GERD Diet Need To Lose Weight

Havery2017 Posts: 42 Member
So I have been having a great deal of stomach problems as of late, but today I went to see the GI specialist. He scheduled some tests and lab work for next week. Endoscopy and Colonoscopy fun times, right? Anyway I drastically had to change my diet. The doc has me on Miralax and a higher dose of Prilosec. He told me to lose 15 lbs. I found that a bit out, but I suppose a lot is belly fat and such. Anyway what does your daily diet look like? I seriously miss both chocolate and ice cream very much. Thanks for listening


  • kam26001
    kam26001 Posts: 2,799 Member
    Prilosec allows me to eat anything I want, although I wouldn't recommend doing that. For a few months I only ate rice, rice porridge, Rice Chex, fruit smoothies, beans, avocado, baked chicken. Avoid anything acidic. I had some non-dairy Ben & Jerry's a few times.
  • shaumom
    shaumom Posts: 1,003 Member
    Did the doc schedule any blood testing for celiac disease? Is he going to do a biopsy for celiac disease during the endoscopy? I would honestly double check that he is - it's a not uncommon cause of gut issues, but information about this disease is not always present in the medical profession (some docs know a lot, some are a lot more ignorant, sadly) so you may want to double check.

    That said...did he tell you why he wants you on miralax, and prilosec? If not...I would honestly consider calling up the office and find out why. Did he say why he wants you to lose weight? If not, same deal.

    For this reason - about 95% of the people I know with stomach issues are told by GI doctors that they should take prilosec, or Miralax, or both. Before any testing is done. It seriously seems to be this weird, automatic go-to. Like a doctor hearing you have pain and telling you to take ibuprofen, before they have a clue what is causing the pain.

    Every once in a while, there is a more concrete reason for the request, but truly, it may be helpful to find out if your doctor suspects something based on some specific symptoms you have, or if it's more a case of a knee jerk prescription that he just gives to the majority of his patients, you know?

    Although the recommendation to lose 15 pounds is, well...honestly, that one's kind of a red flag. Because it's one of those things that tends to imply that you are having gut problems 'because' of your weight... and it doesn't sound like you've done any testing yet that would support that theory.

    Otherwise, he's just randomly giving you advice that's outside of the reasons you came to see the doctor, and that's not a good sign of a doctor who is going to be paying attention to 'you' as opposed to paying attention to his own pet theories that he's going to try and fit you into, whether you actually fit or not.

    ...sorry, I know this is going off, it's only that myself, and most of my family including my child, have all had gut issues and had to deal with a 'lot' of GI doctors. And I've gotten to see everything from terrible GI's to great ones. And what you describe honestly matches up with some of our not-so-great doctors. :-( Figure I'd just pass on a few things we've experienced, in case it might be of use to you in making sure you ask the right questions, and get the care you need so you can feel better, you know?

    Good luck, and hope you get some answers soon!
  • AndyLadd27
    AndyLadd27 Posts: 6 Member
    I would highly recommend that you look up Dr Ken D Berry on you tube and his information on keto diet. Thats what I currently due and it's helped me lose 19 pounds in three months. This diet is good for many things so hopefully it works for you as well.
  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
    I also have GERD. the only thing I found that works for me (I can get an attack from drinking water) pickled ginger, like the kind that comes with sushi. I know it sounds weird. but its super cheap. all you need is one slice after you eat chew up really well and drink 6oz of water after and you should be fine. Also since I switched to doing kept over a year ago my GERD is almost completely gone. the only time I have issues is when I have carbs. look up Dr Jason Fung, dr Ken D Berry, Suzanne Ryan there are a lot of resources on you tube.
  • Havery2017
    Havery2017 Posts: 42 Member
    kam26001 wrote: »
    Prilosec allows me to eat anything I want, although I wouldn't recommend doing that. For a few months I only ate rice, rice porridge, Rice Chex, fruit smoothies, beans, avocado, baked chicken. Avoid anything acidic. I had some non-dairy Ben & Jerry's a few times.
    kam26001 wrote: »
    Prilosec allows me to eat anything I want, although I wouldn't recommend doing that. For a few months I only ate rice, rice porridge, Rice Chex, fruit smoothies, beans, avocado, baked chicken. Avoid anything acidic. I had some non-dairy Ben & Jerry's a few times.
    kam26001 wrote: »
    Prilosec allows me to eat anything I want, although I wouldn't recommend doing that. For a few months I only ate rice, rice porridge, Rice Chex, fruit smoothies, beans, avocado, baked chicken. Avoid anything acidic. I had some non-dairy Ben & Jerry's a few times.
    kam26001 wrote: »
    Prilosec allows me to eat anything I want, although I wouldn't recommend doing that. For a few months I only ate rice, rice porridge, Rice Chex, fruit smoothies, beans, avocado, baked chicken. Avoid anything acidic. I had some non-dairy Ben & Jerry's a few times.
    kam26001 wrote: »
    Prilosec allows me to eat anything I want, although I wouldn't recommend doing that. For a few months I only ate rice, rice porridge, Rice Chex, fruit smoothies, beans, avocado, baked chicken. Avoid anything acidic. I had some non-dairy Ben & Jerry's a few times.
    kam26001 wrote: »
    Prilosec allows me to eat anything I want, although I wouldn't recommend doing that. For a few months I only ate rice, rice porridge, Rice Chex, fruit smoothies, beans, avocado, baked chicken. Avoid anything acidic. I had some non-dairy Ben & Jerry's a few times.

  • Havery2017
    Havery2017 Posts: 42 Member
    I should mention that I only weigh 158 lbs currently. I’m 5’7. Last night was horrible. I ate dairy free frozen yogurt and hours later I was in excruciating pain. I worry that I am not eating enough. My body burns much more than I am eating. Oh also I have only been on Prilosec since last week.
  • Havery2017
    Havery2017 Posts: 42 Member
    Doc said the Prilosec is help with the GERD discomfort and so I can digest more foods without pain. The Miralax is due to constipation problems. Oh and the weight loss is because the weight (a lot of belly fat is too heavy on my gut.
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    Sugar causes horrible GERD symptoms for me dairy free or otherwise!! Even too much fresh fruits were causing me discomfort.