
My name is Donna. I am 46 years old, and for some reason I am not motivated to lose weight. I just can’t get there. I sit behind a desk 10 hours a day, and I am about to graduate in July with my MBA, so school keeps me sitting down as well due to studying and homework. Someone please encourage me.


  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    You're here, so it would seem you want to lose the weight. No one here can push you to do it, but I can tell you that sitting all day won't stop you from losing weight. If you'll enter your stats into this site, follow the calorie goals it gives you (don't go crazy looking for fast drops, slow and steady is way better and easier to maintain), you'll lose weight. Even better would be to buy a food scale to make sure you're logging is accurate.

    Take a look through the success stories.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited May 2018
    If you don't feel the need to lose weight, you just don't, and that's okay. Sitting behind a desk doesn't take a lot of fitness, and you can do that while being overweight. If you want to lose weight, you'll also know why. I don't think others can motivate you.

    But if the issue is that you think the process of losing weight is difficult, depressing and ruining your quality of life, think again. MFP is the easiest way to lose weight. No matter what method you use, you have to eat less, and be honest about it, but MFP allows your to do that your way. No suffering, no punishment. You just weigh and log what you eat, and aim to hit a calorie target, set to make sure a body your size loses weight, but also gets enough nutrition. You can prelog for better control and faster learning. Then it's up to you, your commitment and mental toughness and self-kindness and patience.
  • mauilove72
    mauilove72 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Donna. I’ll be honest, I wasn’t very motivated when I first downloaded this app but after being on it for well over a week now, I’m feeling so much more energized and I’m already starting to see little results! Try to snack on healthy food and try yoga. Best of luck to you.
  • edmudman
    edmudman Posts: 58 Member
    Have a goal to aim for: a distance you'd like to run, a weight or dress size you'd like to be. If you've got nothing to aim for , how will you know when you get there ?
    The good news is you have 14 hours a day when you're not behind a desk, take off 6 for sleep and you've got 8 hours, factor in housework, travel and you've got four hours a day. That's alot of time to do good *kitten*.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    losing weight takes energy and focus. i find it can be all consuming and i work at making sure i don't neglect other priorities.

    It could be hard to keep your studies going the way you need, and totally change your eating habits, as you must do to lose weight.

    However, wouldn't it be awesome to get your MBA and look fit and amazing? That would motivate me to figure it out.
  • Jackie9003
    Jackie9003 Posts: 1,113 Member
    Don't look at it as a chore because then it'll become a drag and you'll give up, especially if you aren't motivated to start with.
    Take small steps and gradually build it up, start, say, by drinking more water. Then make small changes - have fruit instead of biscuits, stairs instead of the lift, that sort of thing.
    Being on here is great, get into the habit of scanning bar codes where possible and start logging what you're eating it's so simple then you might get into the flow and start measuring and weighing.
    But the most helpful thing I find is just a little bit of planning - try to have an idea of what your food for the day is going to be and try to get it within the recommendations that MFP have given you.

    Good luck, with this and your MBA!