
Does anyone know of a healthier version of pizza>? Ate pizza last night, and boy oh boy I do not want to do that for a while.


  • AmyMW7
    AmyMW7 Posts: 364 Member
    I had PapaMurphy's take and bake Hawaiian de-lite and it was only 151 calories per slice (that would be 1/10th of a large pizza!!
    It made me very happy:-)
  • kristinamck
    kristinamck Posts: 4 Member
    Papa Murphy's has a De-Lite Pizza, with thin crust, if you get light cheese and veggies it's not quite as bad for you! And still tastes good :) Or you can have salad with it, and just limit your portions!
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    Have you tried making your own? You can buy bases or make them, but it's best to chose thin ones. Then top with some tomato puree and loads of veg (mushrooms, peppers or anything else you like) and a little mozzarella. As you are making it yourself you can control the amount of cheese on your pizza. When I have pizza I don't have as much as I used to but I will have carrot and cucumber sticks with a low fat humous to fill me up a bit first.
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    make your own with a whole grain crust or a mini using a whole grain tortilla. Load with veggies a little tomato sauce and mozz cheese yummo
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Walmart. . buy boboli whole wheat crust. . .. I put veggies and cheese with red pepper flake and bake. . .

    You could put sauce on it though. . like they have Classico light alfredo. . . then you can put chicken and artichokes olives. . make a white pizza. .

    My daughter likes red sauce so sometimes I put that on with the veggies. . .

    If you are going out the lowest that I have found is just plain cheese pizza at little ceasers. ..
  • Snakey74
    Snakey74 Posts: 276 Member
    I just posted a thread yesterday about pizza, because I am a total pizza addict!
    People gave me terrific ideas there, plus I found a veggie burger yesterday that tastes EXACTLY like pizza...I am thrilled!

    Good luck! :)
  • AKAMrsR
    AKAMrsR Posts: 45 Member
    We make a pizza at home that has about 1300 calories total. We used Boboli (sp?) whole wheat crust, no salt added tomato sauce, low fat mozzarella cheese and lots of veggies. We also use turkey pepperoni sometimes. The only down side is that the whole wheat crust is a little denser and we haven't figured out how to make it crispy. Overall, though, it's pretty good pizza for a lot fewer calories, and we have fun making it! :)
  • spongela
    spongela Posts: 107
    or you can try making a home made pizza i guess, with lots of vegetables
  • jamesinparis
    jamesinparis Posts: 6 Member
    A "healthier version of pizza?? You're kidding, right? Short answer is that pizza can be healthy, just watch how much you eat!!
  • I use low-cal bagels and make bagel-pizzas. Can do the same with low-cal tortillas. Also, you can use cauliflower as a base for the crust (there are many recipes online).
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    look into making them at home. lots of recipes out there on the internet.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I make my own dough.

    But pizza is not bad. It is not the enemy. Having 10 slices is bad. (or good, depending on how you look at it. *wink*)
  • thebunnies
    thebunnies Posts: 168
    i like making mini-pizzas.. arnold's sandwich thins, a little sauce (or salsa!), cheese, veggies, whatever you like!
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    I had a fantastic low cal pizza at Strada... flat bread with a pizza sauce, loads of exciting salad and olives and grated Parmesan and other goodies to numerous to mention... The menu said 'all items marked with a * are under 600 Calories' so dont know exactly what it was, but it was filling, lovely and quite pizzary.

    OK, it wasn't real pizza, but it was close and in many ways superior... I find 'real' pizza very greasy now - I just don't enjoy it that much - although a quality thin crust which is heavy on the veggies and light on the cheese is still a thing of joy.
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I too make my own pizza at home with Flatout light flatbreads. They're huge... they're tasty and they come in different flavors.... even a tomato or tomato basil one and a spinach variety. Cheese is a very important selection on this one as well. I use very very little cheese and always fat free - it doesn't exactly melt, but it's not so bad. I've found some lean ground turkey that's nice for a meat option, but I usually go with the Boca 'meat' crumbles. I also mix it up with the vegetables on mine. I cook thinly sliced onions, bell pepper, portabello mushrooms and matchstick carrots until very soft. Those go well on pizza and carrots in any sort of pizza or pasta sauce is an easy winner in my house. I always put finely diced carrots in my sauces for an extra veg serving. Black olives always go on my pizza too and I cut the sliced versions in half so it looks like more. For me, sometimes eating something that I used to crave is all about satisfying the eye first. If it looks good, and then tastes good, I'm set. :)
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Loaded with veggies and little or *gasp* no cheese will not give you greasy regrets afterwards. :bigsmile:
  • Making your own can be much cheaper, tastier and healthier. My favorite pizza used to be a pepperoni pan pizza. The problem is that it's so greasy and calorie laden that even modest amounts would kill my calorie count and make me not feel my best. We now make our own pizza and it's much better. Here are a couple tips:

    1) We make dough in a bread machine. That way, all I have to do is put in the ingredients, turn the machine to dough mode, and two hours I've got fresh dough. The only "unhealthy" ingredient in a good recipe is a small bit (1Tbsp in this case) of olive oil. It also allows you to cut down on salt from what regular pizza joints put in their dough.
    2) Pre-Cook Toppings: We used hormel pepperoni on our pizzas...but before putting any on the pizza, I place it in a microwavable bowl with two paper towels for 1 minute. That small amount of cooking removes an amazing amount of grease without affecting the taste at all.
    3) I dice up pepperoni slices and sprinkle them on the pizza. That way you get a more even distribution and don't need nearly as much to get the same taste. This reduces the grease and calorie totals.

    Using this method, I can make a much better tasting pizza, and the calorie counts are estimated to be anywhere between 33% and 50% less than a slice of frozen or delivered pizza. I also don't feel nearly as heavy, lazy or thirsty afterwards. Of the end of the day, the best way to knock 250 calories out of your diet is to have on less slize and replace it with a healthy snack a few hours later.

    Good luck!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I make them on whole wheat English muffins. My kids love them that way. And any pizza can be okay in small quantities as long as you avoid pepperoni or sausage.

    And I also like Papa Murphy's DeLites. LOVE the new Thai Chicken. Might be my favorite pizza EVER.