrease initially as it's harder to stick with the program. Use exercise for health. Use CICO (calories in v. calories out) for weight loss.

    Also, while "support/accountability" buddies are great in theory, it's ALL 100% up to you. I've learned this the hard way. It's super nice to have a cheer section, but you and only you are responsible for what you put in your mouth.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,267 Member
    I'm doing this so slowly that I actually have my expectations set really low. If you're aiming for .5 lb a week, with natural fluctuations, there will be awesome weeks, but there will be "terrible" ones too. My best success was when I just logged my food and ignored my weight... for FOUR MONTHS. I didn't even own a scale. I just ate what gave me the most bang for my physical buck, logged it, logged exercise and had no idea what my weight was. It was very liberating for me. By the time I weighed myself, I had dropped 22 pounds.
  • healthybrandy18
    healthybrandy18 Posts: 4 Member
    I need motivation too maybe we could help each other

    Absolutely! The more help we can get the better!
  • healthybrandy18
    healthybrandy18 Posts: 4 Member
    katphi1618 wrote: »
    I don't need accountability buddies, I really need people that feel my pain and frustration. Yes, i'm only a month into this process, but I haven't even lost 5 pounds yet and i'm working out at least 5 days a week. I need people to encourage me to keep pushing forward so that I don't quit for the thousandth time at losing the weight once and for all!

    I'm in need of a support system as well. For the first time I woke up not feeling fat and disgusting only to step on the scale heavier than ever. Part of me wants to just join the X-sized and proud. :-/

    You got this!!!! I'm here for you!!!
  • countrychick_77
    countrychick_77 Posts: 11 Member
    I have always given up. But something has finally clicked and I know I need to do this for my health. I'm sorry you're having a hard time, but hopefully this will pass. Good luck and don't give up! Feel free to add me if you like.
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    If you have lost 5 lbs in a month, you are losing at a perfect rate for having 50 lbs to lose! Great job! :)

    If you are not losing as much as you think you should be, it is likely due to inaccurate logging (not using a food scale, choosing inaccurate database entries) and over-estimating calorie burns from exercise. Also, MFP defaults to 1200 calories if a selected goal (like 2 lbs/week) would otherwise take you below 1200, so a calorie allowance of 1200 may or may not result in achieving your weekly weight loss goal (assuming logging is otherwise spot-on).

    Success typically results from reasonable goals, a focus on accurate logging, and lots of patience, but there are lots of successful people here and you can be one of them.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    edited June 2018
    try2again wrote: »
    If you have lost 5 lbs in a month, you are losing at a perfect rate for having 50 lbs to lose! Great job! :)

    If you are not losing as much as you think you should be, it is likely due to inaccurate logging (not using a food scale, choosing inaccurate database entries) and over-estimating calorie burns from exercise. Also, MFP defaults to 1200 calories if a selected goal (like 2 lbs/week) would otherwise take you below 1200, so a calorie allowance of 1200 may or may not result in achieving your weekly weight loss goal (assuming logging is otherwise spot-on).

    Success typically results from reasonable goals, a focus on accurate logging, and lots of patience, but there are lots of successful people here and you can be one of them.


    Your ticker says you've lost 4 lbs, which is actually kind of great! It would be awesome if we could just flip a switch and the weight would drop off, but that's not the way it works. Unfortunately, patience is required, but the weight loss industry keeps smacking us in the face with the possibility of losing several lbs a week, which is just marketing.

    Take a deep breath, pat yourself on the back for getting started, and start building the habits that will eliminate the need for motivation and set you up to not just lose the weight, but maintain once you get there. Good luck!
  • healthybrandy18
    healthybrandy18 Posts: 4 Member
    This process is taking forever but I'm hopeful this mornings weigh in will stick. I weigh myself every day to keep myself on track and hold myself accountable.

    Does the weighing in every day discourage me, sure! But I'm much more likely to indulge and fall off the wagon if I dont weigh in the next day.

    What about you all? How often to you check your weight?
  • dajahshannon
    dajahshannon Posts: 16 Member
    I understand your frustration it is so hard to stay motivated especially when the scale isn’t moving backwards and you’ve been working so hard. What are you eating, maybe adjusting your eating habits some more would help especially since your working out so much.
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    This process is taking forever but I'm hopeful this mornings weigh in will stick. I weigh myself every day to keep myself on track and hold myself accountable.

    Does the weighing in every day discourage me, sure! But I'm much more likely to indulge and fall off the wagon if I dont weigh in the next day.

    What about you all? How often to you check your weight?

    You can weigh yourself as often as you like, but just know that the numbers from one day to the next mean nothing- it's only the long-range trend over time that matters. What you ate today doesn't show up as fat on the scale tomorrow.